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Last week in yoga class , as I was struggling through a couple of the poses, a thought popped up in my mind; I am not limber or advanced in my practice but I go to yoga so that I can continue to touch my toes. Now I know that yoga is not about success or keeping score, but I couldn’t help but look around for a bit. I needed the blocks to help support me in a specific series. Looking around there were many people that didn’t have to use the blocks for support. Doesn’t everyone use the blocks at some point, though?
So, if at some point we all need to use the yoga blocks, why don’t we? If we all need support who is in our corner? Create a list of the people you respect and would turn to for advice, networking, or help in a crisis. Or think about those individuals you just enjoy speaking to about work or any sort of conversation. This takes work, just like a consistent yoga practice. Who supports you? Who do you turn to ask and get real meaningful advice and support? Some categories of support to think about:
- Who is someone from your past you want to reconnect with now?
- Who is a thought leader you ant to connect with;someone who will challenge you?
- Who is a superconductor to help you with networking?
- Who is someone you want to mentor?
These are just a couple of categories to consider and think about. Who are other people that you would like to get support from? It is hard to ask for support but leadership is a team sport. We all need support. Who are you going to reach out to this week? Make a list this week. Here are two books to help and motivate you as well.