Who said BI needs all the data?
Armandè Kruger
I always thought life dealt me lemons?? Then I realised, I was picking them from the trees?? Welcome to my lemonade stand??
If you were to tell me that you do?not recognize the two individuals in this picture, I will be the first to admit that I am?wrong.
Many a definition describes data completeness as one of the essential components of data quality. That might be true if we were trying to balance the books. However, BI is suppose to allow for?speedy decisions in order to obtain?a competitive advantage.?In order to achieve this I will take average data and a great data scientist on any given day. Yes, I need someone who understands even limited data well enough to make?great?decisions.
Ben Horowitz said: "Often any decision, even the wrong decision, is better than no decision."?Believe you me, while the BI world is waiting for data to be complete, no decisions are being made.