Who will help to take right decision and help earn $ :)
Manish Kushwaha
Director Of Data Engineering (PE) @ McAfee | Data Science, Data Engineering
A high spirited person with right work ethics and behaviour will always help to achieve needed results. Your nature of working with data will help you to take right decision. Individual can help you to get right data.
Here question comes how you are going to identify such person?
For this you need to know about individual, you can always create a chats for individual traits. Usually we classify them in following behaviour.
- Individual personality
- Individual learning theories and styles
- Individual perception and biases
- Individual attitude
Individual personality
Learning about personality types can help predict a person's behaviour and performance w.r.t given work.
We can always use Big Five Personality Traits Model (Using OCEAN Framework)
Following are the personality traits,
- Openness to Experience: Includes sensitiveness, flexibility, creativity and curiousness
- Conscientiousness: Includes carefulness, self-discipline and dependability
- Extroversion: Includes assertiveness, sociability and talkativeness
- Agreeableness: Includes courteousness, being caring and being well-mannered
- Neuroticism: Includes anxiousness, hostility and depression
If any of you are looking to take your OCEAN test there is a good test tool here
Individual Learning
What is impact of learning? how individual learning could impact overall behaviour of individuals.
There are three traditional learning theories:
- Classical Conditioning: It is the association of a stimulus with a particular behaviour.
- Operant Conditioning: It is an association between a particular behaviour and its consequences.
- Social Learning: It refers to learning by observing the behaviours of others.
Actually any individual try to memorise any content in following way,
- Discuss with your bench partner and form logical points to remember the process.
- Draw the process on your own and learn it.
- Create a small map that will help you visualise it later.
Every individual could learn in its own way, this shows different learning style by different individuals.
Learning style will define how fast you learn, usually it is categorized in following,
- Kinesthetic learner: An individual who gains knowledge and learns primarily through practice or hands-on experience.
- Auditory learner: An individual who learns new information primarily through spoken languages such as speeches, lectures and one-on-one teaching.
- Visual learner: An individual who prefers to learn based on visual communication such as whiteboards, maps or images.
Individual Perception
Many time we mistake perception to be the reality, but in most cases, it is not true. hat is perception and what are the factors that lead to perception-building?
There are three factors which impact perception or deeply involved in creating perception,
- The situation
- The target
- The perceiver
There is an attribution theory which help us to understand how we judge people. internal and external attributions are two ways of perception building.
- Internal attribution: It involves perception building when your personality, feelings and beliefs influence your behaviour as a result of which you draw a perception about others.
- External attribution: It involves perception building when you know that there was an external circumstance or an event in the environment that made an individual behave in a particular way, and that impacts or builds your perception about him/her.
There are three components that determine attribution:
- Distinction: An individual’s perception of others is determined by how often a particular behaviour is displayed.
- Consensus: If one or more people behave in a certain way, the perception is said to be in consensus.
- Consistency: Perception building is dependent on how consistent the behaviour of the individual in the account is.
But many time we are biased in our subconscious. We can classify biases which are a subset of perception.
- Selective Perception: It is a type of bias where people judge others on the basis of their interests and background and ignore everything that does not fit their belief system.
- Self-Serving Bias: It is a tendency to take credit for all positive events and blame others for any negative occurrence.
- Halo Effect: It is a form of bias where a person draws impressions about others on the basis of a single trait or characteristic such as their physical attractiveness or outside appearance.
- Contrast Effect: A bias that is formed when a standard is set by a high or low performer and an individual fails to judge others beyond these standards.
- Stereotyping: It is a form of bias based on certain common characteristics between two people or if an individual belongs to a certain group of people.
Individual Attitude
An individual’s attitude at the workplace plays a major role in determining his/her behaviour.
Attitude, basically, helps describe an individual’s likes and dislikes. Attitudes are built in accordance with the values one holds. They form an individual’s established ways of responding to specific objects, people and situations based on the values and beliefs they hold.
There are three types of job attitudes. These can be broadly defined as follows:
- Job Satisfaction: Job satisfaction is the measure of the amount of satisfaction or happiness that an employee gets by performing a particular task or job at hand.
- Job Involvement: It is a measure of how well an employee identifies with and actively participates in his or her job.
- Organisational Commitment: It is a measure of how well an employee identifies with the organisation’s mission, vision, goals and objectives.
Individual’s job attitude can be changed or managed using a few exercises. These can be listed as follows:
- Persuasion or Coercion
- Reinforcement Techniques
- Positive Reinforcement: Refers to rewarding an employee on displaying a particular behaviour
- Negative Reinforcement: Refers to stopping an undesired behaviour by associating a negative outcome with it
- Punishment: Refers to imposing a penalty on an employee for a particular behaviour
- Extinction: Extreme penalties such as firing an employee to avoid certain behaviours