Who Told You That God Makes Junk?
Who told you that God makes junk? Junk is another word for garbage. The word garbage is defined as, a thing that is considered worthless or meaningless. According to research, if you were to tally up the organs, bone marrow and DNA of the human body, it alone is worth at least 45 million dollars. That’s just by existence, alone. If you were to include the life of a human being, well, we all know the answer to this –it would be priceless. I know that may sound a bit cliché, but the fact of the matter is this, it’s actual precise and quite the understatement.
Around spring of 2017, my family and I had the great opportunity of visiting the Creation Museum in Petersburg, KY (as well as The Ark Experience, but that's for another article). We explored the history of the earth and creation itself, which I assumed to do so, anyway. But to be quite frank, I had absolutely no clue that by skimming through artifacts and fossils, I’d encounter the heart of God! Seriously!
There was a room in the museum that was full of dead insects, all different kinds and species. My fascination shocked me, as I am definitely not a fan of…bugs. But there was for instance, a type of that was protected behind glass that was absolutely beautiful, strange to say! Not in a pretty context, but in a “Who’d ever think of making THAT?!” kind of beautiful. I’d never seen it before, but from this one bug were many others that looked just like it, yet a tad bit different – a different color, a longer horn, shorter legs, wider shell, a bit more metallic looking, etc. And behind this case were so many of the same species, but each one...unique. All I remember thinking when looking up from these insects was, “Wow! God sure had a fun creating this world! He put so much thought into…each…one.”
Okay now, I got all of that from a "bug room". Come on. Now just think about yourself and how much more...cont. reading