Who learns more, student or teacher?

Who learns more, student or teacher?

To continue growing, teach what you know.

There’s a famous quote, often attributed to acclaimed music educator Scott Price, that summarizes the art of teaching like this: "The teacher is always and forever the student and the student is the teacher.”?

?I’m relearning the meaning of this as I am once again an adjunct professor at Point Park University, a great institution with one of the top master’s programs in communications for hundreds of miles.?

The picture you see here is me, probably age two. Prophetic? Humorous? Both? I’m not sure. It was taken by my dad, Frank Furiga, who was a fine photographer and is responsible in many ways for my initial career choice of journalism (that’s a story for another time).

At the time dad took this picture, he was a pharmaceutical sales rep and the weighty paper in my pudgy little hands was probably something he had laying around for sharing with physicians (the beanie on my head, however, was pure affectation). After he took this photo, for years, my dad called me “the little professor.” How appropriate then, that this is what I am doing now (in addition to WordWrite)!?

I believe the actual purpose of the picture was for a child photo competition but I’m not sure. What’s prophetic is both the focus on the brain, which has been a key component of WordWrite’s focus on storytelling, and also the idea of teaching.

Over the 20-plus years WordWrite has been in business, quite literally dozens and dozens of smart people have come through our doors as WordWriters. Every time, the opportunity to teach (and learn) was front and center.

WordWrite is not unique, and neither am I. You don’t have to teach a graduate-level course in the principles of PR and advertising to understand the important power of teaching others as a means of improving your own thinking, knowledge and ability to communicate.?

It’s something known as “the protégé effect,” and in practically any discipline, it’s been demonstrated that teaching others what you know is beneficial to your own mastery of the subject.?

So, some food for thought: Who and what are you teaching today? And what are you gaining from the experience?

To dig deeper into your Capital S Story and paint the masterpiece we know you have already been creating behind the scenes, reach out anytime and let’s chat.

