Who Is JohnMalkovich.com?
Someone once told me that domain names will one day be as valuable as land and how right they were. Everyone now knows that domain names are strongly associated with organisations' identities and a good domain name can in certain circumstances be as valuable as a home with a view. However, like real property, the rights of ownership over the registration and use of domain names are subject to dispute and can involve complex legal issues.
In Australia, domain names are regulated by .au Domain Administration (auDA) as are complaints about the improper use or registration of domain names. The following Squarespace Superbowl ad very nicely explains just how frustrating it can be when your domain name is misappropriated:
Click here to watch Who Is JohnMalkovich.com?
Feel free to get in touch with me if you feel that a domain name that you are entitled to has been snatched up by a third party.