Who knew that wisdom could be so painful!?
Leanne Thomas
Marketing Specialist | Owner of Aleta Marketing | Supporting Small Organisations to Achieve Positive and Lasting Change
(DISCLAIMER – At the point that I started splitting this article down into chapters, I realised that I may have got a little carried away. Hopefully you glean something useful, or if not, at least have a bit of a giggle!)
I am currently in a lot of pain.
My wisdom tooth is desperately trying to force its way into a very little gap in the back of my mouth, with very little success.
The result? Pain that can only be described as TORTUROUS, along with a temporary speech impediment…neither of which I am enjoying!
Overshare of personal health?
Cue Leanne’s life context:
1) Recently turned 30…and it’s fair to say I made a right song and dance about it. From a 29.5th birthday party, to endless tales of my 30-before-30 bucket list, anyone who encountered me in the last year knew I was making a transition to ‘the next era’. As every grey hair that I pull out of my head reminds me (seriously, why are they so thick and witchy!?), my age is important to me!
2) Also, recently relocated to Washington DC to support the husband with a 2-year secondment. Despite applying for my work visa back in May, with the (clearly very over-optimistic) expectation for it to be granted by September in time for my move across the pond, I am still patiently waiting…and waiting…and waiting…to pursue my career in marketing.
Now, back to the tooth:
I pride myself in always trying to see the positives in a situation. Hmm…the positive of an impacted wisdom tooth? Well, SURELY with every millimetre of tooth that makes its way through, I get a millimetre wiser!? And with 2020 fast approaching, it’s the perfect time to take a moment of reflection (…under the influence of ibuprofen and Elton John’s greatest hits!), in particular on my career to date.
So here I am, sat looking at my CV; 2 sides of A4, showcasing 11 jobs, over 16 years. What have I learned? What’s important to me? What will be important to my future employer?
Put the kettle on! 30-year-old-Leanne’s newfound millimetres of wisdom are about to be shared, before this bloody tooth gets yanked out, and all that wisdom is lost. I present to you, an unusual CV of Leanne’s Learnings…HERE WE GO!
Listening to the same Christmas CD on repeat for 2 months is enough to turn anyone into Scrooge! Plus, the combination of my love of shoes and staff discount really didn’t result in a whole lot of pocket money!
Bridezillas are REAL, and SCARY!
On day 3 of handing out Peppa Pig’s stage show flyers, a little girl ran over and shouted “It’s the Peppa Pig lady”. It was a looooong, embarrassing summer!
My housemate was interested in joining UOTC and, despite my severe disinterest, somehow convinced me to go along to the recruitment evening for moral support. The next thing I know, I’m wielding a rifle whilst getting bumped by the enemy (in my pyjamas!) at 3am on a Saturday. Very far removed from the dancefloor where I imagined I would find myself, but hey, I learnt to iron, went on some amazing adventure training exercises…and the Officers Mess had the cheapest bar in town! The REAL zinger, though, was gaining the understanding of the importance of teamwork. It was the spirit of camaraderie in the cold rain, the feeling of friendship when sharing the last moral-ibo, and the sense of achievement when we ‘detonated’ the painted cardboard box that kept me going back (even when the government stopped paying our wages!).
I dare say, it was worth hours of traipsing around golf courses in a ridiculous kilt, handing out free golf tees, for the solid piece of advice that I was given by CEO, John Andrew: ABM…ALWAYS Be Marketing.
“Carry a notebook with you Leanne, you never know when you might find inspiration and opportunity!”
Thanks to the beauty of technology, I now have a smaller handbag, but the ‘notes’ app on my phone is filled with entries – some nuggets of gold, and needless to say, also some complete and utter crap! John was right: inspiration and opportunity is EVERYWHERE. And if, like me, you suffer from Dory-memory (Disney Pixar’s Finding Nemo reference for the non-millennials), by capturing your sparks of ‘inspo’ straight away, you build your very own directory of genius ready for the next time you go to create that killer campaign.
…even if it means pouring another schooner of beer for the drunk man who keeps calling you Pommy!
Back in the UK after an incredible year of exploring the world. Week 2 of setting the alarm and eagerly awaiting a call from the Head Angel to find out which sick leave I would be covering. But…week two of the phone remaining silent, the day being spent applying for graduate positions and the bank balance draining dangerously low. A friend comes to visit that evening and one happy hour cocktail leads to another. Hey, why not, it’s not like the phone is going to ring tomorrow…
Needless to say, at 7am the next morning I am dragging my very regretful pounding head through the streets of Glasgow, trying to navigate my way to the office address that I had scribbled on a scrap of paper.
At reception, I am met by a cheery lady who offers to show me the way. On entering the lift, she provides a demonstration on how to operate the buttons to take us to the second floor.
“Wow, she must have had some very challenged temps in the past” I think to myself.
“PING!”, we arrive at the second floor and I step out of the lift.
