Who Told You… You Can’t Succeed?
??Meshell R Baker??
Translating the Perception of Chaos into a Practical & Profitable Confidence | Chief Confidence Igniter | Transformative Keynote Speaker | Authentic Selling Alchemist | Confident Living Catalyst
Meshell’s Success Misnomer #1 – There is no can’t. There are an infinite number of ways to get to your desired result.
Let’s get right down to it. The reason we struggle is not because of a lack of resources. But instead, it is our beliefs limiting our ability to activate our resourcefulness. Most often there is NO ONE telling us we can’t. It is what we have been saying to ourselves for so long, we believe it.
And it’s these negative thoughts and self-talk, that you can’t seem to get a hold of, bringing your drive and determination to a screeching halt. And all that’s left… the seeds of dreams deferred and disappointing thoughts that unchecked will harvest the excuses and alibis of why you can’t or why you’re not ready. We are what repeatedly tell ourselves.
C – Conditioning
A – Accepts
N – Negative
T – Truths
You see can’t is not just a symbol of your disbelief in your abilities. What has happened, over time, is a deep-rooted distrust of yourself. Which bring forth behaviors of minimal effort followed by can’t or endless discussions of why it can’t work. Still not sure if what I’m saying is true? (Don’t believe me?) Here is an activity to demonstrate the power of your negative and recurring thoughts.
Decide to do an activity that makes you feel uncomfortable, by end of the today. Write it down and tell someone who will hold you accountable. Text me if you don’t have a good accountability partner 512.937.3263 Now, I want you to capture (write or voice memo) all the thoughts you have, throughout the day, about the impending uncomfortable activity. Here are some questions to help you track your thoughts.
- Are your thoughts positive or negative?
- Do I believe what I’m thinking?
- Are these thoughts helping me?
- What am I imagining about the activity?
- Is my imagination positive or negative?
What you are going to discover is what you are telling yourself is either helping or hurting you. And either way, there is always room to grow and improve. To have the career and life you desire demands aligning your thoughts to empower you to create and deliver possibility. This is the ultimate sale and how you sell yourself. By believing that there is no problem to great for you to deliver.
What do I mean by possibility? It is your belief in yourself to create, to direct your thoughts toward a favorable outcome for all involved. This is why the Top 1% of Sales Performers are exceptional. They work from the inside out. Believing first and foremost in themselves and their abilities before engaging prospects and customers.
Here’s an example of possibility. If I gave you a box of vanilla cake mix and said, “bake a cake.” What I would expect, and what you would deliver, would be a vanilla cake. Now, if I gave you that same box of vanilla cake mix and said “make a dessert.” Well, now the fun begins! I have set your mind free of the confines of the expected. Your mind begins to expand and imagine the possibility. You get to deliver results that exceed expectations and showcase just how extraordinary you can be… given the chance.
To further illustrate the expansiveness of possibilities. I googled “unconventional ways to bake a cake” and came across, “16 Unexpected Things You Can Do With Cake Mix.” Here’s the list:
- No-Bake Funfetti Cheesecake Cups
- Chocolate Cake Batter Ice Cream
- Rolo Cookies
- Strawberry-Lime Gooey Bars
- Chocolate-Banana Cake Batter Shake
- Tres Leches Caketini
- Shortcut Coconut-Almond Macaroons
- Red Velvet Waffles
- Skinny Cake Batter No-Churn Ice Cream
- Caramel Blossoms
- Cake Batter Fudge
- Cake Batter Cookies
- Cake Batter Whipped Cream
- Key Lime Cheesecake Cookie Cups
- Orange Creamsicle Rice Krispie Treats
- Pistachio Pudding Cookies
Isn’t it amazing, the power of words?! Two very similar phrases, both with only three words command very different outcomes. What does baking cakes have to do with your success? Well, nothing, I like the metaphor and I like cake….:-)
What I do want you to take away from this, just like the instructions for making the cake, you are giving yourself instructions all day long. Research shows that we think and average of 12,000 – 60,000 thoughts per day. And without positive activities and routines over 80% of those thoughts are negative and 95% are repetitive. No wonder it’s so hard to succeed. Think about what you are saying to yourself all day long.
- Is it empowering?
- Is it encouraging?
- Is it expanding?
Are you your own No. 1 Fan or your worst nightmare? Would you talk to your best friend or beloved the way you speak to yourself when things don’t go right or as expected? This is real talk I’m giving you. Why? Because, I am on a mission to ban the phrase, "trying to figure it out." I strongly maintain that your BELIEF empowers You to bridge the gap and create your I’mPossible Dreams. There are limitless ways to discover your answers and solutions as well as an endless abundance of opportunity and it all begins when you believe you can.
Remember can’t limits your thoughts and deters you from creating the amazing. People who do incredible and amazing things, those who defy the odds and achieve greatness do so despite their humble beginnings, upbringings, devastating setbacks, and heart-stopping losses. They look past what is visible to their eyes and focus on the unseen and unknown.
C – Creativity
A – Actively
N – Nurtured
I believe the best way to improve your sales is to improve your mind. The best ways to build your mind are with courses, community, and coaching. Always remember, You can and will succeed.
Meshell Baker, helps business owners and sales leaders to empower their people to have confidence in their job roles and establish unstoppable confidence. Meshell, along with her team, leverages her 25+ years of sales and leadership success in more than a dozen countries, to inspire energetic and collaborative communication that elevates business results.
Meshell is a Sales & Confidence Igniter, Authentic Selling Zealot, Co-Founder of Shift/Co Global Business Growth Community for Conscious Entrepreneurs, and an Award-Winning International Keynote Speaker. She is an amazing gift of clarity renowned for inspiring clients and audiences to be less transactional and more experiential. She masterfully teaches her clients to confidently change their conditions. Meshell will ignite your people with her no-nonsense approach transforming your obstacles into opportunities and problems into profitability! www.MeshellBaker.com
OVERVIEW: You dream of being comfortable in your own skin. You feel like you don't belong and at any moment will be found out as a fraud. But you also dream of more influence, impact, income, and success. Imposter syndrome often surfaces as feeling like a phony.
OBJECTIVES: This workshop will confront the feelings of being found out and not belonging. Replacing them with a clear understanding of what it means to be consistently confident and have sustained success. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE
Saturday, June 19, 2021 --> 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM CDT - VIRTUAL VISION BOARD GATHERING: FINISHING 2021 FIERCE & FABULOUS!
A vision board isn’t just about pasting pictures to get the stuff you want. Don’t get me wrong you can and will get what you want through intention, but there is so much more. You can create a vision that inspires you to face challenges, obstacles, and your greatest fears. A vision done well will draw out your heart’s deepest desire lighting your soul on fire!
82 percent of small business owners who’ve used vision boards since startup say they have accomplished more than half their goals so far. 76 percent of small business owners who've used vision boards and images to create their companies say their businesses are where they envisioned them. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER
DISCOVER WHAT CONFIDENCE CAN DO FOR YOU! - I am on a mission to change the way the world embraces confidence. If you, your employees, your team, or someone you know could benefit from more confidence, schedule a call to learn more about Meshell: SCHEDULE A DISCOVERY CALL WITH MESHELL