WHO IS GOD


Dear Fr. Hugh, thank you for your mail on this very interesting subject to every human being of every Religion or no Religion, and in all walks of life, but, I must say that it is not a mystery. What the Nazis did was a high handed act of a megalomaniac, no race is superior or inferior to another, our physical or material circumstances could vary and could have a vast contrast one from another, many of those high handed Nazis may have reincarnated in the lowest stages in a country like Africa or as Shudras or Dalit cast who are supposed to be untouchables in India, for, God to descend to this particular country was the very fact that they were and are the most body conscious people in the world. Please, speaking of reincarnation, a human Soul reincarnates only as another human, animals too,  only to its original species, there is no transmigration from one species to another, where as humans are all one family, one’s birth could be subject to his actions in the previous birth as one carries a complete record of oneself, generally known as the Akashik record, though it is not in the akasha (the sky, atmosphere or the mental plain) each one carries his own record whether he takes one or two births or 84 (the highest), which includes ones Spiritual birth.

God does not give or allow suffering, he is the ocean of love, we must never forget that God is singular in His attributes, though we humans say He is slow to anger, it is the law that is in place that deals out justice to all, but God continues to sustain us in His mercy to make the world go round, until He comes down to give us the knowledge how to lead a life that is positive and destroy what is negative, hence it is us humans who bring about the ultimate destruction through pure vibrations, these are the pantheon of gods that they speak about, they are not only in India but throughout the world. The ones who were able to understand the knowledge passed down by God to bring about a change in oneself and pass on the pure vibrations to the world.

 I have been saying often that what is told in the scriptures, with regard to creation is not quite correct,  please, I am not trying to be autocratic or high handed, but anyone who gives some deep thought to it should be able to understand,  what we are enacting is an eternal drama over and over again. The actual creation that takes place is a re-creation, when God descends towards the end of each cycle which is five thousand years or there about and not 2,600,000,000 years as given in Hindu mythology. When there is extreme suffering and the children cry out to Him for redemption, to pass on the knowledge of the complete cycle, which only God has as an observer outside of the field of drama that encompasses the whole universe. When we say the all-knowing God, the knowledge He has, is the beginning, the middle and the end of the cycle, and not about each one of His children’s falling hair.

This is done by God incarnating or temporarily possessing the body of a human being, with his permission, he was given the name Brahma by God, who was a man in an extreme state of purity; he was also called the Praja-Pita (father of the nation) and was told that he would have children like the stars in the sky. His story is the very exact same story of Abraham even to the journey he takes and the concubine etc. etc. but so badly misconstrued, most people who attended his teachings were not even able to understand who was teaching and started to worship Brahma, though he repeated over and over again not to worship him, saying that he is only the bull who is carrying his Father, who is giving the knowledge. Whereas in Hindu mythology they have deviated so far, as to give a body to God Shiva, a wife and children too. All what I am writing is in the Vedas and the Bagawath Geeta and is also being enacted since 1937.

So Dear Fr. Hugh, if one can understand “Who am I” and “Who God is”, one will definitely understand why we go through suffering and who is responsible for it. Hence, I will write something to get some understanding as to who God is  first, I have already written about the “self” and then I will present here as to why we suffer.








The first stage of meditation is to stabilize in the remembrance of the Soul, “I am Soul acting through the body.” Then the intellect goes deep into the samskaras (latencies or mental impressions) and emerges the powerful ones of peace and purity. To enable the practice to become a constant experience, the intellect must become stronger. Knowledge alone is not sufficient. The second stage of meditation is concentration, this concentration refines and recharges the powers of the intellect, and Concentration has been described as holding the mind to one thought.

Raja Yoga means to collect together the scattered forces of one’s thoughts and establish them in the real self and then to connect with the Supreme Soul. Initially when an aspirant begins to practice Raja Yoga, it can be difficult to concentrate the mind on the self and God for more than a few seconds. For the remaining time, thoughts get diverted to other channels. This should not upset the Soul. During the initial attempts the moment of concentration are bound to be few, short and erratic, but even a single such moment is invaluable because it give so much of that inner bliss, the like of which cannot be experienced under any other circumstances at all. This should be treated as a period of test and trial.

