Who is more powerful? HC Judge vs IAS (Comparison of powers)
An IAS (Indian Administrative Services) officer is an officer which comes under the executive ambit under the administration, whereas a High Court judge is an officer of Judiciary. Both IAS and HC judge have different scope of work and different powers are confined to them.
Comparative Analysis
In terms of area of work, both judges and administrative officers have different things to deal with. The work of an IAS is very broad and different administrative departments are administered by IAS officer, whereas the work of a judge is to implement law and provide justice. Speaking about the powers a Judge even has the power to summon the IAS officer in the court of law and even in terms of precedence a judge comes above an IAS officer as for example Chief Justice of India (highest post of judiciary) is above in the precedence as compared to cabinet secretary (Highest post in IAS).
Overall there cannot be a direct comparison between a HC judge and an IAS officer as both have different powers, functions and responsibilities but in terms of comparison a judge is more powerful than an IAS officer.
Hence, it can be concluded that a judge enjoys more power than civil servants, and this comparison is based on hierarchical order of precedence and other procedural powers. The judiciary has been given the power to implement laws and also issue writs for preserving the rights of the individuals as enshrined under the Constitution of India and the judiciary can also hold the administration accountable for any action, hence it can be said that in terms of powers the HIGH COURT judge is more powerful than an IAS Officer.