Who Is God?
Rajendranath Mehrotra
'Motivational and General knowledge/ awareness' topics at Independent Writing
Who is God? Is He purely a mixture of few Energies or some pure Energy?
Our Vedas say that for the creation,Maintenance and Balancing;3 main Energies are responsible,namely; Bramha (Creator), Vishnu (The maintainer) & Shiva the balancer.
Science also confirms that with WAYS appropriate for using Energies, they can be converted 2 mass/material and with interactions of Energies; newer things can be formed.
Science also confirms that mass/materials can be converted back 2 Energies.
Our Vedas also confirm this thru' the hymn;
Ya devi sarvabhuteshu shakti - rupena samsthita
Namas tasyai, namas tasyai, namas tasyai namo namah
My views are based upon the understandings of Vedic scriptures, which are believed to be transferred through the words of mouth of selected few deserving scholars (sruti).
These scholars believed on a theory that….
1. Knowledge should be True, Rational, logical, scientific and obey the ‘Law of Nature’. It should help explain the secrets of the nature for further development of Science and Technology.
2. Knowledge should be ‘Ethical’ and ‘Non controversial’. It should not show exaggerations, omissions and
Self contradictions as we find in the books authored by Humans.
3. The knowledge should truly explain nature, properties, powers and manifestations of God.
4. That knowledge should be ‘Eternal’, universal and uniform for all human beings irrespective of Caste, Creed, Gender, Race, Geographical boundaries, Nationalities and free from the boundaries of languages and dialects etc. It should be inspiring, thought provoking, pious, blended with lofty ideas and ideals and should be able to develop all human beings through the developments of all the faculties of human beings to the fullest extent
5. This needs 'Faith in self' and 'Faith' is a very small word, takes less than a second in 'reading', takes more than a minute if we think about it, takes more than a day in understanding it but even 'entire lifetime' becomes less in proving it.
Today, I may believe in somebody, but tomorrow our reaction may change....
6. Perhaps we are erring in understanding 'Meditation Theory'. Doing ones' duties with full devotion and passion is also a part of meditation. Here you get so involved that you forget everything except what Ur doing which is also a form of meditation.
As per hymn; Ya devi sarvabhuteshu shakti - rupena samsthita,Namas tasyai, namas tasyai, namas tasyai namo namah …it is clear that our Vedas also believe God to be the MAIN SOURCE OF ENERGIES WHICH CREATED EVERYTHING.
Secondly; if we read the VERY opening Hymn; Nasadiya Sukta (Creation Hymn) of the Rig Veda which says:
Who really knows? Who will here proclaim it? Whence was it produced? Whence is this creation?
We come 2 learn, during Rig Vedic period; there were no God of the types we perceive 2 be.
We come 2 know; There were no Gods or Deities suggested in Vedas but only natural powers (Air, Fire, Sun and Rain etc.) Were named as Gods and there was only religion by the name of Santana Dharma, which actually means…..
The One with No; Beginning No End.
If we further go deep and try 2 understand, we clearly find that Air, Sun, Rain….. Etc. R actually the forms of ENERGIES about which we all know even 2day.
The gods came afterwards, with the creation of this universe.
Who then knows whence it has arisen?
There were no Gods or Deities suggested in Vedas but only natural powers (Air, Fire, Sun, Rain) were named as Gods and there was only religion by the name of Santana Dharma.
Now, coming 2 modern views n sciences;
In fact, the whole field of modern science has broad similarities with the field of Vedic spirituality; Here are four of those similarities:
(1) Things are not as they appear;
(2) The unapparent is stunningly greater than the apparent;
(3) This unapparent can be known not by ordinary ways, but only by ways appropriate to it;
(4) These appropriate ways require instruments and cultivation.
(1) Things are not as they appear: The scientific eye sees far differently from the normal eye. For example, consider A SOLID OBJECT in front of me. It seems solid, but science says it isn't; it’s mostly empty space. It seems static, but science says it isn't; it is filled with electrons whirling around their nuclei a million billion times a second.
Like modern scientists, Vedic spiritualists assert that all is not as it seems. For example, let’s consider our own body. It seems to be the source of life, but, Vedic saints say, it isn't. The Bhagavad-Gita (2.17) states that life originates in the soul, which sends a current of consciousness streaming through the body and thereby animates the body’s biochemical machinery.
(2) The unapparent is stunningly greater than the apparent:
Science holds that the layers of existence that are inaccessible to our senses are far greater than those that are accessible. For example, the visible frequencies comprise only a tiny, narrow band within the spectrum of electromagnetic waves.
Like science, Vedic spirituality states that what eludes the eye is far greater than what meets it.
The spiritual level of existence is much greater and grander than the material. . In fact, the Shrimad Bhagavat Gita proclaims that spiritual happiness is vaster than all oceans, that when contrasted with it the best material enjoyment seems as insignificant as a puddle.
