Hey Everyone!

I am Steven Minnick and I am reaching out to all my followers to let you know what we do and why we do it with a little bit of background. My wife, Molly, and i run this business and started from scratch. We met at work and soon got married and pregnant. We both lived in different places much closer to the city. She told me I could move an hour away.....so i did. Of course she followed.

We originally invested in some chickens for eggs. I alone was eating 4-6 a day just for breakfast. After continued research into what the government was allowing to be put into our food, we branched out and invested in some meat chickens, cornish cross. They get big and fast! We already had two bee hives from my brother since he moved away so we collected honey and soon had a surplus and started selling. We hit out first market in 2020 so the addiction began! We continued and baked pies and did whatever we could to make a buck.

In 2021 we bought some registered ABA Berkshire pigs, processed them and stuck them in the freezer. We experimented with brines and seasonings. It got us through but we bought more.... In 2022 we bought 4. Two for breeding and two for us. We also added turkeys and more chickens to the chaos as well as Registered Katahdin sheep. Go big or go home right? Well at breeding age at the end of 2022 the sheep were put together. December 2022 of breeding age for the pigs we tried our hand at artificial insemination. This is not an easy task as some may think. Try number three worked and after a missed heat cycle three weeks later we were pregnant.

This brings us to today in 2023. Lambs have been born with one ewe still pregnant. Two pregnant gilts due n two weeks and another to follow three weeks later. Adding a boar will help with propogation later this year for batch number two.

We start farmers market in May and we have a Pig to sell by the cut in order to get people interested. We already have a slot at the butcher for 8, but we will probably take 10. At ten pigs they will lender lard for us and we will sell or distribute evenly according to half or whole orders.

We continue to do more and grow as we can but truth is.... this is expensive and times are tough. This is either make it or break it. We count on social media and word of mouth to get our product out there to continue this first generation farm saga. Its not for the faint of heart but I would much rather be outside with animals than inside all day.

We currently have 3 registered Katahdin ram lambs for sale - deposits until weaning age. We are also taking deposits for half and whole orders of pork. If your curious at shipping let me know. remember the more you order the cheaper shipping is per pig. We also have pollen infused honey available in 1/2 and whole pound bottles.

So talk to your friends, family and coworkers and lets make something work. I will be sending out updates on the farm along with products available.

If you have topics or questions you would like to talk about please let me know.


