Who Is God? What Is Spirituality......?

Is God a creation of our human Minds?

Does He really exists?

Does He supervise all our actions/reactions/thoughts?

Does He interfere in our lives?

Can He really do anything on His own sweat will?

Like that,several questions keep fogging almost every mind when it comes 2 God. Very rarely,we may find people using 'Logics ONLY' 2 explore all the possibilities.Every time someone tries so,He/She gets blocked by Emotions and 'WE ALL MUST REMEMBER THAT EMOTIONS & LOGICS' r 2 INSEPARABLE twins.

4 some,it may B possible 2 work under THE TOTAL INFLUENCE OF 'Emotions' alone but it is practically impossible 2 keep 'Emotions' totally out and use only 'Logics'.

Who is God? WHY I believe that God is the 1st trigger of Energy (if at all He exists)? This I say 4 two reasons;

1. Everything is made up of 'Reactions of 2 or more energies and secondly; there R three main energies responsible for all TYPES OF CREATIONS/DESTRUCTIONS.

Indian Vedas name the 3 Energies as Brahma , Vishnu and Mahesh (The creator,the maintainer,the balancer).

Why earlier all avatars including Rama, Krishna, Buddha, Jesus, and Paigambar were born on Earth but no one was born after?

Were they the "Re-incarnations" of GOD (The only almighty) or were they the "Re-Births" of some great humans within those periods?

The Veda says;

Ya devi sarvabhuteshu shakti - rupena samsthita

Namas tasyai, namas tasyai, namas tasyai namo namah 

My views are based upon the understandings of Vedic scriptures, which are believed to be transferred through the words of mouth of selected few deserving scholars (sruti) from the time immemorial since the latest past.

These scholars believed on a theory that….

1. Knowledge should be True, Rational, logical, scientific and obey the ‘Law of Nature’. It should help explain the secrets of the nature for further development of Science and Technology. Now if we explain it further,even the TRUTH R of various kinds/types. We have a) Absolute Truth but this truth in known 2 NONE. Then, we have

b) Real truth,which remains true only for Same time and Space references, such as "Sun Rises from the East" is true only if Earth is the reference,it may not B true from other planets or similar such references.

c) Apparent truth R always ''TRUE" only for a given set of time & conditions and hence keep changing.

d) Then, there R Subjective,Predictive and Conditional Truths 2.

2. Knowledge should be ‘Ethical’ and ‘Non controversial’. It should not show exaggerations, omissions and 'Self contradictions' as we find in the books authored by Humans. 

3. The knowledge should truly explain nature, properties, powers and manifestations of God. 

4. That knowledge should be ‘Eternal’, universal and uniform for all human beings irrespective of Caste, Creed, Gender, Race, Geographical boundaries, Nationalities and free from the boundaries of languages and dialects etc. It should be inspiring, thought provoking, pious, blended with lofty ideas and ideals and should be able to develop all human beings through the developments of all the faculties of human beings to the fullest extent

5. This needs 'Faith in self' and 'Faith' is a very small word, takes less than a second in 'reading', takes more than a minute if we think about it, takes more than a day in understanding it but even 'entire lifetime' becomes less in proving it. We must also pay attention 2 the fact that "Faith in Self" and "Faith in Others" Rn't same.

Today, I may believe in somebody, but tomorrow our reaction may change....

6. Perhaps we are erring in understanding 'Meditation Theory'. Doing ones' duties with full devotion and passion is also a part of meditation. Here you get so involved that you forget everything except what Ur doing which is also a form of meditation.

As per hymn; Ya devi sarvabhuteshu shakti - rupena samsthita,Namas tasyai, namas tasyai, namas tasyai namo namah …it is clear that our Vedas also believe God to be the MAIN SOURCE OF ENERGIES WHICH CREATED EVERYTHING. 

Secondly; if we read the VERY opening Hymn; Nasadiya Sukta (Creation Hymn) of the Rig Veda which says:

Who really knows? Who will here proclaim it? Whence was it produced? Whence is this creation? 

We come 2 learn, during Rig Vedic period; there were no God of the types we perceive 2b.

We come 2 know; There were no Gods or Deities suggested in Vedas but only natural powers or Energies (Air, Fire, Sun and Rain etc.) were 'Respected and treated as 'Gods'. There only religion prevailing that time was; by the name of Santana Dharma, which actually means…..The One with No; Beginning No End.

If we further go deep and try 2 understand, we clearly find that Air, Sun, Rain….. Etc. R actually the forms of ENERGIES about which we all know even 2day.

The gods came afterwards, either with the creation of this universe or long after with growing human intelligences. 

Who then knows whence it has arisen?

