Who Takes The Merit at workplace?
Isaac Iwalaiye MBA,BEng
Customer Success Account Manager @ Microsoft | Enabling Organizations to digitally transform|
In the business world today, there can very stiff competition. Everyone keep shielding their job and working to achieve/attain their company given objective to keep their status quo.
The common questions are as follows:
1. How do I get a good appraisal from my superior and from other line managers?
2. How do I please my boss?
3. What do I do to be rated the best?
4.How can I get that commission?
5. How can I take the merit?
It has become more of the ‘’How can I ‘’ and the line of people who believe it should be ‘’How can we’’ keep getting thinner by the day. The very fact is that companies exist to make profit and if does not fulfil that objective, then why the team?
Most people at workplace in the process tend to odd information from their colleagues so they can’t measure up to them in the process. They are the king of the jungle, they say if am not their, the work will suffer and crash.
In some cases other people’s effort are being hijacked and management is meant to believe that the job was perfectly carried out by the one who takes the merit but did not do the job. It is about me, and once I get the merit, others can go to hell and because of selfishness, companies keep losing good hands as they are commonly used as scape goat for incompetent individuals while in the process, companies keep operating at a loss instead of making profit. This made me to believe that this is a very sensitive issue that must be dealt within any forward looking organization.
As a matter of fact, I have asked myself about ‘’who takes the merit afterall?’’
The individual or the Team or the Company?
In my opinion, the mentality of the ‘’How can I’’ must change for companies to make giant stride and be where they ought to be. The concentration must be on the team
The reasons are as follows:
1. To promote free flow of information among free flow of information in the workplace. People should be able to learn from others and promote themselves.
2. The increasing rate of back-stabbing and betrayer at workplace will be reduced to the minimal.
3. Company work process will take shorter time to be achieve when people are free to share information’s with others.
4. Superiors will be able to mentor other up -coming employees without a fear of losing their place.
5.Competent hands will be mentored and remain for a long time with the company.
6 Finally, company will be able to make more profit.
For More information about me, you can reach me via me email: [email protected] or follow me on my twitter handle : @Omobanjaye