Who is the esports fitness coach?Let's see what this figure does and what he or she needs to know to be successful
Giuseppe Cappai
Personal Trainer e Coach online, I help people improve their lifestyle
By now, it is a fact that technological innovation is changing many aspects of our lives, especially the world of work.
For the uninitiated, esports are electronic sports, i.e. video game competitions at a professional level.?
These competitions are considered sports to all intents and purposes; suffice it to say that video gamers, just like traditional sportsmen, have to devote hours and hours to training to improve their skills.
The importance of this sector has allowed such competitions to be considered at the opening of the Olympics!
Precisely for this reason, a specialised professional figure will be needed to train the gamer.
Why the need for a new professional figure?
The most important factor is certainly the constant practice of the game, just like in traditional sport.
In this case, we are talking about tactical preparation, by a coach specialised in the esport in question who has the task of optimising the gamers' skills.
But is this the only factor that allows performance improvement?
This improvement has several components, and it is therefore important to recognise that psychological and physical aptitudes play a significant role.
Let's consider that a gamer, in an official competition, spends hours and hours in front of his screen, fighting against strains on the muscles and tendons involved, stressed by the continuous repetition of certain gestures.
The gamer's preparation
Here then are the 3 most important points to consider for optimal gamer preparation:
Tactical preparation
Physical preparation
Muscle training, cardio, mobility, specific training and nutrition.
Mental preparation
Stress management, goal setting and emotion management.
I will not discuss tactical preparation because it is the task of a specialised coach to consider these aspects, and not a fitness coach.
My focus is instead on physical preparation.
We must first consider those subjective factors that differentiate pro-players from each other, analyse them, and improve what we can.
We can then consider some general guidelines that all gamers have in common with regard to physical preparation.
General musculature training
Keeping one's muscles active is not only for aesthetic purposes; in the case of a gamer, it is important to train the muscles with possibly 'total body' exercises, no less than three times a week with the aim of stimulating the body through a progressive increase in workload.
The general level of well-being will increase and mood will improve due to the release of endorphins.
Cardiovascular training
Practising cardio activity, such as a run or a walk, is especially important for those individuals who have a sedentary lifestyle.
Considering that professional gamers spend hours and hours exercising in a sedentary manner, we have to consider the aerobic work necessary in most subjects.
In addition, the constant practice of cardio allows better blood circulation, and many other benefits.
Mobility (postural) training
Giving proper importance to posture means that the gamer prevents many ailments that could compromise his or her performance.
In fact, certain paramorphisms (incorrect postural attitudes that cause long-term damage to the body) can be combated by modifying incorrect posture, and by using specific stretching techniques.
Specific training
Analysing the pro-player's activity, we can see that a lot of work must be done on the joint and tendon mobility of the hand.
One must improve the mobility of the phalanges (the fingers), and try to strengthen the carpal tunnel, but also the flexor and extensor muscles of the forearm as they are used constantly during a game.
In this regard, there are many exercises in hand rehabilitation that should be a routine for the professional gamer.
In fact, it is important not only to improve the movement capacity of the fingers and the endurance of the hand muscles, but also to prevent problems such as carpal tunnel syndrome, or wrist pain in general.
There are balls in the medical field specifically for rehabilitating the hand, and other tools that can be useful for the gamer.
Another routine a professional gamer should adhere to is undoubtedly the rehabilitation massage for the hand: this practice is recommended after playing, and is important for all the anatomical zones that make up the hand (carpal area, metacarpus and phalanges).
The nutritional aspect also plays an essential role in improving performance.
I would like to point out that this part of the article (in particular the vitamins and supplementation section) was developed with the collaboration of the nutritionist I work with.
As we know, a proper diet promotes concentration, helps to optimise energy management, and also prevents diseases such as obesity.
Let us therefore analyse those nutritional factors that can be important for a professional gamer:
Constantly drinking water creates benefits for the entire organism. In particular, it increases concentration and reaction time, which are crucial for a gamer.
Pre-competition nutrient management
Considering that in a competition gamers need to keep their concentration high, it is important to eat foods that avoid drowsiness.
One should therefore avoid carbohydrate-rich meals (especially those with a high concentration of sugars), preferring meals rich in protein (meat, fish and eggs above all), and unsaturated fats (found particularly in almonds, walnuts, peanuts and other vegetable seeds, or oils).
Post-race nutrient management
On the contrary, after the competition it is important to take in carbohydrates that were not previously introduced through the diet, considering that this nutrient positively affects sleep, which is an aspect often lacking in gamers.
Also consider that one must optimally balance all 3 macronutrients (protein, carbohydrates and fat) for optimal body composition.
Vitamins are of considerable importance for our physical well-being.
In the case of professional gamers, we can see problems with eye health.
The intake of vitamin A (contained in: carrots, spinach, broccoli, peas, peppers, parsley, pumpkin) but also vitamins B2 (contained in: liver, nuts, hazelnuts, barley, peas, beans, eggs, milk), C (citrus fruits, most fruits and vegetables) and E (vegetable oils, wheat germ, almost all seeds, eggs, green vegetables, liver, milk, nuts, peas, legumes and whole grains) which help to keep the eyes healthy.
Another essential vitamin, which is particularly lacking in gamers, is vitamin D.
On average, a gamer has a vitamin D deficiency, mainly due to low exposure to sunlight. The latter synthesises vitamin D, which is biologically very important and equally important for mood.
According to the pro-player's main nutritional deficiencies, supplementation with caffeine (to keep concentration levels high) and tyrosine (precursor of adrenalin and noradrenalin, equally important during an official match) could be useful.
The intake of Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium and Potassium should also not be overlooked: these micronutrients are important from a biological point of view, and prevent those involuntary muscle contractions (cramps) that can compromise performance.
In conclusion to the discourse on athletic preparation, we can sum up by saying that training a professional gamer means improving his or her weak points.
Sticking to certain guidelines, such as working on the general musculature with a total-body training programme (thus training most muscle districts every single time), and combining this with a part relating to postural care and a part relating to cardiovascular training.
It is equally important to train the gamer in relation to the specific movements he or she performs on a daily basis, devoting time to specific exercises to best train the hand and forearm, thus preventing possible injuries.
It could be important to have the help of a nutritionist who takes into account the subjective dietary deficiencies present in gamers, and without a shadow of a doubt the presence of a coach capable of developing the subject's psycho-physical potential.
Giuseppe 'Peppe' Cappai