There were no Gods or Deities suggested in Vedas but only natural powers (Air, Fire, Sun, Rain) were named as Gods and there was only religion by the name of Santana Dharma.

Now, coming 2 modern views n sciences;

In fact, the whole field of modern science has broad similarities with the field of Vedic spirituality; Here are four of those similarities: 

(1) Things are not as they appear; 

(2) The unapparent is stunningly greater than the apparent; 

(3) This unapparent can be known not by ordinary ways, but only by ways appropriate to it; 

(4) These appropriate ways require instruments and cultivation. 

Secondly; if we read the VERY opening Hymn; Nasadiya Sukta (Creation Hymn) of the Rig Veda which says:

Who really knows? Who will here proclaim it? Whence was it produced? Whence is this creation? 

We come 2 learn, during Rig Vedic period; there were no God of the types we perceive 2b.

We come 2 know; There were no Gods or Deities suggested in Vedas but only natural powers (Air, Fire, Sun and Rain etc.) Were named as Gods and there was only religion by the name of Santana Dharma, which actually means…..

The One with No; Beginning No End.

If we further go deep and try 2 understand, we clearly find that Air, Sun, Rain….. Etc. R actually the forms of ENERGIES about which we all know even 2day.

The gods came afterwards, with the creation of this universe. 

Who then knows whence it has arisen?

There were no Gods or Deities suggested in Vedas but only natural powers (Air, Fire, Sun, Rain) were named as Gods and there was only religion by the name of Santana Dharma.

Now, coming 2 modern views n sciences;

In fact, the whole field of modern science has broad similarities with the field of Vedic spirituality; Here are four of those similarities: 

(1) Things are not as they appear; 

(2) The unapparent is stunningly greater than the apparent; 

(3) This unapparent can be known not by ordinary ways, but only by ways appropriate to it; 

(4) These appropriate ways require instruments and cultivation. 

(1) Things are not as they appear: The scientific eye sees far differently from the normal eye. For example, consider A SOLID OBJECT in front of me. It seems solid, but science says it isn't; it’s mostly empty space. It seems static, but science says it isn't; it is filled with electrons whirling around their nuclei a million billion times a second. 

Like modern scientists, Vedic spiritualists assert that all is not as it seems. For example, let’s consider our own body. It seems to be the source of life, but, Vedic saints say, it isn't. The Bhagavad-Gita (2.17) states that life originates in the soul, which sends a current of consciousness streaming through the body and thereby animates the body’s biochemical machinery. 

(2) The unapparent is stunningly greater than the apparent: 

Science holds that the layers of existence that are inaccessible to our senses are far greater than those that are accessible. For example, the visible frequencies comprise only a tiny, narrow band within the spectrum of electromagnetic waves. 

Like science, Vedic spirituality states that what eludes the eye is far greater than what meets it. 

The spiritual level of existence is much greater and grander than the material. . In fact, the Shrimad Bhagavat Gita proclaims that spiritual happiness is vaster than all oceans, that when contrasted with it the best material enjoyment seems as insignificant as a puddle.

(3) This unapparent cannot be known by ordinary ways, but only by ways appropriate to it:

“Seeing is believing” has been historically popular as a polemical tool among religion-bashers: “Show me God & the soul, then I will believe you”. 

” But today’s science finds itself at the receiving end of a reshaped version of this old anti-religious jab: “Show me the Higgs Boson', then I will believe you.” And scientists have to respond by using the same argument that religionists have always used: “It cannot be seen with the eyes, but can be perceived only by ways suitable to it.”

(4) These appropriate ways require instruments and cultivation: 

In modern science, perceiving the Higgs boson requires ultra-sophisticated instruments. In fact, it requires the world’s most expensive and elaborate instrument: L.C It also needed 10,000 scientists working on it In addition to the instrument, but it also requires years of study, training and cultivation to comprehend the workings and the readings of the instrument. 

For those without this cultivation, the patterns on the sensors that detected the Higgs Boson will make little, if any, sense. 

Similarly, in Vedic spirituality, perceiving the soul requires a sophisticated instrument, albeit an inner instrument: a refined and tuned consciousness situated in an evolved state called Samadhi. Also, one needs systematic study of the philosophy and a diligent practice of the meditational techniques to discern the evidences as they appear on the sensor of the consciousness. For those without this cultivation, the changes in one’s consciousness will make little, if any, sense.

Science also says that Energy cannot b created or Destroyed which we have 2 accept till we discover otherwise but HEAR the logic of VEDA fits better and which our present day SCIENTISTS also accepts but R unable 2 prove.

