Who are Rick and Monique Justus?

Who are Rick and Monique Justus?


Since 1986, more than 10 million people have enjoyed the compassion, hope, and transformational power of their business and personal development events. They are the world authority on abundant leadership at work and in life. As the preeminent creators of abundant economies, they are passionately committed to solving abundance for humanity. This ambitious plan to revolutionize the global economy is known as the world’s most ambitious project.

Author of 60+ globally acclaimed books, including Abundance Based Economy, Abundance Day, Abundance Design, Capital 3.0, Centeredness, Circularity, D6, Elegant Tweaks, Global Icon, Happy Purposeday, Human 2.0, Instantly Identifiable, Limitless, Pocket of Genius, Purpose Powered, Real Conversations, Simplicity to Infinity, The 20Y Formula, The Abundant Leader, The Advantage Story, The Adventure Capitalist, The Alignment Code, The Abundance Game, Transcendent, Mr. and Mrs. Justus have touched the lives of more than 10 million people from more than 50 countries through their business and life training programs. They are the creators of the Abundant Leader Series and Circularity, the most significant leadership initiative in history. The Abundant Leader Series and Circularity have been engineered and designed to create the world’s most abundant leaders so they can achieve abundance 20 years faster, from $1 million to $1 quadrillion. This includes the 7 Strategic Situations (startup, turnaround, accelerated growth, realignment, exit, sustainable success, and legacy) and the 7 Spheres of Society (arts and entertainment, business, education, family, government, media, and religion). It’s powerful enough to help the top global economies, reshape the entire global economy, and equip humanity to continue expanding our human and economic potential far beyond the $500 trillion worth of equities, debt, and real estate in the world. More than 1 million people have attended their live seminars around the world.

Mr. and Mrs. Justus are the co-founders and co-chairs of King & Justus, an abundance-based multinational conglomerate holding company committed to solving abundance for humanity. King & Justus SkyDeck powers the entire King & Justus Multiverse. King & Justus Group’s Abundance Ecosystem specializes in creating abundant economies for children, citizens, CEOs, companies, cities, countries, and civilizations throughout the cosmos, 20 years faster. This includes King & Justus A.D. (Abundance Day), King & Justus University’s Rick Justus Leadership Institute (RJLI), Circularity University (CU), and Lifespan University (LU), an initiative to create billions of abundant leaders, the most advanced leaders in the world, King & Justus Startup Nations, King & Justus TAMBA (The Abundance MBA), King & Justus A2 (Abundance Advisory), the world’s preeminent strategic and tactical advisory and coaching firm, King & Justus Experience Days, King & Justus Books, King & Justus Productions, King & Justus Capital, King & Justus Billionaire Club, and more. King & Justus HyperspaceX, a living lab for global abundance solutions, and King & Justus HyperspaceX Cities are guided by the Justus’s vision to solve abundance for humanity. They are making progress daily on their ambitious plans to revolutionize the global economy. They partner with Abundant Leaders who would love to create an abundant economy by solving Global Grand Challenges revealed by their exact purpose.

King & Justus has conservatively generated more than $32 billion in combined revenues for clients since 1986. Thus, they have been called “The $32 Billion Dollar Couple.” As the Chief Economic Advisor to Heads of State, they have been honored by the King of Cambodia as the “Top Business Expert in the World”; by billionaire dealmaker Bruce Wasserstein as one of the “Best Dealmakers in the World”; and by The University of Tokyo as one of the “Top Ten Business Leaders in the World.”

Their work has touched the lives of world leaders — from the King of Cambodia during a time of war to the President of the Philippines to the royal family of Singapore. Billionaire business leaders seek their advice and support as well; Seattle icon Phil Smart Sr. and American futurist and social engineer Jacque Fresco are among the nearly 22,000 leaders and global brands grateful for their advice and support.

With a deep desire to lift abundance and elicit joy, the ever-adventurous Justus’s made an impressive leap forward when they finally gave their generous philanthropic work the name King & Justus Third 8 in honor of Phil Smart Sr. They are solving many Global Grand Causes around the 12 Practices of Life, from adoption, fresh water, health, parental kidnapping, and sex trafficking to disaster relief, education, microfinance, women’s economic empowerment, and solving abundance for humanity. They have assisted and initiated programs in more than 500 schools, 700 service orgs, and 1,000 churches. They raised capital for a 1,000-unit low-cost housing project and the development of marble quarries in the Philippines and for the king of Cambodia during a time of war to turnaround their country’s economy. In 2020, King & Justus Third 8’s Global Abundance Initiative currently has five primary focuses: The World Tour, The Ascended Masters, Abundant Nations (AN), Global Abundance Based Economy. The Justus’s travel the globe promoting their Global Abundance Initiative to recruit, unite, and inspire billions to help them build a New Abundant World.

Mr. and Mrs. Justus are the proud parents of 5 children.


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