#Who is a Rotarian & What is love?
W. Akhator-Eneka (PhD, MBA, FCA)
PPP/Program Director - Infrastructure Development & Financing
The Chairman of the occasion, the District Governor of District 9110, Past District Governors, District Governor Elect, Assistant Governors and Past Assistant Governors, Presidents, Past Presidents, fellow Rotarian, distinguished guest speaker, friends, ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon.
Permit me to share a personal experience. Some sixteen years ago, in one of the evenings at Marina, I had just concluded a business meeting and feeling taller than my height. As I descended towards the gate leading to the main road, a man with a gun said ‘stop’. I said ‘who are you’? He said again ‘stop’. Then I replied ‘do you know me? How dare you ask me to stop? I am coming from the 8th floor, ‘I need to go’. He gave me a serious hitting with the gun on my forehead. I wanted to fight, but something held me back. I said ‘ok, even if you are a policeman, shouldn’t you ask me what I am doing here’? At this point, he said ‘I am not a policeman, I am an armed robber and if you don’t get into this room (gatehouse), I will waste your life’. It was then it dawned on me what was at stake.
A few days later, I narrated the story to my mother, and she said to me, “I saw it in a dream earlier, that if you had said “one more word” you would have been dead”.
Over these eleven years, every now and then, I have had to ask myself, how was it that the Lord saved me? If I had said one more word, I would not be a Rotarian today. If I have said one more word I would not have met my wife whom I love so dearly. I am persuaded that the Lord did not save me in order to glorify myself. Then why was I saved? I am persuaded that I was saved or rather I was granted extra-time as I often call my life now for two main objects namely.
One, that I should bear testimony of the Truth that has provided me with a compass for seeing a new direction in life. To tell all persons of goodwill from mountain top to the lonely valley of the Truth of life as given to mankind by Abu-ru-shin the Author of the Grail Message, In The Light of Truth. This Work has given me the foundation for thinking and acting, without which this life of mine would have been a waste. And I am deeply grateful, that I found the Grail Message; without which I would not have been able to understand why I was saved. And in it, I found explained with unbridled clarity the tenets for love and loving, why we human beings need to love. Why love is the highest gift given to mankind. I found explained the real essence of giving which lies at the root of Rotary. It became recognition to me that it is only in giving that one receives; for whatever we do for our neighbour, we indeed do it for ourselves. With such knowledge, one takes upon oneself the obligations not only to do what is good but to tell the world of this unique work – The Grail Message. I am convinced beyond any iota doubt that the Lord saved me in the main for this reason.
Secondly, I found Rotary in my extra time. And Rotary has afforded me the opportunity of stretching out my hands to the needy. Through Rotary I have come to appreciate the importance of N100 and what it can do to families. I discovered what we as human beings can achieve when united in the ideal of service; and how we can uplift our environment, etc. Rotary helps us put love into deeds.
Permit me the liberty to inform you that some children’s possibility of continuing and concluding their education may depend on your donations. Consider that in accordance with the Law of reciprocity, when he becomes a scientist, a doctor saving lives in the future; or as any other professional, you will be connected in reciprocity with these good deeds and the blessings will find you wherever you may be. This is what we do in Rotary and this is what we are asking you to join hands with us to do so that we can make this earth a better place. You join hands with us with your donations, with your skills, with your advice, with your experiences, etc. The Rotary Club of Lekki Phase 1, during this Rotary Year, commits to the accomplishment of key projects.
We can only accomplish these projects through your support. We know in Rotary that there is strength in union. Humanity stands at very difficult times. It is no longer a question of the haves and the less privileged. Now it is a question of non-giving and non-existence. And we have the obligation to give of ourselves because we all take from the household of Creation. Everyone takes for granted the gift of life, the gift of being able to eat, the gift of being able to walk, the gift of some luxury. The gift of fresh air, for example, obliges us to exhale carbon oxide which is needed by plants. Without this exhaling, we cannot live. In other words, to live is to give.
If we look back at the journey of life, to see how much distance we have covered; chances are we will have cause to rejoice. And if the good fortune has reached our lot, then shouldn’t we ask ourselves how we can lighten up our environment? For we know a candle loses nothing by lighting up another candle.
I am grateful that I am alive to see today, I am glad I did not say one more word sixteen years ago. Strangely we need to know and understand that something is happening in the world today that all prophecies are being fulfilled and the man stands immobile. We need to know that if something is not done and in a hurry too, we might be doomed. We need to know we must join hands to fight diseases, to fight poverty, to prevent all sources of conflicts, more importantly, to free ourselves from dogmas...
This art of giving; our resources; in other to give joy to others, and lift our people from the vortex of darkness to the daybreak of brightness, so that through our actions men will know that God in Heaven loves them.
I am happy I am a Rotarian. I am happy I am here addressing this audience. The last days of my life will be dedicated to proclaiming anywhere and everywhere the Truth of Life as contained in The Grail Message. I am glad I did not say one more word sixteen years ago.
Let us leave here with the mission to care.
The strength of working together provides the bedrock for a glorious tomorrow. And let it be said loud and clear from the mountain top to lonely valley, that Rotary Cares.
And true caring lies in the meaning of “Love Thy Neighbour as Thy Self.”
May Almighty God bless you all.
Being acceptance speech by Rotarian Wilson Akhator-Eneka as President of Rotary Club of Lekki Phase 1, District 9110, Rotary year 2012-13
DMD at Lichtenergie Ltd
7 年Thanks for sharing Sir Anthony Akin Falodun