Here, Our Vedas and present Sciences; holds the same views that;

1. Nothing in this world can be produced without proper application. 

2. Nothing can be done or made without the expenditure of time. 

3. Nothing in this world can be produced without the material cause. 

4. Nothing can be made without the requisite skill, knowledge and thought. 

5. Nothing can be made without the definite combination of atoms. 

6. Nothing can be made without a Maker and hence; if God is considered as MAKER, the what could have been the purpose of such a creation?

So, one thing; I am forced 2 believe is; that there has 2b at least some maker responsible 4 the very 1st trigger of ENERGY which I believe as GOD.

But as proved by sciences, mentioned in Rig Veda and our Atharv Veda; it is very clear that ‘No Energy can C and act on its own’ unless used in ways appropriates 2 them by a user/coincidences/conditions/situations created or made available.

Science also confirms that without ‘minimum favourable conditions met with’ no action/reaction is possible.

So, the 1st trigger of Energy, The God, created groups of Energies, known as Natural Powers (grouped in 3 main groups of Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh) and thru’ Natural powers; came the rest of the creations.

So, how came the AVATARAS, mentioned in Vedas?

I think, with careful considerations 4 all logics known 2 me and placed b4 all, it is not difficult 2 arrive at conclusions as 2 HOW Avatars’ did take place?

1. Avatar means; conversion of a particular Energy/group of Energies in 2 a desired form 2 make HER desired uses.

2. This means 2 make available ‘Ways appropriate’.

3. This also means 2 make connection with the source.

4. If a human has 2 become a source; He/She has 2 make ‘Self’ as Conductive 2 that particular Energy/Gr. Of Energy 1st.

5. Human Body, as such; is a bad conductor of most of the energies. When Human skins R dry, the R BAD conductors, when WET; become a better conductor. Pl. try 2 understand DEEP MEANINGS of DRY n WET states.

6. Dry states R our Normal States and WET states R our altered (or purified) states. This needs changes desired 2 make us CONDUCTIVE enough 2 enable us 2 connect with desired ENERGY sources.

7. This means, rt. actions @rt. Time and maintaining conditions till desired results R obtained. This also means; 2 maintain those states till our tasks R accomplished or till WE DON’T need that Energy Form or till that Energy Form has served HER purpose.

8. This also means; any MISTAKE/ impurity/shortcomings in desired conditions and our efforts may get nullified / wasted.

9. In such a situation, either we receive PARTIALY results or may b, ZERO results and in some conditions, NEGATIVE results 2.

10. This needs required Purities /Knowledge’s/Understandings/skills/resources/conditions (etc.) and enough time 2.

Our seers (Rishis, pure and learned persons) had all this and hence; could make AVATARAS possible thru’ their Tapasya’s.

Thru’ their Tapasya’s and sacrifices only; AVATARAS were made possible.

#We all know that Avatar’s didn’t happen at the starts of the problems faced by US (Humans) but after a lot of sufferings and sacrifices of learned/skilled/capable and PURE persons of THOSE times. They sacrificed 4 a cause and got the results because of their TIMELY CORRECT ACTIONS/ACTS.

#Even now, this may happen BUT ONLY WHEN WE GET such capable persons meeting all minimum requirements.

#I personally feel, we may have everything BUT PURITY required 2 make us Conductive enough 2 DESIRED levels.

Personally, I consider God as the creator energy and 'US' as a part of this creator energy in the form of SOUL which works as a 'Bio Chip' on which we write our programmes and shape our destiny. 

Through our purity of mind and acts, we either remain connected to the God (this Energy) and either fail or succeed in maintaining the purity of this energy and intensity of our efforts (including prayers) decides about the Strongness or feebleness of OUR connection with GOD (Main energy).

We write our own programmes of our lives through our acts which are a combination of various energies or acts, the quality and effectiveness of these programmes written by us for our own-selves, depends upon the resultant energies emancipating from our actual acts in our lives. These resultant energies only help us in making connections with other souls or the reverse of it.

The word could be different to each person based upon their experiences, knowledge, and understandings. You make your own reality. How you make it may affect those around you. Good and evil are opposites of the same energy force…. Go well with my understanding as they seem to support my views that 

“Religions’ are manmade construct, there is no such GOD in Invisible/Unknown form.God doesn't make any plan, doesn't interfere in our lives in any way. 

Religions are initial guides only. The creator God is only one and there is nothing like your God or My God.

Had the God been listening, answering to our calls or interfering with our lives, the WORLD would not have been in such a sorry state and there wouldn't have been a VERTICAL divide between humans based on religion, geographical location, cultural differences and economic conditions etc..

We all know that the faster we have progressed (materialistic and scientific progress) in past few decades, the faster has been our decline in terms of Human Values and traits. Certainly, God has nothing to do with all this and it is we who are responsible for our present conditions and only we can change it through our acts but unfortunately we are interfering with the internal and in built mechanism of particle clocks. (The 'in - built' clocks of "Sub atoms, Atoms etc. on the axis of which, the particles oscillate and thus we are damaging natural oscillations") of which we are made.

