Who are the Millennials and how to attract them?
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Who are the Millennials and how to attract them?

Is the impact of Millennials higher than other generations on the work floor? Who are they and what are their needs? Most of the candidates of Europe Language Jobs are Millennials, also known as Generation Y or Next Generation, born around 1976 to 2004.  We generalise a large group of people with the term Millennials. Businesses are struggling with the demand and work ethics of this generation(s). Fact is that they change our work environment and maybe we speak sometimes a different workplace language. To understand the Millennials better we describe them on the basis of alternative names for this generation. And we give tips how to attract them at the time of creating and posting your job ads!

Global generation

Millennials are global citizens and they see the world as a village: 75% of them would like to travel abroad. They make their voices heard on when it comes to global issues; working for a company with a corporate social responsibility strategy is important for them.

They are the most ethnically diverse and a highly social generation; diversity and teamwork (background, experience and perspectives) are essential for innovation and problem solving.

Besides that, the world is wide; they are connected all over the world thanks to digital technology.  

Millennials are perfect candidates for working in a multilingual and multicultural team and they are willing to relocate.

Echo / new boomers

Millennials are called that way because they are the sons and daughters of baby boomers and they are a more numerous than the previous generation.

They are aware of all the chances they have in life; they are the most educated generation.

Trophy Kids

‘Follow your dreams’ and ‘you are special’; Millennials are raised with these quotes.

The fact is, most of the Millennials need structure and guidance in life because of their ′helicopter parents′ have been central figures when it comes to taking them through the right path.

They have confidence and they are optimistic; they have a ‘can do’ attitude and they have high expectations of the world and from themselves; which sometimes leads to unrealistic expectations and disillusionment and as a result of that – switching jobs.

Besides that, they grew up hearing stories about successful entrepreneurs; a large group would like to be their own boss.

Peter Pan Generation

Sometimes people say that this generation is refusing to grow up. Or do they think just different?

Make your own judgement.

Digital natives / Net generation

Millennials are digital natives without physical boundaries; their homeland is 24/7 online.

Facebook during worktime? They will also respond to work related LinkedIn messages in the evening.

Eight hours in front of a desk; they just don’t get it; ‘You can work everywhere and anytime’. They are goal-oriented, results are important, not how, when and where you reach them.

Google generation

Internet is their source and it provide Millennials with unlimited access to information; they crave new knowledge. Millennials are assertive, have strong views and want fast and immediate processing results. This generations is focused on personal growth and are always willing to learn from experience.

The 9/11 Generation

Millennials are entering the labour market during tough economic time.

They are shaped by their experience of the general change in people’s sense of safety and security. As a result of this they respect authorities.

Millennials are stressed and they feel pressure ‘to do it well’.

They have experienced that happiness is not only the matter of money; they do not built a life-long career to pay the bills.

Boomerang Generation

They are called boomerang generation because they stay longer at home with their parents and they are not economically independent (because of high costs of housing, higher education etc.).

Generation Like

Millennials get a big part of their social interaction from the internet; they are networkers and want to be a part of something.

Personal and employer branding are important for them; the key is to be authentic, also for their manager. Leadership is something what you deserve.

They are loyal and engaged, but they always keep their eyes open for new opportunities.


Millennials are hard-working and unconventional thinkers; they want to see and understand the logic of what they are doing. They want to be actively involved in the decision-making process. They have ideas and opinions; they want to be heard and respected.

They see their manager as a coach and want to discuss issues with their manager. Feedback is highly appreciated and they want to learn from their manager and their co-workers.

Short cut takers

Are they lazy? A Millennial worker wants to get tasks done in the most efficient way; and maybe that is a different way than before. They are always searching for change and challenge to improve their work environment. Boring is annoying and what’s happening next is their mantra. Variety of tasks and multitasking is their way of living.

Millennials are also focused in their careers; where I am going to and how I can reach my goal.

WE Generation / Generation Me / The Entitled generation

Is it the 'It’s all about me generation'? It is true that the Millennials place much more emphasis on their personal needs. They strive for work-life integration and work-life balance. They want to enjoy their workplace (social activities) and want to make friends with people at work.

Apart from that, they would like to have time for their friends, family and hobbies and want to do something meaningful in life.

To summarize; what are Millennials looking for in the workplace?

Tips for your job ads

  • Describe the organizational structure and culture of the company
  • Give a short overview of the team
  • Describe expectations, responsibilities and tasks
  • Describe the daily routine
  • Describe how you train and coach your employees
  • Be transparent; give a clear overview of type of employment + salary range and benefits your job description
  • Give a short overview of the social activities within your company
  • Describe future possibilities
  • Mention it if there are possibilities for business trips (and extend it into vacation) an opportunity’s to work abroad
  • Does your company has a social responsibility program? Do not forget to mention it in your job ad
Charlotte Smelt

HR Adviseur bij Ceban Pharmaceuticals

8 年

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