Who Will Help Me? I Am Riding In The Great Cycle Challenge To Fight Kids' Cancer In June
A U T H O R ★ I N N O V A T O R ★ A T H L E T E? ??? Strategic Intelligence Expert, "Just a little girl from Tahlequah"
Guess What?!!!... Next month, I am riding in the Great Cycle Challenge to fight kids' cancer.
My goal is to start this challenge strong by reaching $1000. in donations this week, help me help these children win their fight against cancer!
My goal is to ride 500 miles throughout the month, and I will be pedaling as hard as I can to reach my target.
Why am I doing this? Because cancer is the largest killer of children from disease in the United States – 38 children die every week.
Kids should be living life, not fighting for it.
Please support my 500 mile challenge by making a donation through my fundraising page:
All funds raised will support Children's Cancer Research Fund to continue their work to develop innovative treatments and find a cure for childhood cancer.
Thank you for your support.