“No, no Leanne, I need you to show me you understand, can you take us to the third floor?”.
Back into the lift I go, confidently press the number 3, and “PING!”, magically we appear at the third floor. “Maybe it’s part of the health and safety policy” I think. Again, out of the lift, I step.
“Right Leanne, that’s your training complete, you’re good to go”.
Okay, she has completely lost me. “Umm, but where’s my office?” I question.
We stand there looking puzzled at each other for what feels like a very awkwardly long period time.
“This….is…’your office’ ”, she eventually answers. “Didn’t the temp agency explain that you would be operating the lift today as Harry, the usual ‘lift concierge’, has taken ill?”
My very hungover brain processes this new information, and I muster a smile from somewhere far, far away.
uuuuUUURRRGGGGH UUUUUrrrrggghhhh. Up and down I go, all day long, pressing floor buttons, and trying not to throw up on my vertically inclined travellers.
DAY TWO and I’m far perkier, with a clear head, after an early night. I daresay, I’m even starting to find my sense of humour again and am coming up with some pretty hilarious (if I do say so myself) lift puns!
“You would never think I have a degree from the University of St Andrews”, I joke to my new passengers, as I press 0 to take them to the ground floor as requested.
“Wow, you really can get a degree in anything these days!”, one of them responds.
My jaw drops to the floor. I’m stunned into silence.
“PING!” the door opens, and this man steps out into the world with the belief that one of the world’s top 100 universities offers a degree in Lift Operation.
“My first real adult job! And I’ll be helping other people find the job of their dreams”.
“WRONG WRONG WRONG” future Leanne screams back through time! Luckily, it didn’t take long for me to figure this out.
Monday morning, I bound into an office to be met by…a large Velcro wall looming over me. Instantly I notice people’s names on individual strips. “DING!” A bell rings. ‘Matt’ is ripped off of the wall and placed above ‘Gordon’. The Leader-board.
Testosterone pumped males strut around the Astroturf covered floor office, headset microphones flowing in the overly airconditioned room. One particular species is swinging a (very phallic shaped) baseball bat as he barks down the phone.
“DING!” ‘Matt’ makes it to the top of the Velcro wall, and is handed over the bat. The Bat of Leader-ism.
After 3 days of lessons on how to dial a number, how to smile down the telephone, and how to read a script, I drag myself into the office on Thursday.
Today’s lesson – ‘How To Get Past The Gatekeeper’. A painful few hours later and I am now equipped with the knowledge of how to get from receptionist to decision maker. “Say you’re from their bank”, “Or from their child’s school”, “Did you hear personal?…I said personnel.”
Lunchtime. I went out to get a sandwich…and I never went back.
I’m not sure how I forgot 16-year-old-Leanne’s Learning, but when one Glaswegian woman shouted into the face of the other “SHALL WE TAKE THIS OUTSIDE?”, as they both grasped onto the last Soap and Glory ‘Star Buy’, and Jingle Bell Rock blared out for 10th time that day, I swore NEVER AGAIN!!
My first big involvement at TIS was a rebranding project, to move away from the navy and white 80’s logo (that I’m fairly sure was created in Microsoft Word), to something far more 21st century. There’s a long version of the story, involving various mock-ups (from which I particularly enjoyed the team’s feedback!) but the short version is, the project was a SUCCESS! By taking a step back from day to day business operations, we refocused the business strategy; realigned the marketing strategy; and created an image that reflected these developments as well as portrayed the personality of TIS. The company gained new members, new contracts, new connections, and the facelift absolutely justified the money that went in to it. The world is a shallow place…and your branding is blooding important!
I purposefully mention money. I’m not going to lie, rebranding is expensive. Graphic designers, web developers, photographers, printers, promo gift companies - just think how many places your logo is present. Your most important role, once you have your new, shiny brand is to PROTECT YOUR INVESTMENT! You are now its bouncer, its bodyguard, its birth-control! Anyone who uses your brand, should understand the do’s and dont's, from professional graphic designers using Adobe InDesign to the Managing Director using Microsoft Powerpoint. Develop comprehensive brand guidelines and take the time to train your team in how to act as a brand ambassador.
Even if you haven’t rebranded, when did you last lay all of your marketing materials out on a table alongside your website, social media and other online marketing channels? Do they all have the same look and feel? Is it the same voice ‘speaking’ to your audience? Is your messaging consistent? Are you adhering to your own brand guidelines? It’s amazing how pivotal yet fragile your branding is. And this is only the beginning…how is the phone being answered? How quickly are emails being replied to? What are the aesthetics of your meeting room? Every single interaction with a current or prospective client makes an everlasting impression of your company.
I’m getting a bit preachy. Another important lesson…don’t be THE ONE who gets the most drunk at the office Christmas party. And has to be taken home at the end of the night. By Directors of the company. But can’t remember her new address. Just saying, you will never live that shit down!