Past sanskaras will come to the surface. Thoughts of one’s physical identity and bodily burdens will create hurdles to a smooth meditation. Any attempts to drive them out will bring them back with greater intensity. The aspirant should take it cheerfully and sublimate the intruding thoughts by contemplation on points of knowledge. When the mind experiences a flow of powerful, pure thoughts, then the pure experience of the Soul’s qualities is possible. Some yoga practitioners try to forcibly create a mental void by driving out all thoughts in an attempt to control the evil and superfluous ones. Such a mental vacuum is achieved only for a short while and is based on the wrong principle of expelling good thoughts along with the bad ones. Pure thoughts are nourishment for the Souls which lead to the practical realization of knowledge.



Concentration on the form and attribute of God fulfills all the requirements of meditation. It becomes natural and easy when there is a relationship with Him based on knowledge. Below I shall give such knowledge about God’s name, form, abode, attributes and acts which will enable one to have a natural and easy link in meditation to be maintained.



This is a question that for the vast majority of Souls remains unanswered and therefore the experience of God remains unfulfilled. Yet the concepts about God are varied as are the sanskaras of human beings. Some say God is everywhere, some say He is nowhere, some say He created everything out of nothing or expanded everything out of Him. Others see that as an illogical impossibility. Many say God is beyond the comprehension of limited human intellects. Others believe that they have understood Him and are revered as “self-realized” beings. Still others believe themselves to be God and allow themselves to be worshipped.

Some say that God creates only what is good, and others say that He also creates evil, and that everything is just “God’s play”. God is seen by some to be the mere expression of human beings’ needs at this stage of their social evolution and that they will soon evolve beyond having a need for such a figure-head. Some say He makes the grass grow and the wind blow while others say He is merely the” voice of the conscience” – the “inner voice”. Others define God as the higher self, which remains constantly at peace. This conceptualization is called “cosmic consciousness” for the one who has it is supposed to be “at one with the whole Universe”.

There is an endless stream of human theories and concepts which appear to create confusion and ill feeling when they are opposed to each other, but ultimately I must ask myself, do I, as an individual, really know God, or is He merely a symbol of my hopes or the figurehead of a set of rituals? Let us examine how far “I” the individual Soul, have the experience of His powers and qualities.

The basis of forming a relationship with anyone is knowledge of who they are, what they look like, where they are from and what they do. Similarly if I am to have the awareness of myself as a Soul, and stemming from that a close relationship with God the Supreme Soul then I must know:

·       Who He is

·       What His form is

·       Where He is

·       What His attributes are

·       Where I stand in relationship with Him.


God is someone living and real, not a matter of theological speculation. It is necessary for me to re-establish a living contact with Him, on the basis of knowledge of Him. My connection should not be based on the fears and superstitions of the past.


*He is the creator and preserver.

*He is the highest.

*He is the Supreme Father.

*He is non-physical.

*He is omnipotent.

*He is a conscient being.

He is all-loving and all-knowing.

He is immutable.

*He is one and He is Light

*He is morally perfect.

*He is absolutely just.

*He is the Supreme Benefactor.

*He is the Saviour of Souls.

*He is mysterious in His ways.

*He is the purifier.


In polytheistic Religions there is always one God who stands above the others, sometimes with a consort but nevertheless the chief amongst gods. Monotheistic faiths believe God to be one single Supreme Being. Traditions, sacred texts, monuments, sayings and rituals all over the world, point to the existence of and belief in, one knowledgeful, all powerful and merciful Being. That Being, is universally implored to, and recognized as the remover of sorrow, the giver of happiness and the redeemer of the “sinful”.


We have recognized that God is infinite and unlimited, until now we have connected infinity with vastness. However, infinite has another aspect, which means beyond geometrical dimensions or infinitesimal, i.e. no size. As has been stated, God is a Soul. As a Soul, He has the same for as human Souls. The only difference is in the qualities, not in the size. We have rightly thought that God is great, but His greatness doesn’t mean that He is expanded throughout the entire universe. The power of a Soul has not connection with the physical dimensions at all.

On the one hand, people say God is formless and on the other hand they say He is omnipresent, i.e. all forms. According to His own introduction he is neither, He is bodiless i.e. He does not have His own body but He is not completely formless. Anything that exists must have. Qualities indeed are formless, but the source of those qualities cannot be without form. For example, fragrance has no form but the flower does. Just like the sun have form, but the light and warmth do not. In other words God is not love but the source of love, God is not the truth, but the source of truth etc. If he is formless then communication with Him is impossible. Even the term “Yoga” implies the meeting between two entities.

