Who is Haocheng (Steven) Yu, and what is he up to?

Who is Haocheng (Steven) Yu, and what is he up to?

For those following my LinkedIn update, you know I’ve recently embarked on producing a documentary that shines a light on the inspiring stories of the new generation of Chinese immigrants in Australia.

Since the idea came to me, I’ve had nearly a hundred conversations with my network, gathering feedback and suggestions. A common question that comes up is: 'Steven, why focus only on Chinese immigrants? Why not include all Asian immigrants, given their shared challenges in Australia?'

Here’s how I responded:

  1. Focus & Connections: Given my background and strong ties to the Chinese community, I believe I can make a more meaningful impact by starting with their stories first.
  2. Cultural Nuances: While there are similarities, each community’s experiences are unique. I believe these differences deserve their own spotlight through tailored storytelling.
  3. A Bigger Vision: If this documentary succeeds, I’d love to collaborate with other community leaders to highlight stories from other Asian cultural backgrounds in future projects.

These reasons make sense, but deep down, I’ve still had my doubts - especially about whether I can truly expand the scope of the documentary to capture the stories of Asian immigrants across Australia. I’ve often found myself wondering:

  • “Who am I to represent the entire Asian Australian community?”
  • “Do I have the connections and resources for such a massive project?”
  • “What if I fail?”

Despite this self-doubt, recent conversations with my wonderful connections have prompted me to ask myself a different question: What is my ultimate goal through this project?

  • Promote social cohesion and dispel misconceptions, adding value to multicultural Australia.
  • Celebrate the achievements of hardworking, talented individuals, reminding corporate leaders of the importance of Asian Australian representation for a more inclusive leadership culture.
  • Foster solidarity, showing that despite our different cultural backgrounds, we all share a common home (Australia) and a desire to make it better.

After some deep self-reflection, I’m more confident in this new direction:

  • I recognise that capturing stories from multiple Asian communities will elevate the impact of this documentary, offering a richer, more inclusive perspective.
  • I believe that showcasing a diverse array of stories will create a greater impact, fostering a deeper understanding of the shared and unique experiences of Asian immigrants in Australia.
  • If this is a success, it will pave the way for the next documentary for another few brilliant individual stories to be known by the world.

While I may not yet have all the connections or knowledge about other Asian communities in Australia, I believe my passion and determination will continue to open doors, just as it has since this idea first took shape.

I am deeply grateful for every conversation, every challenging question, and all the support and encouragement I’ve received so far. These interactions have pushed me to reflect, grow, and gain clarity on what I want to achieve.

Thank you so much and sorry if I missed anyone from the below list.

Su-Lin Tan Richard Zhou Erin Wen Ai Chew Gloria Yuen Irene Sim PCC Xiaoyan Lu Terence Koo Jieh-Yung Lo Koon, Executive Coach Frances Goh Sheree Ramage EJ GARRETT Charlotta Oberg Catherine Mudford Martine Letts Ziwen Zhou Betty Xiang ACC Emma Donohue Terry Deen Mark Panayiotis Notaras Lizzie Lu Ming (Isobel) Li, CA Vanessa Huang Wei (Rainy) Du Jessica Zhang Kurt Yang Dan Wang Olivia Jin Henry Zhang William Zhao Sherrie Tang Wei Gao Crystal Wang

With this renewed self-belief, I’m committed to the idea of producing an independent, not-for-profit documentary focusing on the inspiring stories of the new generation of Asian immigrants in Australia. The core message remains unchanged:

  • Showcase how Australia’s education system has opened new doors and shaped their lives.
  • Celebrate the invaluable contributions of these migrants across all sectors, highlighting their role in building a vibrant, multicultural Australia.
  • Emphasise the power of community support in fostering a sense of belonging and empowerment.

I’m super excited about what lies ahead and invite you all to join me on this journey. Let’s create something meaningful together.


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