Who is really a leader? NOT A TITLE
As I thought about what to share with you today, I began to look at what I see each and everyday of my career and who really shines as a leader. In my 35 years of being an executive, ( I became a corporate vice president at age 29 running $3 billion dollars in a major corporation) I have seen the GOOD, the BAD, and yes the UGLY of what makes a great leader and what does not.
But today, here is the curve ball for you, I am sharing not the normal great leaders but the leaders that shine because they are who they are and how they live their day to day life with joy, determination and hard hard work.
I have had the amazing experience to be a martial artist and from this brought me close to two leaders. Peter Malota, perter was my master as I worked to become a black belt but also trained Claude Van Damme. Over the years of just sheer hard work and the session that Master Peter and myself had you build a deep personal friendship and respect, he is and always will be my master, to outsiders they cannot understand when you are the student and they are the teacher you get so much from them wisdom wise. Master peter dedicated his life to teach children the martial arts but his passion was making movies and I have watched his relentless pursuit to to that and the hours and hard work just like when he trained me he uses the same intensity for his film making. SKILLS FOLLOW SKILLS.
Richard Plowden: Sensi Richard, the Martial arts master for Kids Kicking Cancer, 6 time world kicking boxing champion, leader of the US undefeated world kicking boxing team, my dear friend and partner at Kids Kicking Cancer. This giant of a person is so smart, so committed to helping others while being one of the toughest humans you can know. I watch his leadership in the studio, his tough love yet his intelligence , his care as he teaches our students that use our training to overcome the cancer pain they endure each day. A man that has used his god given talent in a way that can not ever be seen, when others made money selling video's for kick boxing, Sensi Richard used his skills to help heal the souls of these children. LEADERSHIP IS NOT THE BIG CORPORATE TITLE NOR THE SALARY, it is what you do with purpose and the lives you impact as you do it, never measure yourself by your title or your income.
So the lesson here is, becoming a great leader is learning from those around you, learning from not just office bound leaders but leaders in your entire world. The lessons learned about, PASSION, HARD WORK, OPEN MINDSET( taking skills that make you great in one selected area and moving them to very different areas and succeeding), waking up excited to go make a difference, and in the case of Mr. Peter and Sensi Richard, watching first hand the impact they have on so many young people, that impact unlike many CEO's, President's and other "executives" has a ripple effect on who those young people become.
So step back, I mean really step back and ask yourself, beyond the money or whatever it is you are waking up for, would those around you say the same about what you helped them become? Are you helping others? Are you making a difference in their life beyond a pay check? If not are you truly being a leader? THINK LONG AND HARD ABOUT THIS ONE! LOOK IN THE MIRROR.