It makes the doubt, especially Italian, between technical and political governments. Politicians call technologists economists, but if economists were real technicians they would realize that economics cannot be based on wrong economic and environmental inventions. Today those who argue that science should be applied globally does not find interlocutors that this good practice is never applied either by government agencies or by multinationals. A modest example of this situation is represented by the patent deposits of the undersigned, who found no support in Italy, he searched abroad, turning the main patent stores into international, hoping to find interlocutors. If we consider that depositing an international patent involves the payment of about 3200 euros of taxes plus about three hundred euros in revenue stamps to receive a copy of the priority document, we can easily understand how much the fossil cleanup that the world has cost to me. has never achieved (four international and one European patents), apart from the research work on solutions, which, as I said, lasted eight years.

If I had mistaken the scientific reasoning I would not have been able to clean the fossil energy even theoretically, but at least theoretically, I succeeded (at least in fixed installations) with a system different from the system used by the world public science called C.C.S. (Carbon, Capture, Storage). My system would have completely closed the carbon cycles by designing the plants differently, while the C.C.S. to save the plants built with the wrong designs, he was content to capture the CO2 and hide it underground, creating other even more serious problems. This is another confirmation that world research institutions (public and private) in the field of the environment and energy do not work for general interests but for centers of power. My solution, closing the cycles correctly, led me to do the following investigations to lower the costs of the purification, they would never have been done, as they were not done by public research bodies, without addressing the problems from my point of view. This long research, in the end, has found the right way to completely eliminate fossil energy (at least theoretically). In fact, this system produces much more energy than it consumes and can also be mounted on means of transport. Almost three years after the identification of this solution, the environmental authorities, the energy authorities and the transport multinationals continue to remain silent and the patents filed are opposed by the patent offices. without understanding who the scientific and technical consultants of the world patent offices are, who do not distinguish the difference between an open and closed hydraulic circuit.

Patents of public utility have too many enemies, public and private. It takes many years to understand and realize it. Lawmakers cannot expect inventors to bleed themselves out in legal actions against rejected patents, pay the maintenance fees of those who manage to pass the patent offices' exams waiting to find public or private interlocutors who understand them, make the first prototypes to demonstrate the principles of operation.  If all goes well, it can take a few decades before the scientific and technical truth comes out and the legislators impose them first on public bodies and then on private builders. In the meantime the dignity of the inventor's work and every form of elementary law and justice has been trampled, while environmental polluters continued to pollute.  On the problems of public utility, the burden of practical experimentation of inventions should touch on the multinationals that claim the industrial property of inventions, or on the public research bodies of the inventor's country, if the inventor does not claim industrial property, but only copyright. A country that wants to grow, can not remain inert in front of the inventions of public utility produced by its citizens (who are not entrepreneurs) because the industrial property, can also claim it directly by creating work and increase its weight internationally.

Today, it is important that inventors free from partisan interests, especially if they have accumulated transversal experiences in working life, contribute to solving the problems unresolved by the sciences and technologies that work in watertight compartments since the beginning of the industrial era, without inventing anything of really new, in the traditional sectors, which for myself, have been wrong both the organization of work and the general principles of energy and purification. The Kafkian bureaucracy of the ministries of economic development and world patent offices has favored the incomplete inventions of multinational corporations and world public bodies, which are the only ones who can afford to pay the current costs of international patents.

The undersigned, having had very transversal work experiences, has realized the gravity of the world situation that cannot be solved with individual inventions, but with a different working method, above all of the world public research bodies.

 To prove that current energy and purification systems were wrong it was necessary a long solitary alternative design work was needed, where the patent deposits, although not realized, have been hypothesized functioning and connected to each other, in order to achieve a more advanced scientific, environmental and economic development. of the current one, even using the existing technologies, with small but strategic changes. This alternative development is described on the website https://www.spawhe.eu. The longer the silence on this subject, the more the current world governments will play the reputation although at present, no world government has yet understood it. We are not faced with new social, monetary and trade reforms, but we need a new global revolution in science and technology and consequently, also in the economy and international justice.