God is a micro star just as I am. Knowing God’s form I can bring that image unto to the screen of my mind and begin immediately to experience His powers and qualities by associating them with that beautiful form. There is so much more value in meditating on God’s form and attributes rather than on one’s own breath, candle flames etc.


From this spark of light emanates an oval aura as a candle flame emerges from a point source and assumes an oval form. Mystics and saints throughout the ages have had visions of God as this point of self-luminous light with an oval aura.

Most Religions have images, idols or memorials, bearing one name or the other to represent God as light or as an oval shape. Throughout India there are remembrances of God in this oval-shaped image. They are called Shiva-lingas. They are thought to be phallic symbols but actually they represent the Creator Himself. The names of the temples of Shiva attest to this: Somnath, the Lord of nectar; Vishwanath, the Lord of the Universe; Muktheshwara, the Lord of Liberation.

In the Old Testament, Moses had a vision of light as a “burning” bush in the desert. Jacob, after having a dream-vision of a ladder ascending to Heaven, with angels going up and down, took the stone he was using for pillow, set it up right, and began pouring oil onto it in adoration. It was oval shaped. St. Paul had a vision of light on the road to Damascus. Jesus referred to God as light, while Guru Nanak, the founder of Sikhism called Him ”Ek Omkar” the one incorporeal Being. In some Christian ceremonies (Benediction, consecration of the Eucharist) during the proceedings, an Ostensorio is held up. It is a golden ball with many rays emanating from it. Perhaps even without knowing it, this is a representation of God.

According to Islamic legend, when Adam left paradise, he came to a low hill upon which he saw a shining white oval stone. Around this stone he circled seven times praising God. He then built the Kaaba. By the time of Abraham, it needed to be rebuilt as a temple to honour the one God. The town of Mecca grew around this spot. This oval stone later called Sang-e-aswad and now blackened by the kisses of millions of sinners, so they say, is the only object of worship in the whole of Islam.

The Zoroastrians worship God as fire, the ancient Egyptians worshipped the sun as God. A Buddhist sect in Japan focuses the mind on a small oval shape; they call it Karni the peace giver. The Jews have the Menorah which when lit is in memory of this form.

It seems therefore that human beings, without realizing have all been worshipping and trying to discover the same God. There is only one God and His form is light. If union between the Soul and the Supreme Soul is to take place, it can only be possible if there is knowledge of that form.


Anything that has form has a name, so too, God has a name. There are as many names for God as there are languages, and each name highlights one of His specialties, but there is one name that perhaps describes Him best.

When a human Soul takes a body, it is the body that bears the name and not the Soul. God’s name is eternal and is based on His attributes and functions. The Sanskrit work “Shiva” describes Him accurately. All the meanings of “Shiva” spell God. It means benefactor, father, the seed of creation and point-source, also implies that there can be no other creator above Him. So this word describes His form as a point and His role as a benefactor and the seed of the human world tree.

The word “Shiva” is the introduction to God, but in meditation another word is more applicable. The word is “Baba” or “Father” (literally Daddy, Dad or Abba) which conveys the closeness and the sweetness of the relationship I have with Him. So the words “Shiva Baba” convey His role and my relationship with Him. “Shiva” is not to be confused with the figure in Hindu mythology that is also called “Shankar”


Where does God live? Is there somewhere I can go to see Him, to be with Him? Since God is one individual Soul and is a star-like point of light, it is obvious that He does not pervade the physical universe. In fact He is beyond it. He is in one location and when I discover that location, I can send my mind to Him wherever I am and whatever I am doing.


The “home” of the Soul, as was discussed is a region of subtle, golden-red light, which can be visualized during meditation. It is from here that the human Souls come to take on physical bodily forms. God, the Supreme Soul, does not possess His own body. Just as my real home is the Soul world, it is also the home of “Shiva-Baba”, the Supreme Soul. It doesn’t mean that He is millions of light years away from us. I can reach Him in one thought, just as a correctly addressed letter reaches the place to which it is sent. He is only one thought distant from me. In this region of absolute stillness, silence and purity, God, the Supreme Soul is able to remain perfectly stable, constant and unchanging. While the rest of the universe and the Souls are changing around Him. The Father’s home is also that of the children. Some people think that God dwells in the heart of the human beings, in a figurative way He does, but only as a memory. What we think to be God within us is really just our eternal and unforgettable impressions of Him. His real Home is the Soul world.