(3) This unapparent cannot be known by ordinary ways, but only by ways appropriate to it:
“Seeing is believing†has been historically popular as a polemical tool among religion-bashers: “Show me God & the soul, then I will believe youâ€.
†But today’s science finds itself at the receiving end of a reshaped version of this old anti-religious jab: “Show me the Higgs Boson', then I will believe you.†And scientists have to respond by using the same argument that religionists have always used: “It cannot be seen with the eyes, but can be perceived only by ways suitable to it.â€
(4) These appropriate ways require instruments and cultivation:
In modern science, perceiving the Higgs boson requires ultra-sophisticated instruments. In fact, it required the world’s most expensive and elaborate instrument: L.H.C.
It also needed 10,000 scientists working on it In addition to the instrument, but it also requires years of study, training and cultivation to comprehend the workings and the readings of the instrument.
For those without this cultivation, the patterns on the sensors that detected the Higgs Boson will make little, if any, sense.
Similarly, in Vedic spirituality, perceiving the soul requires a sophisticated instrument, albeit an inner instrument: a refined and tuned consciousness situated in an evolved state called Samadhi. Also, one needs systematic study of the philosophy and a diligent practice of the meditational techniques to discern the evidences as they appear on the sensor of the consciousness. For those without this cultivation, the changes in one’s consciousness will make little, if any, sense.
Science also says that Energy cannot b created or Destroyed which we have 2 accept till we discover otherwise but HEAR the logic of VEDA fits better and which our present day SCIENTISTS also accepts but R unable 2 prove.
Here, Our Vedas and present Sciences; holds the same views that;
1. Nothing in this world can be produced without proper application.
2. Nothing can be done or made without the expenditure of time.
3. Nothing in this world can be produced without the material cause.
4. Nothing can be made without the requisite skill, knowledge and thought.
5. Nothing can be made without the definite combination of atoms.
6. Nothing can be made without a Maker.
So, one thing; I am forced 2 believe is; that there has 2b at least some maker responsible 4 the very 1st trigger of ENERGY which I believe as GOD.
But as proved by sciences, mentioned in Rig Veda and our Atharv Veda; it is very clear that ‘No Energy can C and act on its own’ unless used in ways appropriates 2 them by a user/coincidences/conditions/situations created or made available.
Science also confirms that without ‘minimum favourable conditions met with’ no action/reaction is possible.
So, the 1st trigger of Energy, The God, created groups of Energies, known as Natural Powers (grouped in 3 main groups of Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh) and thru’ Natural powers; came the rest of the creations.
So, how came the AVTARAS mentioned in Vedas?
I think, with careful considerations 4 all logic's known 2 me and placed b4 all, it is not difficult 2 arrive at conclusions as 2 HOW Avatars’ did take place?
1. Avatar means; conversion of a particular Energy/group of Energies in 2 a desired form 2 make HER desired uses.
2. This means 2 make available ‘Ways appropriate’.
3. This also means 2 make connection with the source.
4. If a human has 2 become a source; He/She has 2 make ‘Self’ as Conductive 2 that particular Energy/Gr. Of Energy 1st.
5. Human Body, as such; is a bad conductor of most of the energies. When Human skins R dry, the R BAD conductors, when WET; become a better conductor. Pl. try 2 understand DEEP MEANINGS of DRY n WET states.
6. Dry states R our Normal States and WET states R our altered (or purified) states. This needs changes desired 2 make us CONDUCTIVE enough 2 enable us 2 connect with desired ENERGY sources.
7. This means, rt. actions @rt. Time and maintaining conditions till desired results R obtained. This also means; 2 maintain those states till our tasks R accomplished or till WE DON’T need that Energy Form or till that Energy Form has served HER purpose.
8. This also means; any MISTAKE/ impurity/shortcomings in desired conditions and our efforts may get nullified / wasted.
9. In such a situation, either we receive PARTIALY results or may b, ZERO results and in some conditions, NEGATIVE results 2.
10. This needs required Purities /Knowledge’s/Understandings/skills/resources/conditions (etc.) and enough time 2.
Our seers (Rishis, pure and learned persons) had all this and hence; could make AVTARAS possible thru’ their Tapasya’s.
Thru’ their Tapasya’s and sacrifices only; AVTARAS were made possible.
#We all know that Avatar’s didn’t happen at the starts of the problems faced by US (Humans) but after a lot of sufferings and sacrifices of learned/skilled/capable and PURE persons of THOSE times. They sacrificed 4 a cause and got the results because of their TIMELY CORRECT ACTIONS/ACTS.
#Even now, this may happen BUT ONLY WHEN WE GET such capable persons meeting all minimum requirements.
#I personally feel, we may have everything BUT PURITY required 2 make us Conductive enough 2 DESIRED levels.
Personally, I consider God as the creator energy and 'US' as a part of this creator energy in the form of SOUL which works as a 'Bio Chip' on which we write our programmes and shape our destiny.