Once, something is created, it behaves or acts according to its own energy. We can say that it can be interpreted as planning and interfering but by us Humans. We, being capable of thinking and imagining, plan and interfere with original structures. 

We should also understand the reality that that both "Love and Faith" have their roots in Fear. 

When we Love someone/something, we are constantly under fear of any damage/harm or loss to someone we love whereas as we repose Faith in someone only when or where we Fail to achieve something on our own capacity and hence repose faith in someone who can either do it better than us or elevate our attitude and thus help in increasing our Self limiting capacity. 

Even through Faith in God and through prayers to God also, we seek that extra energy to increase our capacity needed to help tackle the task or situation. 

Even Latest research says that fetus gets life of its own after 10 th week or around that period and till then, cells formed through placenta of mother support the life. Which means (in my opinion) that the soul (base energy) enters the body at a later stage and when it leave the body, despite all the organs remaining intact and healthy, life goes out from the body.

I believe that Soul is the part of God (creator energy) whereas Spirit is the resultant energy based on reactions and actions of various other energies through Mind in the forms of Thoughts, Imaginations, Senses, Beliefs, Mythologies, Emotions, Understandings, Knowledge, Wisdom and so on so forth.

Only Soul is immortal. From my own understanding, I consider it like an 'Indestructible Bio-chip' (Atman) upon which our acts get written and then carried forward in next life (Jeev Atman).

It is this transferable programm (Jeev Atman) which is responsible for transferring our this life data to our next life (if you believe in next life).

Soul is 'Indestructible" part of this 'Indestructible" base energy (Bio Chip) upon which we write programmes with the help of other energies. When the programme is written with the help of "Good Energies" known as God Energies, our Soul becomes a part of this base energy (God) but if the programming is done through a blend of 'Bad energies', it becomes Devil or Demon or called as bad Soul.

The 'God particle' discovered by our scientists, has “has zero charge, zero spin and a near-zero lifespan; it exists for less than a trillionth of a second" but proves the existence of an energy which was till now a 'hypothesis' only.

“This discovery has very little bearing on the existence of God; it is just one step forward in one theory [the Standard Model] that deals with one sub-branch [quantum physics] of one branch [physics] of human knowledge [science], which itself studies one slice of reality [material nature].”

“The Standard Model makes no mention of gravity, even though gravity holds the Earth and the sun together. In fact, the Standard Model only describes 4% of the matter and energy of the universe (the rest being mysterious dark matter and dark energy).

Like, gravity holds everything together in this vast Universe, the base energy, which is the creator of everything (God) holds and remains attached to our Souls, reads the programmes written on them, passes them on to next life with details of reactions produced by our each act.

Hence; WE CAN CALL SOULS AS GODLY PARTICLES [The Bhagavad-Gita (15.7) states that the soul is an eternal fragmental part of God, hence the name “godly particle.”]

The moral code mentioned in Vedas is as follows; 

6 Basic principals of 'Spirituality'; 

1. There are as many paths to God as there are people. 

2. Going from many to one. 

3. Progressing from gross (tangible) to subtle (intangible). 

4. Undertaking spiritual practice as per the spiritual level or spiritual capacity. 

5. Doing spiritual practice relevant to the times. 

6. Offering to God as per your talent or capacity. 

[1* If five patients were to go to a doctor and each was suffering from a different ailment, then giving all five the same medicine would not result in each of them being cured. So also each of us are different and hence the same spiritual practice cannot be recommended for all. In a spiritual context each of us is unique across the following parameters. 

The composition of the 3 subtle basic components (Trigunas) i.e. whether one is sattvik, rajasik or tamasik by nature. 

The five cosmic elements (earth, water, fire, air and ether). 

The degree to which, different aspects of spiritual practice, have been completed in prior births. 

The different accumulated give-and-take account, destiny and willful action that each one has. 

A person may also adopt a certain path depending on his temperament.

2* Digging one well to access water which is 10 meters deep or digging 10 wells of 1 meter each? 

Accruing frequent flyer miles from various reward programs or sticking to just one?

3* A subtle spiritual practice is more powerful than a gross one. Take for example, a situation where two people shake hands in friendship, while in reality they may not like each other. The physical display of friendship is merely a fa?ade. On the other hand, two people may feel genuine goodwill towards each other, even though there may be no physical contact. 

Likewise, when it comes to practicing Spirituality, simply going through the motions of external ritualistic worship (gross level), with no devotion, needs to be replaced by having real inner devotion for God or intense desire for spiritual growth (subtle level).

