Who Are The People Where I'd Like To Be, That Do The Things I aspire To Do?

Who Are The People Where I'd Like To Be, That Do The Things I aspire To Do?

This is an important one.

Less than 5% of the people who read this will actually act on the advice.

That’s okay, YOU will run with this and be one of the few who see tremendous results next year because of it.

Vision yourself in the role of those you deeply respect and admire.

The people who have achieved great success in the same ways you want it. 

Now imagine your future-self achieving this great success right along side of them.  

Now audit the people you actually know.

Who is five steps ahead of you in your desired field, role, or career?

Ask yourself each day, “who are the people where I’d like to be, doing the things I aspire to do”?

It is time to connect with and add new people to your life who you can support your goals, and who will find it mutually beneficial experience to mentor you. Not that check the box mentorship, REAL MENTORSHIP, but you’ve gotta earn it!

If you don’t know of any inspirational people that fit this description, it is your job today to go out and find them and make a list.

  1. DO NOT immediately ask for mentorship!

2. Find these people on and off LinkedIn. Research their past, present, and future work.

3. Is there a way you can be supportive to them and provide value? What can you do to make a way? Assist, take photographs, volunteer at their event?

4. Be creative and give, give, give...

5. Share their their posts on multiple platforms. Comment on their posts in a way that adds value to the conversation on their blogs, tweets, and YouTube videos.

6. Start a conversation on LinkedIn focusing on one of their recent posts... the list goes on and on for how many ways you can give...

7. You have a unique voice. Add your perspectives, background, and time to further the conversation and work these influencers have launched.  

Attracting high level support towards your aspirations takes work. These steps I've laid out for you will not only teach you some very important things about where you want to go, but will also drastically change the way you utilize the technology at your fingertips.

Are you willing to humble yourself and do the work necessary to stand out from the crowd?

Seth Clark, MS

Systems Integration and Test Engineer at Lockheed Martin

6 年

I love this advice. I always felt this way when I served and made it a point to surround myself with quality people. I have found it difficult to repeat this on the civilian side, but I will keep putting one foot in front of the other.

JK Bridges

Servant Leader | Officiant |Career Coach / Trainer| Keynote Speaker | Entrepreneur |DEI Expert | Leadership Advisor | Facilitator-Moderator | Consultant-Recruiter-Sourcer | Resume Writer | Profile Make-overs

6 年

Awesome article. Such value “take away.” ????

Valerie Rivera

Culture Catalyst | Facilitator

6 年

Love this, Bernard! I was just telling someone today that we tend to be the average of the 5 people closest to us, so it makes sense to periodically assess if you've got the right role models in your life. Great post!

Noemy Penafiel

Student Pharmacist

6 年

Thank you Bernard for posting. Most of us have a vision of who we want to be or do, but don't actually follow through . Stay proactive people ! Thank you again for the reminder .

Judi Mellon

Business Advisor, Hawaii SBDC, Hilo

6 年

Great actionable, practical advice! Thank you, Bernard


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