[This, Is Who I Am For You - Lev 22:32]
Scriptural Ref: Num 15:41, I Am the LORD your God, which brought you out of the land of Egypt, to be your God: I Am the LORD your God.
A) I Am the LORD your God,
Translation: I, by Myself have chosen to be your Source, your Defense, and your opportunity.
B) which brought you out of the land of Egypt:
Translation: that I rescued you out of Egypt after over four hundred years of slavery, is my testimony.
C). to be your God
Translated: I did not break you free to leave you as prey to the next task master. I broke you free to keep you. to guide you. to help you and to build you up.
I brought you out to lead you into the good plan, I have for you - a life where you are accountable to no one else but me - just like I have made Myself accountable to you in all that concerns you (Mt 6:33 + Mt 7:7 = Jmes 4:2).
D). I Am the LORD your God.
Translated: I have gifted Myself to you, to cater to your every need and to build you into all that you are in Me.
This, is who I Am: "...the government shall be upon his shoulder and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor , The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace (Isa 9:6)
A) "...the government shall be upon his shoulder
Translated: I Am Ruler - over everything for you (Phil 2:9-11 + Mt 18:18 = Phil 4: 13),
B) "...and his name shall be called..."
i). His name as given, is Jesus - Lk 1:31.
ii). When a person's name is called by other name(s), those other names have become descriptive of the person's nature and attributes (Prv 18:10).
C) "...and his name shall be called Wonderful,..."
"...Wonderful..." =
i) marvelous = to be, and also giving mind-defying, logic-breaking testimonies (Ex 34:10 + Lk 1:37 = Isa 46:10-11).
ii) astonishing = to cause a feeling of great surprise or wonder : to be a veil- tearing (Mt 27:50-51) wall-breaking (Jsh 6:20) Mind- stretcher (Lk 1:37 + Mrk 9:23 = Phil 4:13 + Ex 34:10).
D) "...and his name shall be called... Counsellor... ,
"...Counsellor..." = Legal Representative to plead my case before the Lord Justice of the Universe (Rm 8:34-35),
i) when I let Him (Prv 3:5-6), He helps me respond to the challenges I face (Rm 8:26-27 + Jhn 14:26 = Heb 4:16),
ii) by giving me direction (Prv 4:18), and walking me out of that situation safely (Pslm 23:4 + Ex 23:28-30),
iii) He never stops reassuring me of who I am in Him (Jsh 1:8 + Rm 8:14-17 = Prv 4:20-22 + 2 Cor 5:21).
E). "...and his name shall be called... The mighty God,..."
"...The..." = indicative of someone specific, the only one known to man.
" ..Mighty God..." = the most powerful ...Creator, and the most influential Authority that there is.
F). " ...and his name shall be called... The everlasting Father,..."
"...The..." = indicative of someone specific, the only one known to man
"...everlasting..." = perpetual, continuing to be consistently constant (Heb 13:5 + Jer 31:3 = Isa 54:9-10)
"...Father..." =
+ the source of (Jhn 1:3 + Lam 3:37),
+ the reason I became, my Originator - Gen 1:26-27 + Gen 2:7),
+ my Provider (Phil 4:19)
+ my Enabler (Gen 1: 28 + Eph 1:3 = Gal 3:29),
+ my Access-giver (Rev 3:8 + Mt 18:18 = Job 22:28) and my protective Sealant (Pslm 91:7,14-16 + Lam 3:37).
The only thing He will ever be to you, no matter how far you go, is your Father (Lk 15:20-24 + 1 Jhn 1:9).
G). "...and his name shall be called... The Prince of Peace (Isa 9:6).
"...The..." = indicative of someone specific, the only one known to man.
"...Prince..." = a male monarch of a small state, actually, nominally, or originally subject to a King (Phil 2:9-11 + Rev 19:16 = Heb 1:3 + Rev 20: 4)
"...Of..." = in connection with
"...Peace..." = freedom from disturbance; tranquility (Jhn 10:10B + 2 Chrn 20:29-30).
Disturbance = the interruption of a settled and peaceful condition
So, what Am I to you (1 Sam 2:30A)?