Who Moved My Cheese - Google is Changing can YOU Adapt?
Totally Worth Watching the Replay of this Google Hangout.
@ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7HkM4g_zzD8
Who Moved My Cheese - Google is Changing can YOU Adapt ?
Streamed live on Oct 29, 2014
as I had a SUPER Fantastic #ROCKstar Panel discussing the Book
Who Moved My Cheese with a Twist with Technology //
It is worth watching some of the #TOP Geeks discuss the book and how it has effected their companies.
#WHEN -- Google Moves the Cheese how can you Adapt :)
My Guest Included on our Google Hangout ...
+Ben Fisher
+David Amerland
+David F Leopold
+Joshua Berg
+Kellan Fluckiger
+Vivekananda Baindoor Rao
Something to consider is the direction that Google is headed..
Are you #READY for the Change ?
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Show TimeStamp thanks to +Vivekananda Baindoor Rao
00:00 Introduction by +William Rock
00:54 Ben Fisher's Just A Minute +Ben Fisher
01:42 David Amerland's Just A Minute +David Amerland
02:35 David F Leopold's Just A Minute +David F Leopold
04:22 Joshua Berg's Just A Minute +Joshua Berg
05:53 Kellan Fluckiger's Just A Minute +Kellan Fluckiger
08:14 Vivek's Just A Minute
09:44 David F. Leopold mentions Vivek's PRINCE2 HOA Series
10:37 Story Time - Vivek explains why we are talking about "Who Moved My Cheese?" story
13:41 The Story "Who Moved My Cheese?"
26:31 Applause from the panel for the story
27:20 David Amerland talks about his experience with a UK's blue chip company, where they used the book during a change they had to do. He emphasises the need to properly manage change otherwise there is a risk of throwing out the baby with the bath water. We should know why we do what we do. We should remain true to our core values.
29:12 David Leopold talks about his experience with a multi billion dollar company in USA he worked with in Aug 1999. He was brought into the company to handle major change the company was going through. He reads a note he got from the CEO of the company in which he said "Change and Cheese are both one syllable words"
31:04 Kellan Fluckiger talks about his experience where he was hired to build a new corporation for delivery (distribution) of electricity. He relates to the Hem and Haw behaviour of electricity distribution companies.
33:36 Ben Fisher talks about his experience as a company doing Website development. He talks about the fee he used to charge and the change that happened when website development became easier. He says that when you do the changes you should enjoy the changes. We need to put passion behind it he says.
35:33 Joshua Berg talks about the experiences he had with SEO. He says finding new cheese was what he had to do with Google. He had to handle lot of websites which were hit by Panda and Penguin updates. He says in technology business if you don't stay current with what is happening, you would be left behind very quickly. If you are consulting businesses about technology, you should be the one with the shoes running and looking for new cheese and guide the businesses by leaving cheese crumbs along the way.
38:58 William Rock talks about Google Analytics as an example. He talks about Pigeon, Penguin and Panda. The CEO who is happy or sad. When the CEO is sad it may effect the employees badly. The CEO can not detach himself/herself after giving the Google Analytics task to Marketing company. He also talks about the Dial-up AOL experiences.
42:33 Kellan Fluckiger says that Google is simply doing what they should have been doing using User's perspective.
43:50 David Amerland agrees and emphasises what Kellan said and if we keep that in mind, change becomes manageable. Because Google is doing what individual people need rather than what the companies need or individual marketer needs.
45:03 Ben Fisher says that change is always going to happen. He says Larry said links but Sergie said relational things. But they went for about 10 years with links - but now they are going with relational things. We need to smell cheese more often.
47:00 Vivek asks the panel "How do you handle when someone has a sense of entitlement?"
47:25 David Amerland answers that question. He says it depends a lot on company culture. Two types of situations. Entrenched inward looking culture or you have a culture which is reluctant to change because change is not beneficial to them. With inward looking culture they tend to deny changes happening. He says Enron was an example for the second type where they wanted to retain the situation which was beneficial for them.
49:57 David Amerland gives Blackberry example.
49:40 Kellan Fluckiger agrees with David Amerland and says Sniff and Scurry who did instinctive changes. They did not do careful analysis. We need to do instinctive changes in addition to doing analytical studies.
51:26 David Amerland says in a fast changing world the only thing that you can control is your own ability to monitor and adapt to change and that requires a clear grasp of who you are. Otherwise the changes you implement would be responsive rather than planned. Control is critical to managing change effectively.
53:20 David Amerland says you need to be able to answer the questions: Who are you? Why are you in business? Why do you do business in a specific way?
54:19 Kellan Fluckiger says we need to embrace change, be part of the change, lead the change, be a change agent, enjoy it.
55:53 Ben Fisher says Kellan had just stolen his words! Try not to be afraid of change.
57:04 David F Leopold reads page 65 from the book. "When you can see that you can find and enjoy new cheese you change course"
58:09 Vivek says "The Simple and The Complex. The four imaginary characters depicted in this story — the mice: Sniff and Scurry and the Little people Hem and Haw — are intended to represent the simple and the complex parts of ourselves, regardless of our age, gender, race or nationality. Sometimes we may act like Sniff who sniffs out change early or Scurry who scurries into action, or Hem. who denies and resists change as he fears it will lead to something worse, or Haw who learns to adapt in time when he sees changing can lead to something better! Whatever parts of us we choose to use, we all share something in common: A need to find our way in the Maze and succeed in changing times.
59:40 Joshua Berg says change is happening always in online marketing and it is happening even faster now. If you don't stay on top of things, you should always be looking for cheese and talk to the people who can find cheese. He then eats a cheesy slice close to the camera!