On the basis of our similarities of form and abode, I learn from God of my own original attributes of Peace, Purity, Knowledge, Power and Bliss. As I can now tune my thoughts to Him, His influence will begin to emerge these original qualities in me. He is the perfect and infinite fountain of these qualities, indeed, the ocean of these qualities. His superiority lies in the depth, sharpness and continuity of His attributes. Whilst, human Souls fluctuate between qualities, such as, peace and peacelessness; love and conflict; knowledge and ignorance; agony and ecstasy. God is ever constant.

He remains beyond the fields of change and relativity. Let us now discuss certain concepts about God held by human beings.


It is said that God knows the details of every atom and every thought in the universe. Let us consider this statement.

Firstly we can see that it is because of the knowledge that God has that He is the ocean of love, the ocean of peace, etc. It is because of ignorance and lack of understanding that human Souls enter into sorrow. Understanding the world does not necessarily mean to know every detail of the movement of every single leaf or every single molecule. All that is required is to understand the conditions through which things pass. One of the basic beliefs of Christians is that “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God...” This means that He is the embodiment of knowledge. It is believed that it was by the “Word” that “He created man in His own image” Let us see the Spiritual significance of this.

God creates the knowledge. Being the wisest of all, He has the power to change the intellects of human Souls. The knowledge that He has is as much as is necessary to perform His task. By imparting to us the knowledge of Himself, the Creator, and the beginning, the middle and the end of creation. We are then able to appreciate this vast world drama in the way that He does. Then we can emerge our true qualities of love, peace, bliss etc. The laws of nature will automatically take care of the details of nature, as the laws of cause and effect (Karma) will take care of the details of the human life. In order for Him to perform His work as creator it is just not necessary for Him to know our every thought, our every secret. He knows and accepts that everything that happens is part of an eternal, predestined drama that He did not create but, in which He finds Himself the principal actor.

Thus He is able to be the true altruist. Human actions whether good or bad, are dictated by self-concern, whereas God has nothing to gain, because He is complete in all respects. He is the perfect “blueprint” of Spirituality. He alone has the right give the knowledge regardless of human arguments. His knowledge is purely spiritual.


All those who accept the reality of God believe that He is all powerful. It is believed that He can do anything and everything, that He is some sort of a cosmic magician, who first of all created this vast universe from nothing and continues to manipulate its workings whenever He chooses. It is thought that all that has been, is and will be is created and controlled by God. Some go far as to say that the total cosmos is the mind of God. As we discussed earlier, God’s relationship to the world and the human Souls has been a constant point of dispute. His intelligence and purpose have been hotly debated for centuries. Let us refer again to His own introduction.


Firstly He tells us there are three distinct and eternal operative realities each giving its own powers and functions. There is God, there are Souls and there is matter or nature. They are all separate but work together to produce the scenes of creation.

Secondly, there two fields of existence: the physical and the metaphysical. Both fields act, react and interact to produce this incredible, universal drama of which we are all a part, including God. On the physical level there is the interaction between Souls and matter which produces all phenomenal events. On the metaphysical there is the interaction between Souls and God, the remembering and forgetting of Him, which give the interesting plots and by-plots to the movement of events that we call world history.

Thirdly, God neither created Himself, nor human Souls, nor matter. As we more deeply understand the law of cause and effect, (will be discussed later) we can see the impossibility of God being the literal physical creator of the world and the human beings. God in fact has no direct influence on nature. It is not He who throws lightning bolts at people, kills or grants babies, make airplanes crash, causes earthquakes, floods and rainbows. This is the play between human Souls and matter directly. The laws of nature are not the laws of God. He teaches us His laws; we learn them, but forget them. God has been considered to be so great, so beyond comprehension. For the things that human beings cannot understand there is the automatic phrase “It is the will of God. Everything is the will of God” or I’ll be here next week, God-willing”

How is it that although we say; “God is beyond comprehension” we can also say what His will is? The so called sophisticates of the world laugh at the absurdity of a group of natives who believe that a volcano explosion was the result of the wrath of an angry god within the mountain, whilst at the same time they try explain such an explosion as an “act of God”.

