Meet CHIRAG MANDHOTRA. Hes a recent ME Grad and actively looking for work in Canada. If you can help, his contact information is below
[email protected] | 306-850-9686 || Manitou Beach, SK
Highly motivated professional with educational experience in 2D and 3D modeling using Computer Aided Design (CAD) packages. Recently completed Bachelor of Science in mechanical engineering from The University of Saskatchewan. Demonstrated ability to design mechanical products and deliver cost-effective solutions to customers. In-depth knowledge of materials engineering, machine design, hydraulics, performance calculations, and manufacturing of mechanical systems.?
University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK?
ANSYS, Java, Simulink, Automation Studio, CES Edupack, SolidWorks, Python, My SQL, MATLAB, and Microsoft Office suite.
Performed study of various fundamentals for 2D and 3D engineering design, such as tolerance and dimensions. Utilized Ansys finite element analysis (FEA) software to fix complicated engineering errors and create better and faster design strategies via multiple design scenarios, such as design of numerous structures and machine components, including ATV winch, mall vehicle, and pressure vessel. Documented and published identified connections and trends from comparative study of theoretical and experimental data in diverse laboratory operations.
- Developed a Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES) system for droplet design ltd. for use on camp sites in capstone four students project group.?
- Gained in-depth knowledge of various material selection, including processing, manufacturing, and completing techniques and exploited skills in conjunction with CES to pick materials and manufacturing methods.
- Gained in-depth knowledge of thermodynamic and fluid mechanics aspects. Learned theoretically and experimentally examination of various thermodynamic systems while adhering to safety rules.
- Utilized hand-drawn and SolidWorks engineering drawings in presentations and reports to convey ideas to designers, professor, and class as a solid evidence.
- Executed machine design methods and strategies in two distinct courses to select and build equipment for different design challenges and machines, such as winch, gearbox, small vehicle, and shaft design.
- Conducted +50 experiments in several classes over four years academic span.
- Collected, analyzed, and presented results to 50-60 students through adequate presentation and communication skills and converted difficult engineering concepts into understandable terms.
- Led capstone project group and delivered regular reports on project to clients and supervisors while organizing meetings and maintaining healthy group dynamic environment to deliver project on-time.
- Cooperated with multiple teams in various design and lab groups to execute assigned mechanical engineering design projects, including ideation, design, fabrication, and presentation of results in the form of reports, proposals, and presentations.?
Capstone Design Project, CAES system???????????????????????????????????????????????Fall 2020 TO Winter 2021
- Developed a Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES) system for Droplet Design Ltd. for use on camp sites in capstone four students project group.?
- Led capstone project group and delivered regular reports on project to clients and supervisors while organizing meetings and maintaining healthy group dynamic environment to deliver project on-time.
- Utilized Solidworks to prepare final design model for stress analysis on ANSYS Finite Element Analysis.
- Demonstrated strong technical writing skills while composing different emails, memos, time sheets, schedules, BOM, presentations, reports for the project.
- Demonstrated strong research and communication skills while researching and ordering different parts required for the design.
Materials in Engineering Design Project Group????????????????????????????????????????????????????Winter 2021
- Selected material and process for a lightweight streetlight pole designed to minimize number of deaths caused by pole falling on vehicles after accidents.
- Demonstrated strong technical writing skills while composing different emails, memos, and reports for the project.
- Utilized material and process selection techniques along with CES Edupack to select material and manufacturing process for the new design.
Machine Design Group, ATV Winch?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Fall 2020
- Designed an ATV Winch that could meet the given load and safety requirements.
- Performed extensive load analysis on different components of the winch like mounting plate, rope, shafts, gears using extensive machine design techniques.
- Selected materials and components for the winch using machine design techniques.
TSPV Vehicle Fabrication Group????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Winter 2020
- Demonstrated strong fabrication knowledge while acting as the fabrication lead of subgroup in design project group of 24 students.
- Prepared BOM, fabrication drawings and CNC machine code for the fabrication of parts of the TSPV vehicle. Provided hands-on support with fabrication using CNC lathe/ mill and 3-D printer.
- Demonstrated strong technical writing skills while composing different emails, memos, time sheets, schedules, BOM, presentations, reports for the project.
- Developed strong communication and team working skills while coordinating work with different subgroups to develop the vehicle.
- Powerlifting and Conditioning
- Modifying cars and trucks
R & D
3 年Interested
Thanks for your interest, Chirag Mandhotra! Please check our open job opportunities and apply here: We wish you much success in your job search!