Who Should Use AI In Your Company?

Who Should Use AI In Your Company?

If your company is considering using AI, one of your first questions will be, “Who will learn this stuff?” Then you may ask “Where do we start?” Or “Which tool do we use?” AI (Artificial Intelligence) is absolutely the most revolutionary innovation to impact our work, business, and even personal lives in decades. But as long as humans remain in charge, it is still something that should be considered a tool. A tool designed to help us do things better or more efficiently. But the questions remain…

How Do I Start Using AI?

I was recently at a conference and most of the breakout session presenters had some type of slide that showed the AI tools that they were using or suggesting to help viewers take action on what they were teaching. Then I saw a pattern arise after watching the Qamp;A session of each presentation.

After seeing the wall of logos from AI powered companies, many in the audience were both inspired by the opportunity, but discouraged by the work that was ahead of them to learn how to use all of these tools. It was as if they were inspired to buy a new home and someone just showed them the latest innovations in power tools.

They want to get things done, not spend time learning tools.

As an agency owner, it actually gave me some relief into how AI would impact us. We spend hours studying the latest technology each week. The purpose for us is to learn how to become more efficient for our customers. We do not shy away from saying that we use AI to deliver for them. In fact we are happy to tell them that we are studying all of the tools so that they don’t have to. Studying AI for efficiency is a part of our weekly research and development.

So unless you are working with a company like Content Monsta and paying them for the time to research what tools to do the job efficiently and how to use them, this is where you start. You start with research.

Start researching what parts of your company, tasks, or productivity are jobs for AI by asking these questions.

  • Where could you use an extra “brain”?
  • What are you spending time analyzing that could be done faster?
  • What are you creating that could be done faster with the assistance of AI?
  • What math, writing, or creative tasks can we improve?
  • What experts are we missing in our company?
  • Where could we benefit from fast extraction and summary of the data we already have?

Now that you know where to start, next you need to understand which tools to use.

Which AI Tools Do I Need?

The AI tools that you use in your business activities depend on the goals that you are trying to accomplish. Each day, new tools are being developed specifically for your industry and the tasks that you do. After answering the questions above and you know where to start, then research which tools best do those specific tasks. Once you start looking, you undoubtedly will find an avalanche of tools claiming to be your AI savior.

At this point it is important to know that most of these tools will be using one of the major AI “engines” under the hood. Companies like OpenAI, Google, and Anthropic have APIs (computer connections) that allow them to be the engines for many of the new AI software companies that pop up. So it is important to know that the innovation lies under the hood, not in their marketing claims. This also means that some of these shiny tools will come and go within months. You can’t depend on them for your long term business plans. The solution to this again lies in the research and development that you or your agency need to do in order to make sure that you invest in the right tools.

So which AI tools do you need? You need the ones that are the most stable in development, go deep into serving specific tasks, and are designed to do that specific task well. Something that we have learned in our research at Content Monsta is that even though many AI platforms have become “multi-modal” meaning that they can do text, images, and even audio - none of them are the best at all of those tasks. We use separate tools for each task to get the best outcome.

--- Continue reading the article on ALeeJudge.com to to discover the key roles in your company that should be trained in AI, how to identify the most beneficial AI tools for your specific needs, and strategies to integrate AI seamlessly into your business processes. ---


A. Lee Judge is the Co-Founder and CMO of Content Monsta, a digital content marketing agency. Focused on B2B marketing for over 25 years, Lee is a marketing practitioner and creative content entrepreneur. As a speaker, Lee provides training on digital marketing, content creation, and sales from a Marketing point of view.

Juntae DeLane

Digital Strategist | Speaker | Fractional CMO | Consultant | Advisor | Digital Branding Evangelist

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That's a great approach to leveraging AI for content creation. Are you seeing positive results so far?

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DMV Grow with Google Digital Coach, Speaker, Author, & Podcast Host

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I have recently begun using the Descript to edit my videos. Its AI power tools have saved me 10 plus hours per week at any videos for social media and my podcast.



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