4* We must check that the spiritual practice we choose is as per our spiritual capacity or spiritual level. A student who has passed grade 3 will not be able to sit for the grade 4 exams, if he has been continually studying only the grade 3 syllabuses. 

So spiritual seekers too should not get stuck at one level of spiritual practice and should try to improve their capacity to do spiritual practice.

5* There is an appropriate time for all things in life to happen. If the right thing happens at the wrong time then the desired result is not achieved. For example, if seeds are sown in the dry months instead of the rainy season, they do not take root no matter how fertile the land is. Similarly, certain spiritual practices are most conducive according to the time or era.

6* All of us have some kind of resources at our disposal. These have been given to us by God. A basic principle in spiritual practice is that we use these same resources to serve Him as part of our spiritual practice and grow spiritually.

The resources available to us fall broadly into four categories: 

1.Our body. 

2. Our wealth and worldly connections. 

3. Our mind and intellect. 

4. Our sixth sense.

The assertion (That everyone has God in Him or Her) provides the key assumption which allows for the definitive resolution of the most fundamental theological problems and questions. 

The idea that everyone has God in Him/ Her, helps to solve and includes; the nature of eternal life, the question of ‘doing rightly’ in the eyes of God and the meaning of salvation or liberation - the ultimate reward of the spiritual journey. What we may look forward to is a unified metaphysics, a vision of God and the sacred which may revitalize world religion and reconcile the different faiths of this world to one another. It will be a necessary re-interpretation and revision of world religion that will be to the people of this planet, a doctrine of unity and a theology for a better, more harmonious one world order. 

As mentioned earlier, there have been developments in the world of science, especially in the area of quantum physics, which has set the stage for the communication of the idea that is the central truth behind religion. 

It is also lines of inquiry from philosophy and scriptural statements from religion itself, which combine with the relevant insights from science to form solid foundations for the revelation of the unifying truth that everyone has God in him/her. 

The ultimate elucidation of the idea that everyone has God will inevitably stimulate not just academic debate but also bring about various social divisions that will sometimes escalate into serious dissension and perhaps even violence. There will be a war of ideas fought between those who champion the idea that everyone has God and those who will inevitably stand in opposition to it. It might at first seem perverse that in a world already riddled with conflict, why anybody would wish to generate more conflict on top of all the strife and contention that we already have. However when it is understood that this is a necessary process that humanity will need to go through in order that lasting foundations may be laid for a unified and harmonious world; then it can be seen that this conflict from within or intra-conflict that we're discussing is really just the concomitant birth pains of the emergence of a unified and harmonious one world order. Love is the most durable power in the world. It is not an expression of impractical idealism, but of practical realism. 

Here I tell U a true story of Saint 'Raidas' who was a cobbler by profession but was a devotee of Lord Krishna in 'Letter and Spirit'. Throughout his life, he never went to any place of worship in his life time as he believed that the right way to reach God is to make connection with the creator energy called as God by ones’ own energies generated through the actions and intentions behind them..

He used to say that through his 'Karma' (acts) he finds Lord Krishna in him because God knows that I am totally honest to my, duties, my profession and faith. If there is a God, He is omniscient, Omnipotent and Omnipresent that. If there if no God then my faith in Him is my God as this faith keeps me energized with positive energy all the time.

I follow only this kind of faith.

He used to say that when we say that God is seeing us or listening to us, it means that we have successfully connected with Him (the creator energy) and thus our conscience becomes crystal clear. This makes everything visible and understandable without any kind of confusion or any scope of misunderstanding. This at the same time boosts our own energies through connection and multiplication with main energy and we all know that with right kind and intensities of Energies, even miracles are possible.

In the great epic of Mahabharata, When Udhishthir was asked about the greatest gift we got in this world, He said..."Everyday people die but the others live like Immortals" and this is our greatest gift. 

Our Vedas say;

Take care of Ur thoughts because they become WORDS. 

Take care of Ur Words because they become ACTIONS. 

Take care of Ur Actions because they will become Ur HABITS. 

Take care of Ur Habits because they will form Ur CHARACTER.

1. Nothing in this world can be produced without proper application. 

2."Nothing can be done or made without the expenditure of time. 

3."Nothing in this world can be produced without the material cause. 

4."Nothing can be made without the requisite skill, knowledge and thought. 

5."Nothing can be made without the definite combination of atoms. 

6."Nothing can be made without a Maker." Vedanta 

Vedic philosophy for human life; 

1. DHARMA - Righteousness 

2. ARTHA - Acquisition of wealth by proper means and its right use. 

3. KAMA - Fulfillment of noble desires. 

4. MOKSHA - Liberation or the final Goal.

10 essential rules for the observance of dharma: 

1. Patience, 

2. Forgiveness. 

3. Piety or self control, 

4. Honesty, 

5. Sanctity, 

6. Control of senses, 

7. Reason or reasoning, 

8. Knowledge or learning, 

9. Truthfulness and 

10. Absence of anger (krodha).

There are 10 merits of piousness -

(1) Stability of mind. 

