Who Gets To Decide?
Suzanne Brydon
Award Winning Life Coach, Communications & Body Language Expert. Master your thoughts, words & body language, to create impact, be confident in your actions & decisions, & REALLY LIVE LIFE being back in control.
Life Happens!
Fate Happens!
Good Things Happen!
Bad Things Happen!
Nothing Is Linear!
Everything Happens For A Reason!
How often have you thought any of the above, or heard someone say any of these?
Now I'm not talking about making everything all about sunshine and rainbows here, because sometimes really bad stuff happens and we should not erase our feelings when they do, such as loss, grief, upset and hurt. We are allowed to feel that we have been completely emptied.
However, when something "not quite that bad" happens, we can often feel ourselves get upset or?stressed and we start to see a negative spiral in our thoughts and suddenly we're imagining the worst-case scenario. We might then tell ourselves?"Life happens" or "It must have happened for a reason!" to try and comfort ourselves and break the cycle of negativity.
Who says this is how we should react? Who decided that it was just life throwing us a curve-ball and we must now change direction or our thoughts? Who gets to decide this?
Quite often we let the situation dictate to us!
When in fact, if we really stop to analyse this, we can actually take back the control. We can stop other things controlling us, telling is what to do, or which direction to take! We can react differently!
Life is not a linear journey where we just move from one thing to the next. We have the power to stop, breathe, and think! We can often choose our reaction. Often we may make a snap judgement and our brain puts us in auto-pilot and we present the first reaction that comes to mind. However, by taking just an extra minute or so, we could choose to react differently and in a way that feels more comfortable and where we are more in control.
Just because in that moment,?something feels negative,?like it's final, or that it will affect us forever in a bad way, doesn't mean it has to. With a bit of different thinking than we are perhaps used to, by asking ourselves is it really the end, does this really have to stop me, or do I really have to go another way, means that we could potentially find a good outcome, maybe something easier, maybe something quicker, maybe to a place where there is even more positivity than we first thought.
We can't always stop things from happening, but we can certainly try to react and behave in a way that shapes the future more to our liking!
It's all about having the?CLARITY, CONFIDENCE & CONTROL.
These have huge power over how we?shine, what we?"get done," and our stress levels. We can come out of a situation feeling like the better person, feeling like we have had a say and feeling like yes we've been tested but we know our own strength!
Next time life tries to upset you, disrupt your progress or make you feel weak, that 's the time to stand up,?regain clarity, take back?control and show just how confident you really are!
News & Updates For You
So we now find ourselves in?April and fingers crossed?Spring is just around the corner!
Sadly my Birthday celebrations are over, but a fab time was had by all!!?
Do you remember I?said Mr B had got me tickets to the theatre and it would get me singing and dancing? Well it did! We went to see "I should be so lucky!" and I?pretty much sang and danced along?to every song! It was so much fun!!?
There were also a few meals, some cocktails, balloons and ice cream cakes involved in the celebrations!?Thank you also for all of my?birthday messages, it was very much appreciated.?
So now Spring is approaching, it's the time?when I start to really focus in the Summer months ahead, the plans I'm making in the business and the plans Mr B & I are making outside of work.
Have you got clear on your Summer months and what you want to get done over the coming few months? Now is the perfect time to start adding more details to those plans!
One of your more immediate plans will probably be to do with Easter Eggs! Did you get any? Did the children get any? Did you hide any that you've still not found? I hate to say it, but I'm not a massive chocolatey person, so I have one egg and then move to the?hot cross buns! I usually make loads and this Easter was no exception!
My niece is obsessed with those little eggs that have the toy inside, that you used to have to build, but?now they come already made but with a QR code that you can scan with your phone and watch a mini film about your toy! She'll be 5 in a few weeks and she still remembers last year when Auntie Suzanne kept finding these eggs around the town and the house! She still asks me now?if I've found more, and usually I?have. Trust Auntie Suzanne to dream up such a story, which means I have to keep remembering to pack a few in my bag!
Speaking of family, Mr B and I managed to get up to Scotland to see family, and although it was only for a few days we managed to pack a lot in, even going to support my brother in law in a theatre production he was in. For those that listened to my podcast - he's the GP and he mentioned this performance in our episode.
But now for the really exciting news......
I am now a Presenter on Bedford Radio!?
I will be hosting the Drivetime show every Thursday, from 4-6pm. So if you love music from the 80's, 90's and now, and would love a bit of company, then just tune in!!!
I am so excited to be doing this and I?hope you'll join in with me by singing and?dancing along, in?your office, your kitchen or in the car!
And in other news.....
I'm also planning my" sunflower seed planting extravaganza" - I call it that as I think last year we planted over 100 seeds and when we replanted them outside once they were a bit more established, most actually grew. So it seems to be a tradition now, and I grow sunflowers from the seeds of the previous year's flowers. I'm not much of a gardener but give me some pots, some bulbs and maybe some bushes, trees and power tools and I'm happy!
I'm also trying to break up my weight training and HIIT with some runs outside - thank goodness for good music and engaging podcasts, as running without them is not a good idea!
I'm really loving how determined everyone seems to be right now with their goals, their dreams, their work, their personal life etc. Having the time and space to think is amazing but then actually being able to take steps to progress things into a reality is just wonderful. This is a reason why I set up my online Accountability Sessions. These are a quick and effective way to get inspiration, boost motivation, and yes I'm going to say my catch phrase again.. "Get Stuff Done!"
So if you want in and "Get Stuff Done" just hit the link below:
In other news, my mentees are now starting to think about their work experience placements, what they'll be doing and how they think they'll get on. It's pretty much one of their first experiences of the adult world and of work. Currently they're all feeling a mix of nerves and excitement. Do you remember your work experience? Did you find it a nervous time or were you keen to get going and see what was out there?
I'm also still doing some online speaking events and training, as well as my coaching. It's great to be able to mix things up, so if you think I can?help with your event, or you'd like me to chat at your workplace, then just give me a shout.
And as always, you'll see that I have another fabulous episode of my podcast out and you can listen to it at the end of this letter.
Don't forget that my Power Hours are still available too!
If you're ready to have?your own?empowering and transformational?60 minutes, like my clients and those attending my events, then click the light bulb to book your "Power Hour" now...
You too can regain?clarity and confidence and put yourself back in control!
And if you're not quite ready for a Power Hour or full on coaching session then you'll love?my workbook.
Having something to write in and refer back to helps you really get to grips with your thoughts, feelings and ideas. It can guide you to create an action plan and?make the most out of the weeks and months ahead.?
If you haven't grabbed it yet then don't miss out, click the picture below and secure your copy today!
Episode 4 of Season 2 of "Is That What You Think?" Is Out Now!
This episode is all about finding your passion, striving for balance and staying positive through life's challenges. We discuss Amy's move into her career of a permanent makeup artist and tattoo artist and how she handles those little negative thoughts we all get. We learn where she gets her motivation, who inspires her and what would happen when she gets into my imaginary spaceship which transports her into the future.
We obviously find out Amy's favourite sandwich, which I too LOVE, it's one of my favourites! Plus we discover what she'd steal, and what makes her a grounded and lovely human being!
Amy passes on invaluable tips and advice for life, so I know you will love listening to Amy. This episode is out now on all the platforms, so just pick your favourite one, or click the podcast?below to listen now!
New episodes of my podcast will be out on the 1st of every month so follow the show now so you never miss an episode!
Anyway, It's time for me to leave, but remember if you want to book in or just have a chat over a?coffee - in person or online, then just let me know!
Until next month.....
Wishing you a month of progress & positivity mixed with passion & power! Suzanne