Who Inspired You By Their Actions?
Tom Larsen
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Six months ago today, my 92 year old Dad left us, his body still saying YES but his mind saying NO. But it is what he left behind that I want to talk about.
Clyde had no magic words, no magic catch-phrase, no rah-rah speeches about him. He walked in faith every day and walk with an upbeat outlook on life every day. He never gave me that "why are you doing this" speech when I bought my 1st restaurant at 22 years old. He never said "Why son are you opening up a 2nd one at 25?" He never said "I told you so" when I filed bankruptcy at 30 years old. He never said "why are you starting another business" - when I started my insurance agency with 0 clients.
Negative views, negative words were never his, despite burying his 1st 3 wives. After burying his 1st one in his 20's, why would he risk marriage again? He did risk it with my Mom and the 5 children they had together. Then after my Mom died of breast cancer, how would he deal with raising 5 kids, ages 5-11? Single Dad, 5 kids, alone but never bitter. Not once that I saw him bitter.
Inner strength, complete faith (church usher for 40+ years) and an amazing spirit was Dad. In fact, his daily song was "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine.....". Watching him was probably a greater affect on me than any words he could have ever spoken. Someone the community looked up to and always said a kind word about Clyde.
So who inspired you by their actions - not words? I'd love to see you comments. Thanks for listening to my story.