(2) Forgiveness. 

(3) Benevolence. 

(4) Abstinence from larceny. 

(5) Internal and external cleanliness. 

(6) Control of senses. 

(7) Intellect. 

(8) Knowledge 

(9) Truth. 

(10) Abstinence from indignancy.

Thus, we can say that through proper attitude, commitment and Self introspection; everything is possible including encounter with God within our own self.

Our Vedas also teach us …………

1. Knowledges we get, are from various books, which are a name (Including various names of God); Revere the name. 

2. Speech is greater than the name; Revere speech. 

3. Mind is greater than speech; Revere mind. 

4. Will is greater than mind; revere Will. 

5. Thought is greater than will, revere thoughts. 

6. Meditation is greater than thought, revere meditation. 

7. Understanding is greater than meditation, revere Understanding. 

2. We have our choice, of our personal goal in life, what goal shall we choose? As individuals, we can choose "life-goals" and "legacy-goals". Life-goals are whatever would be a satisfying life for you. This will vary according to talent and temperament. Legacy-goals are the net effect you want your life to have on the world. They are the last goals at which you have any chance to succeed. Considering that accident, crime, disease, etc. leave all of us uncertain as to our time of death, if you want your personal story to end in victory, you will choose your actions at all times in your life to be compatible with your desired legacy. In this way, your legacy-goal may set limits on what you would be willing to do to achieve your life-goals.

The ultimate source of fear and despair is death. Death is the ultimate failure, the ultimate loss. If you want your personal story to end in victory, what could be your response to this prospect? The antithesis of death is health, defined as the ability to survive. Though as individuals we shall inevitably die sooner or later, we can survive through our genes (families) and through our communicated thoughts (culture). 

Human beings also get great satisfaction from having a larger meaning for their lives. 

Instead of seeking a ticket to Heaven by being an obedient slave on Earth, we can gain meaning by taking a positive role in history, seeking to make this Earth a better place.

3. The comprehension of this truth, the seeing through the illusion, informs and inspires all moral and spiritual teaching. From philosophy and scriptural statements from religion itself, which combine with the relevant insights from science to form solid foundations for the revelation of the unifying truth that everyone has God in him/her. 

It must be based on just laws as there are only two types of laws: there are ‘just laws’ and there are ‘unjust laws’ in systems.

First, we have self-awareness and the ability to choose our goals toward which our nature will incline us unless we consciously choose to pursue something else. Second, humans are more than carriers of genes; we have original thoughts, we create, receive, modify, and transmit culture. Thus we can say for human beings, our cultural kin as our genetic kin.

Human relations are like ‘Onion’ with many layers in it, which add to the ‘Taste’ but if we try to cut, We will have tears in ‘Eyes.’

'Faith' is a very small word, takes less than a second in 'reading', takes more than a minute if we think about it, takes more than a day in understanding it but even 'entire lifetime' becomes less in proving it.

Today, I may believe in somebody, but tomorrow we may find that person 'not worth of it'.

Human beings, think that if they get ‘Happiness’, they can smile and ‘Happiness’ says that if U smile, I will come. Happiness doesn’t come without ‘Sorrow’; ‘Love’ doesn’t come without ‘Hate’. Believe in God comes from 'faith' and 'Faith' comes from 'Fear'.

4. One can't be taught or persuaded to leave the faiths they have been following and hence to begin with, a mechanism for 'Self Realization' could be the best solution. 

People can't be taught, they have to learn themselves. We can only inspire them to change their way of learning and realization. If through practice, they find it working for them, they will further get motivated to to learn more and follow the path, but this would be our next step. 

'Ohhmmmm' is a scientifically proven sound, recital of which energizes every person from 'Head to Toe'. Meditate after refreshing yourself (a bath and non intrusive cloths help in this process), focus your mind at the center point between Eyes and nose, recite this word with deeper inhales and slower exhales and feel the difference. 

Tell me Ur experience after practicing for a few days...

In the end everything is energy. Hence our connectedness to all the things and the necessity to be the very best we can in every thought, word and deed.

The description of God, soul and prakriti (nature) may be summarized as follows:

God is Sat-Chit-?nand (Sachid?nand) :Sat = Eternally Exists, Eternal Truth, Chit = Supreme Consciousness, 

?nand = Supreme Bliss. Soul is Sat-Chit.