For myself, the first reform to do is to separate intellectual property from the industrial one. Above all, to avoid the trade of patents of public bodies to individuals. To sell their patents to the multinationals, pubic bodies have lost sight of their role. If they had not lost sight of it, it would not have been possible for the undersigned to deposit forty patent deposits, which represent an alternative development model in all sectors of human activities, while using current technologies, of course, with strategic changes.

For myself, industrial property must be left to industrials and governments that directly produce consumer goods and plants. All other inventors, including public ones, who are not entrepreneurs, must be granted intellectual property and copyrights appropriately legislated internationally.

The inventors dealing with environmental and social problems do not have to pay deposit and maintenance fees. Patent offices only need to limit registration dates and publish patents on expiry dates. The inventions must be diffused, not industrially protected.  This would increase global growth, without inventors losing the rights owed to their work if inventions are realized after they have stopped paying undue taxes.

Legal disputes must be done later, not before inventions are made. Today there are too many interests that prevent the realization of useful inventions. Above all, because public bodies do not play their role properly. Working in watertight compartments and not knowing the organization of industrial work, they continue to implement inadequate contracts and sell obsolete patents.

 Personally, as an inventor of solutions of public utility, I would also be entitled to the refund of the paid international deposit fees. I do not claim this refund but I want to make it clear that the payment of international taxes has only served to show that the political and economic centers of power throughout the world do not want to clean up fossil energy or even produce sustainable and purifying energy in the environment. If I had not even filed some international patent, I could not have made this statement.

Not even finding international interlocutors, I was forced to create the website http: www.spawhe.eu. The number of visitors is recorded on the home page, which has reached around 20,000. Who are these silent visitors?

Is it possible that in the whole world there are no scientific and economic authorities, professors who defend the plants they have designed? I modified them explaining the reasons why I consider them wrong. I do not question the principles of energy conservation legislated, but the partial application of the same and the failure to identify the principles of dynamic fluid that would be those really useful for the welfare of the environment and human life. I do not bring tested solutions in another planet, but the constructive criticisms of over forty years of observations of industrial plants, which I consider devoid of environmental synergies and environmental ones that are devoid of the industrial mentality concerning the organization of work, that science public has not been able to invent or copy from industrial systems. World growth has occurred in complete scientific anarchy, because no world authority has encouraged transversal inventions in the energy and purification fields. Every discipline and every entrepreneur has drawn water to its mill.

Even today, both science and multinationals are specialized in individual disciplines, while nature has shown that the synergies between different processes, which cost nothing, are the essence of biological life, much more complex than chemistry. Terrestrial chlorophyll in photosynthesis and marine plankton are the most evident example. Also the synergies between the physical forces due to gravity, atmospheric gases, winds, fresh and ocean waters are at the base of the universal carbon cycle which requires the transformation of immense quantities of fluid dynamical and electromagnetic energies.

The synergy between the pumps and the modified autoclaves, the pumps used as turbines, the electromagnetism used in both electric generators and in the motors that consume it, was enough for me to realize that we can produce clean energy at a very low cost in every corner of the earth, to the north pole, in the deserts, even in the man's chest to replace the human heart when it is sick or aged. This energy, even if no one wanted it to experiment, works at any time of the day or night and with any earth temperature. The innovations proposed by the undersigned, are inconvenient for everyone.

Making patents fall because the inventor cannot pay taxes is a petty and childish game that does not honor world justice, the dignity of scientific and technological work. This generates distrust in world institutions, does not help the formation of new inventors who are able to reason globally. As I explained above, and in many publications, Environmental inventions cannot be conceived correctly without a study of the organization of environmental work. This type of organization is not known by public researchers, who are locked in the laboratories dealing with specific problems, while the multinationals of the environment do not deal with work organization, but with tenders. The world's mechanical and manufacturing industry is the only one that knows the organization of work, but applies it to increase industrial productivity. It has nothing to do with the purification of water and air, the water distribution of water, the study of marine currents, gravitational force, atmospheric pressure.

