Who has the Luxury of Washing Hands?
Jo-Ann Rolle, Ph.d.
Past President, National HBCU Business Deans Roundtable. Ph.D. in Economics, Certified in Immersive Tech. 5+ yrs on Executive Committee, specialized in strategic corporate partnerships and workforce development
Yesterday an international group of country officials, business, community, and other stakeholders met virtually to discuss the growing threat of COV19 in Africa. The topic:
Coronavirus in Africa: Stopping the Spread and the Panic
with Lessons Learned from the Ebola Epidemic.
Given the socio-economic conditions in many of the cities, such as lack of health infrastructure, high-density urban areas, limited health labor force, limited medical supplies, poverty and lack of financial resources the pandemic disaster toll could quickly escalate beyond anything seen in China, Italy, and the US. The webinar was first in a series that will address the economic, social, physical and mental health effects of the COV19 outbreak in Africa. Based on the World Health Organization (WHO) data cases are increasing rapidly. Unlike in other areas, the ability to test and assess is limited due to the lack of supplies. It was announced that Ethiopia is collaborating with a foundation to airlift testing kits and other supplies to African countries. It was noted that several other public and private sector relief efforts have also engaged in supporting the region, however more support is needed.
The list of panelists discussing the challenge included ambassadors, UN officials, academics and other country officials. What helped to put the severity of the problem into context was H.E. Sidique Wai, Ambassador of the Republic of Sierra Leone to the United States of America statement, " who has the luxury of washing hands, many in our countries don't have clean water."
Retired (Oil & Gas)
4 年I applaud this sober minded approach Jo-Ann ...shot of a vaccine... there are many many things that can be done to limit the spread of the disease in Africa and else where in the world...so far we have seen that covid19 is no respector of persons...any where in the world ...the aged...the infirmed...urban concentrations...the poor.. the ignorant...are at higher risk...of contracting and spreading the disease...so we are fighting fires right now...we also need to focus on future safety. .fire prevention if you will...but very refreshing to see people being proactive and confronting the challenge...especially on the continent
Science Teacher, Electronics Engineer, Guitarist, Composer at Self-Employed
4 年I hope those who read your article, and others like it, will be inspired to provide assistance and solutions to help out. Unfortunately, dire circumstances reveal needs, reminding us, people still require our help around our world. Thanks for informing us on this important reality, Dr. Rolle
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4 年reminder on how blessed we are in US
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4 年Thank you for highlighting this. Crucially important now more than ever.
Organizational Development Facilitator ... GPS Business Group | MBA | USMC Officer ... Helping business leaders optimize their team's productivity and revenue growth
4 年Thanks Jo-Ann for reminding us to count our blessings, be more globally aware, and make a difference