Prof Guy Van Elsacker DrSc - Biomed Expert
External Consultant at ECDC - European Union
Some of you know that I visited a few times the rainforest in different places of our earth. Most of you know that the oca people don't have the classical western diet, and eat things that we find strange and disgusting. Nevertheless most rainforest researchers and specialist are aware that there is a ot of knowedge about health and diseasse by local shamans that could be an added value in cases we are dealing with illnesses that we in the civilized countries can not fully manage. The substances with a medicinal possibiity that are there in nature are estimated around 10.000
But know due to some research done at different western Universities we slowlyb discover some of the powerful ingredients that have an extra and sometimes amazing influence on our health. Let's discover some of them
Here is an article as an introduction
Can Eating Crickets Boost Your Health?
By Serena Gordon - HealthDay Reporter
MONDAY, Aug. 13, 2018 (HealthDay News) New research suggests that saving room on your plate for some crunchy, chirpy protein might be good for your health. Specifically, eating crickets may help improve the natural bacteria in your gut (microbiome) and reduce inflammation in your body.
In a small pilot trial, the study team gave 20 volunteers a bugs-for-breakfast diet for two weeks. But, they gave them a more palatable form of crickets -- a powder made from the large insects was turned into muffins or shakes.
"Insects are novel to the diet, but they should be considered a potentially helpful food that contains important nutrients and fibers that could have benefits to our overall health, including our gut microbiome," said the study's lead author, Valerie Stull. She is a researcher at the Center for Sustainability and the Global Environment at the University of Wisconsin, Madison.
Who will join me for a cricket cake?