Only by combining industrial organizational criteria and environmental scientific knowledge is it possible to create a global sustainable development, but it is necessary to correct the mistakes committed by both parties, which are very numerous and well rooted in the ruling classes, apart from the interests that are the major obstacle.

In the world metalworking industry, no one has noticed that heat is useless to produce energy and that the expansion and compression of combustion gases, apart from the pollution it produces, is a costly and anti-economic operation. Each compression and expansion cycle of the combustion gas requires an absorption of energy from a paid fuel. While the best solution is to exploit the gas pressure statically without making it expand, by circulating an incomprehensible liquid in an autoclave, introduced from the outside through the suction side of the same circulation pump, to force the system to expel the same amount of liquid introduced by another outlet connected to a turbine. Obviously, the expulsion takes place with the full force of the compressed gas, but this does not consume energy not being able to expand. In this way, by spending a very small amount of the electricity produced by the turbine, to run the circulation pump, we can feed the infinite with the same liquid that produces electricity, the autoclave again until the wear of the machines, but without buying useless fuels, without producing useless heat and useless pollution. It seems incredible, but the scientific authorities and technology entrepreneurs, are behaving worse than the Catholic church in the time of Galileo Galilei, with the only difference that the Catholic Church was in good faith, while science and technology entrepreneurs worldwide are silent, putting in trouble patent offices that are not scientific authorities, legislators, politicians, economists who continue to make bad investments in all sectors of the economy and the global environment.

The narrow mindset that used the engineering industry has also been used by nuclear energy designers, who are focused only on the division of the atom, which Albert Einstein has never wanted. As the undersigned showed, the deviation of liquid and gas molecules in a pressurized autoclave system with one-way circulation, where the element that does not compress and which has greater capacity to produce energy, is simpler and more efficient, according to the note formula: Power = pressure * density * flow rate.   How did world science prefer the density of gas pay, instead of water that is about 830 times denser and air that cost nothing? It's almost a mystery, if we consider that a nuclear reactor, a thermal engine, a gas turbine is more complex than a circulation pump with a separate double power supply and an autoclave, which work cold with static pressures that can be very small. in the human heart and much higher in other applications.

I publish these things, coherently, with previous publications, hoping that the International Judges and the WIPO (World International Property Organization) understand what they have not understood until now. That is, that environmental, energy, health, and public utility patents must be treated differently from commercial patents, recognizing intellectual property and copyrights to inventors. The industrial property may concern the single pump, turbine, compressor, electronic control unit, if the manufacturers believe they have special requirements, which fall within the criteria of patentability.

Today, world society to protect industrial property prevents the development of alternative energy principles that protect natural resources, the environment, human health and even the survival of mankind. We do not know what happened on the planet Mars, which once was very similar to the earth and that has lost the atmosphere and the oceans, but we know that without an interactive energy produced with water and air to preserve the natural habitat, both human beings, animals and plants, have no hope of survival (https://www.spawhe.eu/the-lost-civilizations-einstein-s-thought-and-survival-energy/). However, this energy, proposed with at least one hundred years of delay, is ignored and hindered by the world's political and scientific classes. I think that at this point even a large part of the world Nobel prizes are overvalued, because all scientific and technical discoveries must be related to the real usefulness of human survival in extreme conditions, which could happen on Earth, as happened on Mars. I think that if the inhabitants of Mars had invented the pumps with the separated double power and the pressurized hydropower, a small number of them in some corner of the planet, in the subsoil, would still be alive. But if they have had the misfortune to make the same energy and environmental inventions made by man, certainly, no thinking beings have survived, but only microorganisms that confirm the presence of some form of life.


Almost three years have passed since the original patent filing (07/09/2015) of the pumps and turbines with the double separate power supply. The international patent has lapsed, and the undersigned has not yet found national and international interlocutors who take note that since the advent of the industrial era the way to use the pumps and the turbines has been wrong. But above all the pumps that lift the water, which if they had been used as indicated by the undersigned, since the advent of the industrial age, not only would have avoided the use of thermal energy for economic reasons, but would have also avoided the adventures of the nuclear bombs, which were stimulated by the Germans and Americans' desire to win the Second World War. What reason would the Germans and the Americans have had to compete on the invention of the atomic bomb if from the beginning of the industrial era they had "compressed hydropower" to march tanks, ships, submarines, trucks planes without fuels? What need would there be for nuclear energy to win a technological war? Even today the open cycles to win the Second World War have not been closed. I cannot think that the Martians disappeared because of them, having fought a nuclear war, as it could happen on Earth. I think they were more unfortunate than the terranes being involved in some unpleasant astrophysical phenomenon.

