Col (R) Hassan Yousuf
Trainer Futurology, Smart Management & IT / Digi Tech at Pakistan Institute of Management
Dear readers the recent issue of Sialkot Ramzan Bazar speaks volume about apathy, rowdiness, misconduct and highly unprofessional attitude, whose focal person was AC (a lady) with very wrong notions. On Her Visit to the SASTAS BAZAR Dr.Firdous Ashiq Awan when asked about the bad quality of stuff being sold in Ramzan Bazar which fell in the area of responsibility of the AC concerned. The AC retorted, snobbishly mimicked & made fun of Dr. Sahiba with highly irrational and most offending logic before the Punjab CM representative. It appeared as if she was well prepared in siding some political party and wanted Govt to fail in the eyes of people of Pakistan .The same day it did happen at the same place when an old lady abused PM of Pakistan for the mismanagement in Ramzan Bazar and she called him BETI CHOD (daughter Fucker).Had there been any one else who was PTI /PM PAKISTAN admirer ,he would have behaved in the worst possible manner as compared to Dr. Firdous Awan. When apportioning blame question comes I would say 10% Dr. Awan 90% Lady AC. Of course Lady AC needs not to be sheltered by the Chief Secretary Punjab she should be posted out immediately? Dear readers the purpose of this article is not to paint an even gloomier picture of reality than we are used to seeing, it is rather to help explain how the government really operates, and how the masses keep getting played without knowing who to actually blame. Social justice and equality is where reform needs to start. Fortunately PTI Regime is sincerely committed in initiating institutional reforms, but the others have joined hand to derail Imran Khan. Media, Opposition, Miscreants. Money launders, Bureaucrats, Parliament & Part of Judiciary are big hurdles.
1 .Factually speaking, bureaucrats should have been experts on issues, but that is no longer the reality. Most of them are manipulators (called King Makers). Since inception the over growing hold of DMG (District Management Group) over the working of all tiers of bureaucracy has created a situation where non-expert bureaucrats have more sway than they should. But since they are working in the background, no one raises an issue. Additionally, as they cannot be fired from their jobs, they keep surviving unchallenged, more than any other arm of the government. The worst that can happen to bureaucrats is to be suspended or made in to OSDs. But quite crucially, the bureaucracy has an institutional memory i.e. they know how things work in Pakistan, so they simply cannot be alienated. This is why all attempts at civil service reform get shot down as soon as they are started.
2 .The prevalent belief is that there are two kinds of governments that have ruled Pakistan: military and civilian politicians. This is merely an illusion of what has really been going on.Thing is, the military and the politicians are the faces of the operation.The government is made up of three permanent and one rotating part. The rotating part is the face of the government i.e. politicians, while the three permanent portions are the bureaucracy, the military and the judiciary.
3 .The bureaucracy is the single most important arm of the government, and the most influential one. As they work in the backdrop, they avoid the blame for the blunders while taking credit for the successes. As they are the implementers of government programmes, they have a lot more sway then people think they do. They are the ones who design and plan public relief programmes which eventually get recommended to politicians, who then approve or disapprove them. What the are doing is pushing the country towards abyss of disaster. Most of them are corrupt or cronies of money lauders. Ever since PTI regime started they were found highly noncooperatetive & badly an stumbling block in Pakistan’s prosperity. Yet some of them are good too,but very few?
4 .Judiciary. Judiciary has gained its current level of importance only recently, as a direct result of the lawyer’s movement. Judiciary is also bureaucratic in its operations, but compared to the bureaucracy, it is more exposed to the public courtesy its function as a justice delivery organization. But recently a number of their decisions /judgments were very unjustified, biased and lack luster. You cannot name very many criminals of money laundering that are scared of our judiciary. Some of them are/were Sicilian Mafias of the legal domain like Faiz Esa,Judge qasim,Iftikhar chudhry,etc, etc.
5 .Military. Military being a highly organized class on the other hand, has a lot more public exposure than the other two permanent arms of the government Military is visible face of governance in Pakistan. Military has had to run its core operations of securing the borders while looking for national security interests along with ensuring that the larger interests in the system are maintained. In past few days their contribution in foreign policy streamlining is commendable. They are neither corrupt nor do the take side of the corrupt politicians and dirty Mafias.
6 .Politicans. They are only 27 per cent of the 'system.Politicians are the most publicly exposed of all arms of the government. Dependent on public votes for their positions, they are the least permanent ones too, and have no option but to accept responsibility for the failures of the other three permanent arms of the government.From this perspective, the public only choose 27 per cent of the government and that 27 per cent is responsible for the other 73 per cent that is free to act without taking direct blame for most things.Owing to the very design of this entire system, the elites get to dictate the rules of the game i.e. they determine the extent to which they will tolerate deviation of any part of the system from their specific interests. So when the system comes to halt and/or is suffering from internal conflict, what's actually happening is that different groups of elite are having a conflict over the protection of their respective interests. The moment they sort out their conflicts is the moment all the clashing of institutions comes to a halt. Unfortunately, the way Pakistan’s politics has grown in design, the elites fight their wars through pitting civil and military leaderships under the guise of technical conflicts, while all the time, the subject matter goes undiscussed. 7 .The common man assumes the purpose of the government to be a service delivery organization. Thing is, without social justice and equality, the government’s service delivery process is seriously skewed in favour of appeasing its core constituency for survival i.e. the elites.One must realise that the way our 'system' is built, the core constituency of anyone in power is never the general public. And the general public’s anger is just aimed at 25 per cent of the government that screws them over while the permanent lynchpins of the system stay in place regardless of who the face is.It is also crucial to realise that in this scenario, there are varying degrees of incentives to be dishonest for each stakeholder. For politicians, their skewed focus on pleasing the elites in order to complete their democratic tenure leaves them with low public support for the next election cycle. This leaves them with incentive to be dishonest and corrupt as the punishment for doing so is high i.e. they will be voted out.The judiciary, being the weakest, is still in the process of figuring out its potential extent of incentives. The bureaucracy, on the other hand, is the one with the most incentive to be dishonest and corrupt, as their punishment is next to nothing.
8. It's the bureaucracy who enjoys. So while the system lets the ones with the most incentive to be corrupt (bureaucracy) go unpunished, it is merciless to the part of the government (politicians) with the lowest incentive to be dishonest. Additionally, it is custom-built to support the interests of a few. Unfortunately, our masses have been led to believe that only a certain component (23 per cent) of the government is responsible for the doom and gloom.To add insult to injury, the democratic governments have to ask the bureaucrats to be the judge of the performance and effectiveness of politicians.