Who We Are At PMI

Who We Are At PMI

Our Voices of Inspiration?

After the celebration of International Women’s Day back in March, we launched a project to highlight the many inspiring women and their male allies across PMI. The idea was to ask employees to nominate those around them who they felt are an inspiration or advocate for women in the workplace.?

The results were beyond anything we’d ever imagined.??

We’ve had over 1,500 nominations, across 63 countries.?

Now more than ever, we’re committed to building an inclusive culture and workplace reflective of the world’s diversity. Our focus is on creating an environment where our employees from across the globe can be their true selves at work, contribute their best, support each other, and drive the innovation and consumer-centricity needed to help us achieve our vision of a smoke-free future.?

You Asked, We Listened: Smoke-free Alternatives?

We recently asked our audiences what they wanted to learn more about at PMI.??

The results are in, and we’re pleased to see you wanted to find out more about our smoke-free alternatives. Allow us to explain:?

Significant scientific and technological developments in recent years have led to the commercialization of a wide range of smoke-free products. Quitting tobacco and nicotine altogether is always the best choice for any smoker. However, for those adult smokers who don’t quit, science-backed smoke-free alternatives, while addictive and not risk-free, are a better choice than continued smoking. These products are designed to satisfy the diverse taste, usage and technology preferences of every adult smoker.?

This is just the tip of the iceberg, and there’s a lot more to delve into, but find out more about the role of smoke-free alternatives below.?

Thank you for subscribing to The Spotlight - stay tuned for more updates in the coming months and if you don’t already, please follow our social media channels here:?

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Raja Haroon

Civil Engineer

2 个月

I agree

Beatriz Cecilia Sánchez Leyva

Biotechnology Engineer Project Manager Experienced Specialist in Sustainable Principles

2 个月

Hi there, what a great notice to have some changes into the cigarretes world. I would like to know more about what is PMI going to sell and what message would be to highlight the importance of changing habbits for smokers :D Hope we can see more content in LinkedIn or present this through a Seminar or Zoom meeting.?

Patrick Hermann ACAFFOU

Technicien en étude et économie de la construction en batiment chez Criem(A l'écoute d'opportunités)

2 个月

La fumée est dangereuse pour la santé car c'est l'ennemi premier des poumons et le foie. Les fumeurs doivent fumer avec modération car en toute chose , l'excès nuit.

rodolphe gilbert-collet

retraité hyper actif chez retraité

2 个月

le plus dur ennemi du fumeur c'est de la nicotine mais surtout des habitudes et des rituels à briser

Dennis Bruns DDS

Shining the light on Big Tobacco, for continued use of nicotine and addiction for profit, under guise of THR. Fair Disclosure:Unabashed 22nd Century Group (XXII) investor learn more @ tryVLN.com reduced nicotine.com

2 个月