What worries me is the fact that not even the CO2 cycle has been closed on planet Earth, which, as the undersigned showed, could be closed in fixed plants, producing alkaline waters in limestone greenhouses, if not they had also neglected the chemical design of the heating systems.

In both thermal engines and thermal power plants, the average fuel yield is about 0.35 compared to the lower fuel calorific value. This yield is thousands of times less than the interactive energy that has never been produced. To understand it, it is sufficient to consider that the pressure produced in the combustion chamber by burning a fuel produces gases whose density is almost a thousand times lower than water, while the maximum pressure can reach 40 bar. If instead of using the burst pressure, we use compressed air, we can even exceed 100 bar. If we multiply the pressure by the density of the fluid, with the same cross section, we have a producible power of almost 2500 times higher.

However if we apply the principle of Henry we realize that a part of air dissolves in the water proportionally to the pressure exerted on the surface, therefore, since the air contains about 20% of oxygen, this system is not only the most powerful energy system and economic invented by man, it is also the most powerful and economic purification system. In fact, every time the water from the atmospheric pressure enters the pressurized tank spontaneously absorbs oxygen for Henry's law without energy costs, while with the current oxidation systems immense absorbed power is needed because the power of the compressors or of the electro blowers must overcome the pressure of the hydraulic head on the air diffusers. This also entails huge costs for the sludge-clogged diffusers.

How could the undersigned satisfy the WIPO rules if 31 months have not been enough, from the original patent filing to find, not the financiers, but the institutional interlocutors available to admit the errors, which would have to acknowledge the problem and impose on the entrepreneurs the modification of installations worldwide? The publications and the filing of subsequent patents that use pumps with the double separate power supply to recognize the social utility of the invention were not enough.

We are at the height of the paradox that makes us lose our trust in world institutions. A small inventor based only on his experience of work and reasoning filed thirty patents, of which at least twenty-five of public utility, seeing no one realized, assuming the inventions are working and uses them to invent the subsequent inventions, creating a virtual parallel development that with the other ten successive inventions virtually changes the whole world economic development, eliminating all the causes of global warming.

It is not necessary to change many things at a technological level, but only the way to build the pumps, the turbines of the autoclave systems, to improve the functioning of most of the world's industrial, environmental, purification, energy, transport and work plants. To rationalize everything, however, a new industrial revolution is needed

This case, which not even the most famous directors of science fiction (Spielberg, Lucas, Scott, Cameron) They hypothesized for the incredible simplicity of the elements used, without the legislative intervention of the world institutions, is likely to be covered up, to continue to sell and buy oil and build galleries dams methane pipelines oil pipelines, electricity distribution networks. All things that are not needed. However, not only the economic aspects of world development are at stake, but the very survival of man in the face of possible world catastrophes due to nuclear wars, astrophysical disasters, the aging of the solar system, the inversion of magnetic poles. Everything leads to the research and identification of a sustainable source of energy without pollution, without fuels, to ensure the survival of man in any weather condition as described in the article https://www.spawhe.eu/le-civilta-perdute-il-pensiero-di-einstein-e-l-energia-di-sopravvivenza/,  In the face of great calamities, the current fixed and mobile energies would be only a ball to the foot for the salvation of men, as has already been demonstrated, with the local earthquakes of earthquakes and floods.  

This shows that science is not infallible and that economists, politicians and legislators who govern us are even less if they hide behind silences and do not spend a few thousand dollars or euros to ascertain truth deliberately not sought by those who are get paid with public money specifically to look for them. The undersigned is not a mathematician, he is not a physicist, he does not disclose secret formulas. He is a simple project developer who has put together existing technologies and sciences in the most rational way possible. In fact, developing detailed global projects along the same time as water and air pollution has allowed us to identify some strategic inventions, which represent scientific and technological shortcuts that it was impossible to identify differently.