Through our purity of mind and acts, we either remain connected to the God (this Energy) and either fail or succeed in maintaining the purity of this energy and intensity of our efforts (including prayers) decides about the Strongness or feebleness of OUR connection with GOD (Main energy).
We write our own programmes of our lives through our acts which are a combination of various energies or acts, the quality and effectiveness of these programmes written by us for our own-selves, depends upon the resultant energies emancipating from our actual acts in our lives. These resultant energies only help us in making connections with other souls or the reverse of it.
The word could be different to each person based upon their experiences, knowledge, and understandings. You make your own reality. How you make it may affect those around you. Good and evil are opposites of the same energy force…. Go well with my understanding as they seem to support my views that
“Religions’ are man made construct, there is no such GOD in Invisible/Unknown form.God doesn't make any plan, doesn't interfere in our lives in any way.
Religions are initial guides only. The creator God is only one and there is nothing like your God or My God.
Had the God been listening, answering to our calls or interfering with our lives, the WORLD would not have been in such a sorry state and there wouldn't have been a VERTICAL divide between humans based on religion, geographical location, cultural differences and economic conditions etc..
We all know that the faster we have progressed (materialistic and scientific progress) in past few decades, the faster has been our decline in terms of Human Values and traits. Certainly, God has nothing to do with all this and it is we who are responsible for our present conditions and only we can change it through our acts but unfortunately we are interfering with the internal and in built mechanism of particle clocks. (The 'in - built' clocks of "Sub atoms, Atoms etc. on the axis of which, the particles oscillate and thus we are damaging natural oscillations") of which we are made.
Once, something is created, it behaves or acts according to its own energy. We can say that it can be interpreted as planning and interfering but by us Humans. We, being capable of thinking and imagining, plan and interfere with original structures.
We should also understand the reality that that both "Love and Faith" have their roots in Fear.
When we Love someone/something, we are constantly under fear of any damage/harm or loss to someone we love whereas as we repose Faith in someone only when or where we Fail to achieve something on our own capacity and hence repose faith in someone who can either do it better than us or elevate our attitude and thus help in increasing our Self limiting capacity.
Even through Faith in God and through prayers to God also, we seek that extra energy to increase our capacity needed to help tackle the task or situation.
Even Latest research says that fetus gets life of its own after 10 th week or around that period and till then, cells formed through placenta of mother support the life. Which means (in my opinion) that the soul (base energy) enters the body at a later stage and when it leave the body, despite all the organs remaining intact and healthy, life goes out from the body.
I believe that Soul is the part of God (creator energy) whereas Spirit is the resultant energy based on reactions and actions of various other energies through Mind in the forms of Thoughts, Imaginations, Senses, Beliefs, Mythologies, Emotions, Understandings, Knowledge, Wisdom and so on so forth.
Only Soul is immortal. From my own understanding, I consider it like an 'Indestructible Bio- Chip' (Atman) upon which our acts get written and then carried forward in next life (Jeev Atman).
It is this transferable programme (Jeev Atman) which is responsible for transferring our this life data to our next life (if you believe in next life).
Soul is 'Indestructible" part of this 'Indestructible" base energy (Bio Chip) upon which we write programmes with the help of other energies. When the programme is written with the help of "Good Energies" known as God Energies, our Soul becomes a part of this base energy (God) but if the programming is done through a blend of 'Bad energies', it becomes Devil or Demon or called as bad Soul.
The 'God particle' discovered by our scientists, has “has zero charge, zero spin and a near-zero lifespan; it exists for less than a trillionth of a second" but proves the existence of an energy which was till now a 'hypothesis' only.
“This discovery has very little bearing on the existence of God; it is just one step forward in one theory [the Standard Model] that deals with one sub-branch [quantum physics] of one branch [physics] of human knowledge [science], which itself studies one slice of reality [material nature].â€
“The Standard Model makes no mention of gravity, even though gravity holds the Earth and the sun together. In fact, the Standard Model only describes 4% of the matter and energy of the universe (the rest being mysterious dark matter and dark energy).
Like, gravity holds everything together in this vast Universe, the base energy, which is the creator of everything (God) holds and remains attached to our Souls, reads the programmes written on them, passes them on to next life with details of reactions produced by our each act.
Hence; WE CAN CALL SOULS AS GODLY PARTICLES [The Bhagavad-Gita (15.7) states that the soul is an eternal fragmental part of God, hence the name “godly particle.â€]
Electrical Engineer
6 å¹´AUM
Senior Technical Writer
6 å¹´Nice article, Rajendranath. I chant "OM" because ancient Vedanta theory says that OM is the essence of God in all ways - form and beyond form. So, by chanting OM, I honor all avatars, all holy personalities, all aspects of creation and life, and all divine forms like virtue, ethics, morality, love, truth, and wisdom. OM is the matrix out of which all prayers and divine thoughts and activities emanate, says the late and great Swami Sivananda of Rishikesh. Namaste.?