Karma Phal (The law of Reactions to Actions) Siddhant states that whatever one gets are the fruits of his own actions. But to an inquisitor’s mind, many questions arise about “Karma (Actions)”, “Phal (Fruits)”, “One (Atma / Soul)”. 

Karmic cycle is to live a life based on the principals of 'Karma Phal' principals and 'Karma Phal' salient points are as below; 

1. Karmas are the actions performed by Atma (soul). Actions mean anything that we do including thinking and inaction. 

2. Atma (soul) . All Atmas are bound by Karma Phal Siddhant. 

3. The human body is the best form of body in which in which an Atma can reside and attain Moksha. 

4. The body is made of Prakriti. The nearest explanation of Prakriti would be the matter and energy present in the Universe. Prakriti is also eternal but it does not have consciousness. 

5. There are various forms of Prakriti detailed in the cosmic sciences given in the Vedas. The body is comprised of the Biological form (like cells and hence the organs), Material form (like elements and chemicals) and the Subtler forms (like mind, intelligence, etc) 

6. Moksha is a state where the Atma resides free of any given body. 

7. There is a third entity - God, who is eternal and conscious and the one who is He is the controller of the Karma Phal Siddhant. 

8. An Atma’s anand (nearest English – Happiness) is limited by the Prakriti in which he resides. 

9. Atma has limited knowledge, strength, self control, etc. He is mostly free in his action but dependent for results / fruits. Only then he would be eligible for unlimited Anand, which he gets with Moksha. 

10. The objective of Karma Phal Siddhant is Justice, and only the deserving gets Moksha. And the main objective of creation of this World is to enable the Atmas to attain Moksha. 

11. Actions (Karma) are of three types:- Good, Bad and Mixed. 

12. The Fruit is of two types: Sukh (Happiness) and Dukh (Sadness).There is one more type of Phal which is called Anand. This is a kind of happiness which one receives on communion with the God. A knowledgeable / pious person would have experience instances of anand. Unlike happiness, Anand has got no antonym. 

13. Then there are emotions – i.e., feeling of being Sukhi (Happy) and Dukhi (Sad). An ignorant. A state of Atma where he narrows down the differences in emotions on facing the Sukh or Dukh is called Nirvana. Nirvana is one of the essential steps to Moksha. 

14. Each Action done by an Atma, earns him credit of Sukh or Dukh.Depending on his balance at the time of a death, he receives another birth. 

15. The full accounts of Actions performed and Fruits received is maintained by the God, not really meaning in pen and paper.

16. Fruit is received in three ways. 

17. The Fruit is given by; 

18. Direct and Indirect relationships between Actions and Fruits. 

19. How does God help us in doing good actions 

20.What should we do to do good Karma 

21.Does God forgives? 

22. Does God favours? 

23. How do we know how evolved are we 

24. What is death 

25.What is rebirth 

26. Till what time it will go on 

27. What is the path to Moksha? 

28. What are the stages to Moksha? 

29. What happens during Moksha 

30.Why should we try for Moksha 

31. These days or anytime except in mythologies, GOD does not punish the oppressors? Does he?

Note: The reasons for my partial belief in ‘Rebirth’; 

1. Progress made by scientists in this field.

2. About 16 month old incident aired on Indian News Channels: A boy of about 2 years of age got born in a Hindu family near the Capitol of India, claimed that he was a Muslim youth in previous bith and was murdered by some 3~4 youths. He kept on insisting to be taken to police and finallly he was taken to police, he gave a precise and clear account of his murder, gave the names of accused, showed the place of murder and gave an account of ‘Why and How’ was he murdered. 

All the details given by him, were found very accurate because of which, the police could solve the mystry of a murdered Muslim youth of that specific area, could nab all the accused and could get them ‘life imprisonment’ sentences fro the court.

Other reasons to believe a ‘Creative Force, referred as God’ and truthfulness of Vedic scriptures; 

The solar year was calculated as 365.25875684 days (most accurate till date) by Bhaskaracharya in the 5th century, hundreds of years before the astronomer Smart. The value of pi was first calculated by Bodhayana, who also discovered the Pythagorean Theorem in the 6th century, long before the European mathematicians. The place value system and the decimal system were developed in India in 100 BC.

Algebra, trigonometry and calculus came from India. Quadratic equations were by Sridharacharya in the 11th Century; the largest numbers the Greeks and the Romans used were 106 whereas Indians used numbers as big as 1053.

God particle search association: ‘Nature’ has reported that a Danish physicist and his team in the US had slowed down light from the speed of 300,000 km per second to 71 km per hour, using the Bose Einstein Condensate to stall it in its path; this was used in detecting ‘God Particle’. 