Current patent rules delay economic development, environmental protection and human health, because they treat public utility and commercial inventions in the same way. They force inventors of solutions of public utility, to transform a national patent into a European or international patent within twelve months from the first patent filing, paying European or international deposit fees and after thirty months pay other taxes in every single country where want to protect the invention. But who said that the inventor wants to protect his invention? The inventor not tied to the centers of power, who has no economic possibility of realizing his invention, only wants the recognition of the author's rights recognized to all the authors of works of intellect, and put the invention at the disposal of the international community. The patent filing serves to show that in the whole world these inventions have never been realized, so they have the characteristics of "News, Inventiveness, Industriality" The real surprise was that the following inventions, despite having such international recognition on the purification systems and the cleansing of fossil energy, did not find interlocutors.

I report the titles of international patents that have also found no interlocutors:

1) EP 1 860 072 A2, European application n. 07425191.9, Date of filing: 30.03.2007, Title: “Phosphor removal from detergents wastewater and greywater recycling system for flushing toilets”.

2) PCT/IT2013/000314, International filing, date 14.11.2013, Title: “capture cooling purification chimneys (CCPC)”

3) PCT/IT2013/00315, international filing, date 20 / 11 / 2013, Title: “linear synergistic system of digestion, dehydration and composting (LDCC)”

4) PCT/IT2013/000317, International filing, date 14.11.2013, Title “Vertical synergic buildings (VSB) for co2 and water depuration plus biomass production”

5) PCT/IT2013/000316, International filing date 14.11.2013, Title “Global synergy plants for depuration, biomass production and thermoelectric cogeneration”

6) PCT/IT 2016/0002002, international filing date 11.10.2016, Title “Pumps end turbines with dual supplies until to the impellers”.

Only from the titles of the first five patents, it should be understood that they are not commercial patents but represent a global urban purification system that starts from homes and involves both air purification and water including CO2 and the production of biological energy. If international patents have been granted, it means that these solutions on planet Earth have never been realized. Why did not global public bodies develop these solutions? Have they not issued legislative decrees to implement them? How could a private citizen pay for the maintenance of international patents if no world country has shown interest in modifying the current plants, even though these plants serve in all the world's urban centers against lung diseases and global warming? The undersigned has written open letters to Italian and European institutions to which no one has ever replied (https://www.spawhe.eu/open-letter-to-the-european-commission/). Afterwards he started writing to the international judges, arriving with the present at the seventeenth letter, without ever having answers.

First of all, the world legislators, the International Judges, the United Nations, should have wondered why the world public bodies have never thought to carry out purification cycles of water and urban air, starting from the common houses with the installation of the position 1 of the above list, which breaks down the phosphorus and separates the sludge at the origin: First of all, the world legislatures, the United Nations, should have wondered why the world public bodies have never thought to carry out purification cycles of water and urban air of the above list, which breaks the phosphorus and separates the sludge at the origin; with the plant 2 it modifies the chimneys and recovers the CO2 and with the plants 3, 4, 5 it completes the global urban water and air purification without leaving the urban centers. Even considering the current use of fossil energy, the incinerators, and the high furnaces, which can never be completely eliminated, the modification of the chimneys and the wet abatement of SOx, CO2 and powders with artificial rains in limestone greenhouses, would have given great relief to the world's populations. Nevertheless, these plants,  that received the international patent, have not found public interlocutors worldwide, although the current urban water and air purification systems do not solve the problems of global warming. This is a serious crime of omission by the world's public research bodies, which have continued not to modify the chimneys and abatement systems in order not to radically change the facilities. They did not fund what the public bodies themselves, through WIPO recognized as original, inventive and industrially applicable.

Fortunately, not all the ills come to harm, as the actual studies for the cleaning of fossil energy had led to deepen the purifying interactivity between the waters and the air, whose further study, three years after the fifth patent international, has also led to identify the energy interactivity between water and air, which the world public bodies and multinationals, have not identified, despite the immense amount of resources spent in research.

