‘Who six pack epp?’ part 2
kayode kolade
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"Do you want the world to revolve around you? If it's all about you, then it's all up to you. While you are valuable, you aren't essential; you are appreciated and important but not central or indispensable**."
The positive turning point on my journey towards creative expression was when I looked for ways to solve problems for people with the resources I have instead of waiting to get resources I didn’t have.
This book you are reading is the product of a question that was heavy on my mind – how can I really help people?
To become all you are created to be, you must shift the attention from yourself to others.
Lesson 25: We have always been told to 'find or discover ourselves'; now is the time for us to 'find each other,' in doing this we will find ourselves.
Whoever wants to be great must be a servant; look for opportunities to serve instead of waiting to be served***.
Give away your life, you will find life given back; given back with bonus and blessing****.
Anyone who holds on to life as it is destroys that life. But if you let it go, reckless in your love, you’ll have it forever*****.
Please it’s NOT about martyrdom, it’s about BALANCE and COMPASSION and figuring out new ways to live together; ways that allow everyone to prosper.
To continue reading, get your free chapter of my book Beconomy using the link beconomy.pagedemo.co