If God is the ocean of love, surely His will is the manifestation of that love. It is not His will to kill people, nor is it His power to bring them back to life. It is not He who makes the grass grow and the wind blow. It is not He who is the energy that binds the atoms together. It is not He who gives us our roles. It is because we have misunderstood His omnipotence that we seek His favour in the churches and temples: “Grant us this…” “God forgive me…” and so on. Though we flatter Him to give this and that, when something goes wrong, or a relative dies, He is the one who is blamed, “it is the will of God” is solemnly intoned by everyone.

There are certain immutable laws which govern the interplay of Souls, God and nature. God makes no exception to these laws which revolve around karma or cause and effect. God will not infringe those laws. He will not grant favours to some and not to others. Nor will He remove sin unless the devotee himself makes the efforts necessary. He is immune to both flattery and defamation.

God’s greatness lies not in the ability to interfere with the events when He chooses; it lies in the fact that He alone is the only one in the universe who upholds those laws perfectly and forever. His might is purely spiritual. The Supreme Father, Supreme Soul, uses His “potency” for the benefit of the world. He uses His qualities to transform it when it reaches extreme degradation.

Human Souls come to this world and little by little, through birth and rebirth lose their original powers through the contact with and influence of matter. Because of losing their qualities, matter starts to “dominate” and this reflects the defects and weaknesses in the Soul summed up in the phrase “body-consciousness”. It is not that matter acquires some power over the Soul. It is just that the Soul itself loses purity and strength and the Soul begins to serve matter. Values change, virtues change into vices (or rather the perverted or impure form virtues are called vices) the Spiritual, and consequently physical, atmosphere becomes darker and darker. In this obscurity which we ourselves create, we rightly believe that God is the one who can help set things right.

According to His own teachings, God reveals to us our total responsibility for what we and our world have become, and He offers Himself as the source of all virtue and wisdom. By direct contact with Him, we truly bring about the transformation of the world.





Is it really possible that the Supreme Soul pervades the entire universe? The ancient sages of India used to say “Neti Neti” (not this not this) when asked about the identity of God, whereas their more recent counterparts have been claiming that God is everything and everywhere and even in human beings. The statement “Nothing except God exists, He is everywhere” may reflect the heights of mystical poetry, but to interpret that as a literal fact is another thing altogether. The feeling “O lord, wherever I am, Thou art with me...” certainly indicates a filial closeness between the Souls and God, but to twist the meaning of that into “God is everywhere” is more than slightly unreasonable. The sun is in one place, yet its influence can be felt throughout the solar system to different degrees in different places. The closer one is to the sun, the greater the effect you could not say that the sun is omnipresent. Its effect is throughout, but the sun itself is one place providing a source of heat and light, absolute essentials for our physical life. The sun, in order to be a source, need not be omnipresent and of course it is not.

In the same way God, the one who is the ocean of perfect attributes, the source of all Spiritual needs, does not have to be omnipresent in order to be that source and indeed He is not, As stated earlier, He is in one place, the Soul world, and it is the location we have been seeking for our past many lives. Yet at the same time He can be with us wherever we are because the feelings of closeness to God are something that is beyond physical dimensions.

If God is considered to be physically or literally omnipresent and thus permeating every atom, several questions arise. Where are his qualities if He is omnipresent? Where are the love, peace, joy and wisdom permeating from every atom? Are those qualities evident everywhere in this human world? It is said, “He is there, but there is a curtain of ignorance and illusion (Maya) separating us from Him” or “Our intellects are too imperfect to realize this”

Please, I can go on to another page to show God is not omnipresent, and also there is so much more to show who God is, but I believe what I have already written would suffice to understand God.

As for why we suffer, I will have to continue later on, as for one thing that too will go into several pages, it is on “Cause and effect” (Karma)

Secondly what I have written already may be too long to read in one sitting, but if anyone wishes to know more about “omnipresence” do let me know, I will be happy to write what I have not written.

Fr. Hugh, I shall also write something with regard to your second email on “Salvation” when I continue on “Cause and effect”

God bless you all


PS; Shall send this too with the loop for easy reference to what was written in the past.







Rehan fernando

Priest at parish of Boston

3 年

He is he ....he is


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