Who The Hell Gave He*bollah the Ministry?of?Culture?
Since Mohammad Mortada, appointed by He*bollah, took office as Minister of Culture, Lebanon has witnessed an unprecedented cultural decline. Mortada has successfully imposed He*bollah's cultural agenda at the expense of Lebanon's diverse cultural heritage, openness, and freedom of expression.
He has banned numerous international films under various pretexts, citing religious texts from the Quran, the Bible, and the sayings of saints. He has introduced outdated laws to criminalize homosexuality and attempted to seize control of the National Conservatory by ousting its director.
As a loyal follower of He*bollah, he removed the "Blue Shield" emblem from the Baalbek Fortress—a globally recognized symbol for protecting cultural sites during armed conflicts—claiming that the "resistance" could provide protection, as if the Baalbek ruins, which predates Mortada’s cultural policies by thousands of years, were private property.
Widespread violations, assaults on freedoms, and provocations against all segments of society mark Mortada's tenure. These are the hallmarks of Mohammad Mortada, the self-proclaimed cultural guardian. This is the inevitable outcome of He*bollah's control over the Ministry of Culture, where the concept of culture under the rule of the "Guardian Jurist" differs significantly, characterized by a unique blend of fanaticism, backwardness, and ignorance.