Who should you network with?
Everyone always asks me, “Who should I network with?”
And my answer to these very subjective, very open-ended questions is:
It depends.
If you’re brand new to networking, this is a GREAT time to establish a deliberate direction in which to point your compass.
(and even if you’re not new - this is still a great time to review your current strategies and assess if the path you’re on is still the best path for your future needs!)
Here’s what I would recommend doing first:
Make a list of groups that you both need + want to network with, or know you will encounter as you go about your life.
My groups:
When you have end goals, it’s easier to help you swiftly categorize each new person you come across so you can better allocate the amount of energy and time you invest in each connection.
After all - you probably wouldn’t invest the same effort into a relationship with a stranger than you would on your wife, would you?
Or give more to your church group than you would to your own children, right?
Networking has the same relational mindset - you grow where you are planted, and what thrives is often what gets watered the most consistently.
Here are some examples of the primary connections I plant seeds into and water regularly:
Some examples of secondary connections who are still important, but who I won’t necessarily answer my phone in the middle of my son’s piano recital are:
Some nice-to-have network connections look like:
And finally: acquaintances only.?
Which are essentially the people you see at all those local networking events who are familiar to you…but who don’t actually contribute relevant value to your personal or professional needs.? Sure, it’s fun to grab a drink with them on those days, but if the extent of your relationship is based on nothing more…are they truly worth being (and staying) on your radar?? Do you really want to take resources away from your primary group to invest into these acquaintances, knowing full well that you probably won’t see those favors returned anytime soon - if at all?
Networking can be an amazing tool if you keep it sharp, and use it right.
But it starts with not buying tools for the sake of having a full toolbox purely to show off to the masses.? That’s called clutter, folks...lol.
And if you clutter up your LinkedIn by accepting all kinds of this-could-be-useful-one-day-I-swear! “connections” (which you know full well that you will never actually use - and who have no use for you either), do you think the algorithm will actually show you posts or articles that are relevant to you in this season of your life?
So today, I give you permission to exfoliate your social media of any connections who don’t positively serve you or your future.
And I bet you, in just a few short weeks, you’ll finally get the opportunity to see those network connections who haven’t been showing up in your path like they should.
And can start to engage with them a little more - both online, and perhaps, in person.
And maybe, just maybe, those network connections will finally get the chance to make a deposit into your life in some way...