Who We Are

Who We Are

We exist to help the body of Christ initiate and accelerate missions ministry on a global scale in order to bring closure to the Great Commission. For the past forty years, Go To Nations missionary leaders have helped equip and empower tens of thousands of individuals and churches around the world to make a greater missions impact through our church and ministry empowerment tools, missionary equipping process, and the many opportunities we provide.

As missionaries ourselves, we understand the complexities of what it takes to equip and send laborers to the nations and the physical, social, economic, and systemic barriers to the gospel. Without adequate preparation and support, missionaries can struggle, get burned out, feel discouraged, and quit. Our heart is take what we have earned and reproduce ourselves in those we serve to see them flourish and the kingdom of God expanded globally. Through transformational training, the Lord has helped us create generational ministry–in both urban and rural areas–among some of the least reached. We have established an apostolic family, as spiritual mothers and fathers, to bring about strong spiritual reproduction with many of our ministry and equipping tracks now in their 4th generation of leadership.

This is why we are one of the leading missions-sending organizations of full-time missionaries within the American church community and have emerged among other organizations as having one of the premiere missionary sending tracks that is well-defined and highly effective. We have raised the standard in pre-field preparation, missionary placement, leadership development, and missionary care resulting in long-term ministry success. Our intentional focus on raising up and establishing next-generation leaders, both state-side and abroad, ensures that laborers continue to be equipped and sent to the nations until the Great Commission is fulfilled and Jesus Christ returns. For every one Go To Nations missionary, scores of national workers and ministers are discipled, trained, and launched into ministry every single year.

Through the many projects our missionaries conduct, orphans are rescued, at-risk women, children, and youth receive ministry, communities are being transformed, people are provided with needed skills development and education, and national ministers are being equipped to impact their own nations and beyond. Where a few Go To Nations missionaries have started, now whole networks of ministers, church planting movements, Bible schools and practical ministry training continues to expand through those we have trained. Many of the key national Christian leaders in the former Soviet Union, Latin America, Africa, and Asia are graduates of one of our Bible schools and continue in relationship with Go To Nations leaders around the world even today. We have established a lasting legacy that has impacted over 100 nations to date.
