Who Needs Job Adverts...?!
The industry average job-advert-to-hire rate is just 37%! So, what’s the point?!
Two out of every three job adverts fail!
Who doesn’t mind you giving up on recruitment marketing and job adverts…?
They’re loving it. There are more than 35,000 of them in the UK – and for good reason.
Every job advert campaign that might have landed at least one hire would typically cost a two or three-figure fee.
For every person a recruiter places, it’s ka-ching with a multi-thousand-pound commission fee.
Here’s where many companies might be missing a trick – job adverts, aren’t just about jobs.
Lots of businesses are recognising the need to improve their employer brand, ED&I, and cut recruitment costs.
But it’s not a quick fix – a mere AI rehash or a token paragraph or two in a job ad doesn’t get to the root.
“If we do what we’ve always done, we’ll get what we’ve always got.”
?Here’s a typical recruitment journey….?
?Now let’s look at what could happen…?
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