Who I see in the mirror?
Reference: Flamin' Icicle
You look at yourself in the mirror, might not like what you see, maybe you are too fat, or bit more tanned than usual. Then you look inside of yourself, through the depth of your own eyes, try to sail through the ocean full of memories, past experiences swaying you between what if(s) and fantasies of maybe(s). But then you hit back the reality, falling through the cracks of your own fears and see how far below you stand. Suddenly your dreams are too far away and obligations are much more important to accomplish, basic necessities and moments of tiny comfort bubble, are something seem achievable.
So you decide not to float away in imagination and let the heaviness of compromises settle you, glued to earth. Soon that heaviness is too much to bear, your passion of art and creativity left incomplete, still waiting at the corner of your study room, patiently waiting and hoping you haven't given up on them or on yourself. But every time you pass them, while you need to pick up your pen to sign another contract or agreement which might decide your road to the future, or maybe when you are in the study to pick your laptop while rushing to your office, your eyes fall upon those long abandoned passions, and you glance that incompleteness in you. You're filled with regret, you remember it's been 7 years since you have touched your brushes and paints, it's been months since you wrote your story that's spinning in your head every now and then. In one hand you are doing great at your job in your workplace but in another hand, you ask yourself if that's something you want to do forever?
So that moment brings you standing in front of a mirror, judging yourself. You might see a thousand things that you might not like. You hate yourself for all the slips and maybe feel like living without a purpose. You know that the spark within you is burning out, and the faith in yourself seems dim. And you hit rock bottom without even realizing it. But rock bottom is the place where foundations were built.
Suddenly universe invades with an intervention, you get to see yourself with someone else's eyes, the qualities you thought were cold and burnt out, were actually vibrant and glorious. Your personality is in the spotlight and world is your stage. You realize maybe I am too hard on myself, maybe the person you were judging so brutally in the mirror isn't that bad, maybe you have another shot and maybe you can rewrite that incomplete story and finish that piece of art that's still waiting for you in a corner of your room.
You need to realize, who you are, you always will be. Even you yourself can't change it. You will grow, gather experience, become stronger. The passion can never burn out, the dreams can become reality if you make a little attempt. You can float and fly, it will be your escapade and reality doesn't need to hit rather be real and big enough to accommodate your dreams to exist. The hurdles in the path of your dreams becoming reality are just white noise, you need to filter them out to make music. The only thing stopping you from becoming who you are and what you are meant to be is you yourself.