In fact, the sixth international patent, PCT/IT 2016/0002002, dated 11.10.2016, with title “Pumps end turbines with dual supplies until to the impellers”, represents the main invention which virtually led to the complete elimination of fossil energy in fixed and mobile plants and to oxygenation of water as a secondary, free effect of energy production. The eleventh open letter to international courts of justice and to the United Nations was dedicated to this latest invention, with the following title: https://www.spawhe.eu/pct-it2016-000202-open-letter-to-w-i-p-o-and-the-international-legal-offices/, in addition to the other sixteen open letters mentioned above.

While public research bodies and multinationals, in order not to admit their mistakes, continue to spend resources in the wrong directions, the undersigned has come to the conclusion that it is not worthwhile to clean fossil energy with international patents that he himself has deposited (cited above). It is better to go directly to the compressed hydropower, which is less cumbersome and more efficient, than all the existing energy systems, and is also purifying for the principle of Henry. Producing electricity only with the cost of machine wear, it also allows the construction of artificial rain in the lower layers of the atmosphere that in the presence of limestone while oxidizing the water will consume the CO2 accumulated during the wrong industrialization period that we are still experiencing.

What is serious is the fact that the patents deposited by the inventors unrelated to any center of power, do not even consult them the ministries of economic development that incorporate in their staff the patent offices. But not even the trade unions and environmental associations consult them, to make a real opposition to pollution. It seems that everyone is playing a written script to deceive the people who go to the streets to demonstrate. The people rely on their representatives who are not scientifically documented on possible solutions.

I believe that the world leaders of economic development can no longer hide behind words, because they do not correspond to the facts. Politicians and the organs of information linked to power, pretending not to understand simple and sustainable inventions, are behaving like hierarchies that obeyed fascism and Nazism, manipulating the people only with easy promises without scientific proof of the results obtainable. In these regimes, science had to work in the service of power and as there were no alternative scientific and technical projects to the centers of power, it was impossible to oppose thermal power plants, sewage treatment plants and poorly planned sewage systems, chimneys, thermal engines, fossil power plants, nuclear, wars for the appropriation of oil wells and economic development. Today, we are still in the same condition because public and private power centers continue to work in watertight compartments both in public research and in multinationals. The trade union, environmental, religious, philosophical oppositions, not knowing how to design, must fight for the lesser evil. But the lesser evil is never the ideal solution.

I that I deal with industrial and environmental plants since 1970, I believe that if the world's energy and environmental systems have been wrong since the advent of the industrial era because they were not designed following an optimized work organization and went purposely retired in 2006 to be able to investigate calmly in this direction. I never expected that by investigating even deeper I would have come to the conclusion even more serious that the main world energy principle was also wrong, which, as I said, must be dynamic fluid, not thermodynamic.

This serious mistake is because the world's public bodies have never been able to scientifically coordinate economic development, imposing the right solutions to the private initiatives in the right place, to make better use of natural resources, without damaging them.

The world patent system has, since its origins, considered inventions as the exclusive right to exploitation for a certain period of years of an idea by the inventor. This concept could be valid in the Middle Ages, not in the global economy. Today, the most important inventions are no longer due to specializations in individual sectors, which produce researchers and specialized companies. The most important invention of the last century, which still does not cease to amaze us, was the Internet. This invention is transversal because it brings together synergistically all the inventions of the beginning of the century concerning the communications sector: telephone, radio, television, information technology, microelectronics. While in the environment, in energy, in the metallurgical and mechanical industry, in transversal solutions, few have been seen because there is great resistance from public and private institutions to change the large plants that have led to large public investments and private.

In these sectors, as the undersigned showed, transversal inventions can only propose private inventors, which are outside the centers of economic power, but nobody realizes them because they involve huge investments to demolish and rebuild large public plants and large industrial plants, wrong from the foundations.

From this situation you can not get out unless there emerge new political and social forces, but especially new scientists and engineers, who can not form cross preparations, in the current schools and existing industrial companies, specialized in individual sectors.


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