Who is Trading in Dangerous Myths?
Dr. Gerard Rodgers PsyD CPsychol DCoP APA Affiliate
Mental Health PsyD
Highly intricate way to argue against stating the overt risks of rolling back on prior commitments to trans rights, and all the several reversals in legislative successes by the Republican right in anti trans legislation.
Leor Sapir is identified as a conservative political scientist.?
Why this caught my attention is a digital psychoanalytic friend interacted with Leor and offered some practice recommendations that involved significant clinical oversight and keeping tabs on it; if the recommendations were followed, that would involve significant investment oversight resources over a long period.?
Leor's intervention in tweet and in article itself says it is reckless for some activists to state the pernicious risks of rolling back on protections/gains, as if there were no real consequences, for belonging and social solidarity, as positive mediators for trans identified youth, and thus, no elevation toward suicide.
Leor and others say those who subscribe to sending out such an inflamed message of risk are the real enemy.?
Lets unpack that a bit?
In a relatively recent publication, Suicide Prevention: A Practical Guide for the Practitioner - Psychiatry and Healthcare, the writers say the "challenge of suicide prevention is complicated by the fact, that nearly 80% of suicidal patients, who subsequently died by suicide denied, suicide ideation during their last communication with a hospital." from Suicide Prevention: A Practical Guide for the Practitioner 2018. Springer International Publishing.?
Leor says nothing about any of this, which is at least, a tacit distortion of risk calculus.?Affirmative recognition for trans rights is underplayed, coupled with an attack on the minority stress hypotheses; as if social mechanisms and the constitutive function of state protection is underplayed as not significant.
There is no mention of how more potent the recent polarisation is, compared to Bush's compassionate conservatism, which actually succeeded in slowing down the momentum supports for marriage equality in the US, the message of one man + one woman = marriage equality, reinvigorating for the right hand of God.?
But the current climate in the US is more more divisive and more adept, where technosystems are fired up, coupled with a master ground game plan to control key local governance sites.?
Their opening salvo now from one of the front runners is?
'Most Americans instinctively know that something has gone wrong with our country over the past generation. During times of turmoil, people want leaders who are willing to speak the truth, stand up for what is right, and demonstrate the courage necessary to lead?
(Ron DeSantis 2023: The Courage to be Free)
Leor Sapir's tweet has 7,000 likes and about 2000 re-shares.?Thursday 15th June 2023
Rory O'Neill (Panti) says recently in Pride GCN June 2023
'If you're a queer person and you see all this shit coming toward us. I would hope it would light a bit of a fire in you."?
Unlike the recommendations by Leor, I think we confront, by stating explicitly the stakes, particularly when health care says there is a disconnect with clinical practice and lack of prior knowledge of 80% completed suicide.?
This brings me full circle to the overt and glaring myth:
'Who exactly is Reckless and Irresponsible"?