Concept and theory of “Atom”, ‘Neutron, Positron, electron’ has been mentioned in Vedas and elaborated in Vedic time mathematics, however Western theories of the atom took shape in the 18th and 19th century. At the beginning of the 19th century, John Dalton theorized that an atom was an indivisible particle of an element. However, after the electron was discovered in 1897, and then the proton several years later, the atom model was revised. In 1909, Ernest Rutherford showed that atoms were mostly empty space, revising the model of an atom to a tight positive nucleus containing the protons and neutrons with electrons around it; by 1913, Danish physicist Neil Bohr envisioned a planetary arrangement in which the electrons orbited the nucleus at different energy levels.

Details existent in Vedic time mathematics but being realized now only;

The current way of describing an electron is a model called the charge cloud model/quantum mechanical model/orbital model. This model based on the idea of Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle, which states that we do not know the precise location or the velocity of any given electron. The model uses indistinct and overlapping "probability clouds" to approximate the position of an electron.

Where a cloud is dense, the probability of finding an electron in that vicinity is low. In this model, each electron energy level is denoted by numbers that take concentric shells as suggested by the Bohr model because there are overlaps in the ordering of the energy levels.

In the case of the carbon atom the electrons occupy four tear drop shaped clouds in a tetrahedron-like arrangement. These clouds represent the areas in which the electrons spend most of their time. They move so rapidly in this zone that they form a cloud rather than a specific flight path

Recently a number of researchers have suggested that within these clouds exist specific zones that the electrons favour. These zones form a spiral around the surface of each of the tear drop shaped clouds.

This new development came into the attention of a great Indian saint and mystic. Disciples were encouraged to develop the principle as it related to the carbon atom. In deep meditation one of those disciples, who was a chemist, spontaneously realized the true significance of this theory:

The electron's high probability zone formed spiral standing waves around the carbon atoms’ nucleus. When this configuration was viewed from certain angles the physicist was surprised to find that the spirals formed recognizable symbols.

In the first view a 3–dimensional ‘Aumkara’ could be seen. From a different angle that ‘Aumkara’ became a flat, 2-dimensional ‘Swastika’. The Swastika, he concluded, was actually 2-D representation of the 3-D Aumkara.

Rotating the model to another angle shows those symbols change into the Greek Alpha and Omega. At a cosmic level the symbols of Eastern spirituality (Aumkara and Swastika) are literally and only different aspects of the same spiritual truth that is also represented by the symbols of Western spirituality (Alpha and Omega).

All people, objects and even energy itself are expressions of the same divinity that so many religions, cultures and philosophies have tried to claim exclusively as their own.

The Carbon atom, by containing within it these universal symbols, demonstrates that matter is a manifestation of the same Divine consciousness experienced by the saints and sages of all history. Matter is innately spiritual.

The Universe does not exist separately from the Universal Consciousness; it is a direct expression of it.

Living matter, which is carbon based, must have a unique role in this expression. A saint is one who lives in eternal experience of this all pervading divine purpose.

All people, objects and even energy itself are expressions of the same divinity.

When we delve deeper into ancient history, it becomes evident that it were the Vedic Indians who brought civilization to Europe. 

please note that all these things I have mentioned with only one objective in mind that when Vedic knowledge and the ancient saints of India could deal with such complexities thousands of years before, we should take their knowledge very seriously and go deep in to minutest details before arriving at any conclusions. 

Except Vedic scriptures which do not propound any religion, Religions were found with Humans like us and had all the weaknesses which we posses. The then preachers and that of today are the persons responsible for growing arrogance, intolerance, and all types of crimes. 

Since the religions were found for Humans only, with the intention of showing right paths to the errands, I believe that religions didn't serve the intended purpose. 

In depth study of all the religions, clearly indicates that distortions, ambiguities and confusions within the religions were deliberately allowed to flourish by the preachers. Such things are the main root causes of present day gloom's. Good people are reducing in numbers despite increase in 'faith followings' in every religion, why?

For further understanding if we go deep in to Vedic scriptures, we find that “Since the activities of creation, maintenance and balance in themselves are highly complexed and vast managements of energies, they assigned names to the original and independent forces (energies) responsible for precise and flawless execution and they were named as ‘Bramhan or Bramha’ for the activities of ‘Creation’, Vishnu (meaning maintenance of universe) for the activities related to maintenance and finally ‘Shiva’ ( meaning balancer) for the activities of balancing the above two activities with perfection and in a harmonic way. 

Since this philosophy wasn’t easy to be taught to the masses, in order to protect the executioners jobs of these activities from any possible damage from the Human beings (as they have mind and brain), they tried to inculcate a fear psychology by telling the masses that these are Natural Gods and any hindrances caused to their activities, will ultimately be harmful to the HUMAN BEING themselves.


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