The Oxford English Dictionary defines an organisation as: ‘An organised group of people with a particular purpose.’
People. Individuals with interests, hobbies, families, motivations and milestones. And that’s what you need to recognise, support and celebrate on a day to day basis.
Even though B2B stands for Business to Business, it is still individual people who are making connections. TAKE 10! 10 minutes (…or seconds) to get to know the people you speak to on a daily, weekly, monthly basis, on a more personal level. From your colleagues, to clients, to suppliers. BUILD RELATIONSHIPS. Digital is great, but don’t forget to pick up the phone or even better, plonk yourself down in front of someone once in a while. Did you know, no two iris’ are the same? Forget the iPhone and get yourself some proper eye time when you can.
Vital to this point is PHOTOGRAPHY! It is expensive, especially when Adobe has a big old bank of white-toothed stock images right there ready to use BUT trust me, particularly when marketing a service, you want to fill your marketing materials and channels with REAL images of REAL people, who your clients will be interacting and building relationships with.
Keep your audience updated with your individual team member’s news – awards, qualifications, learnings and networking. Content creation is easy when you have a motivated team who are actively developing their careers and it’s important that you capture and display this in order to communicate your company’s expertise in what they do.
I’m looping back round to my first point here – knowing people, and in particular YOUR people. No-one is okay all of the time. Things happen, both work-related and beyond the office walls, which affect the squishy thing inside our skulls. By getting to know your team members, you will have more of a chance of recognising when someone isn’t their usual self, and hopefully be able to do something to help. Even if it’s sticking the kettle on, and offering an extra chocolate biscuit. And if you have an awesome team, who are also looking out for you, you end up with an extra bit of support and guidance through the whirlwind that is life. And that, my friends, is nothing but a good thing! HOWEVER, do ensure that you read hug situations correctly. Just because someone comes towards you with their arms open in an inviting manner, doesn’t mean you should cling on like a baby koala. Trust me, it’s awkward when you realise they were just trying to reach around you for something!
WOW! Are you still here? You must have finished that cuppa by now. My ibuprofen is certainly wearing off, so let’s get to the SO WHAT already:
1) In a recent conversation with a good (and much younger!) friend, they questioned “How do you know what you want to do?” What this reflection has shown me, is that I never knew exactly (I actually went to university to study Physics…that didn’t last very long!). But by starting my career early, and gaining as much experience as possible, I’ve found my get-out-of-bed-bug. Yes, I’ve had some jobs that have made me want to pull my perfectly healthy teeth out, but I’ve realised it’s just as important to know what you don’t want to do, to discover where your real passion lies. And hey, I’ve got some pretty hilarious stories to share over my next happy hour cocktail!
2) What I’ve learned through experience and from people I’ve met along the way, has been just as valuable as everything that I extracted from the textbooks at university. PESTLE, Porter’s 5 Forces, The 5 W’s (and that cheeky H!), you all bring a lot to the party, but it’s THESE learnings that have shaped what I personally believe is important, not only for marketing an organisation, but being part of one.
So, with ‘Work Visa’, at the top of my Santa list, I’m certainly excited for the next chapter in 2020. But for now, pass me a ball of string, ready for a cartoon style string-around-the-tooth-slam-the-door home remedy! Seriously tooth, you’ve had 30 years to make your appearance, yet you choose to wait until I live in a country with the most outrageously priced dental care! Having just received a quote from the dentist for my tooth extraction, I ask again…Who knew that wisdom could be SO painful?
What key lessons have you learnt throughout your career? Feel free to share!
#EndofYearReflection #LeannesLearning #UnusualCV #CareerPath #CareerLessons #CareerUpsAndDowns #WorkExperience #Marketing #MarketingCareer #MarketingAdvise #AlwaysBeMarketing #ConsistentBranding #Branding #ImageIsEverything #Teamwork #PeoplePeoplePeople #GetOutofBedBug
Conscious culture and purposeful branding. Do more good, amplify your impact and become the brand of choice. When you step up, you stand out. Purpose | Culture | Branding
5 年Well done Leanne - what a great writer you are! I knew, even back then, you were going to be a star!
Operations Manager | Strategic Planning | Change Management | Marketing | Digital Transformation
5 年This is quite simply AMAZING! The best thing I have read in a while (probably should read more)... I smiled and giggled my way through, especially remembering that awkward hug and how it all happened in slow motion! You truly are remarkable Mrs, I hope you get your working visa with a big ribbon on! Mainly for your sanity as I know you thrive with other humans, the true definition of an extrovert. Missing you xx
Semi-Retired | Natural Water Expert Witness & Commercial Support to Growing Consultancies
5 年Oh Leanne, how I miss you. And that hug is seared like a branding mark in my very poor memory. I truly hope you get your visit from Mr Clause, you will be an asset & treasure to any team that invites you into their circle ... once they get used to you! Xx