Cogo Capital
Private Money Lender for Real Estate Investors | Broker Training & Education
Real estate investing is the most accessible road to wealth. Some invest as a hobby/passion and others as a means to experience and do the things they love. What differentiates those that make it and those that don’t? It’s resilience, connections, work ethic, industry education level and sometimes it just comes to the simple day to day. To be successful using private money to fund your real estate project, you must begin to change your physical and mental environment.
What Happens Behind The Closed Door Is Your Make Or Break
When setting yourself up for success, habits are a great place to start. Assess your day-to-day actions, tendencies and focuses to begin making some promises. Read books like: The Power of Habit, to help you identify the “little” things that may be holding you back. Shape your environment – purging your life of negative and downtrodden influences.
When you choose to devote yourself to your future and more dream-like present (reality), make your promises known. State your financial promise to yourself and your family. Write it down and put it out there- somewhere you will see every day at your home or office.
5 essential ways to get you on the right track to Success and Wealth
Listen and Learn, Learn, Learn
When’s the last time you read a book? What do you listen to when you are in the car? Surround yourself with positivity. Buy some motivational cds, listen to motivational podcasts or audiobooks and read business books. Fill your brain with knowledge and your spirit with confidence. Check out our bookshelf for some life changing reads and get some inspiration.
Surround Yourself with Successful People
“Really great people make you feel that you, too, can become great.” Mark Twain
How do the people you surround yourself with make you feel? Do you need to distance yourself? Are others encouraging of your vision? There are like-minded, success oriented people out there that you need to surround yourself. When you surround yourself with constructive, active people, the air is lighter and your path less obstructed. Get out in the community, join groups and organizations and in the process of surrounding yourself with positivity, you’ll be given the opportunity to network and build your business.
Visualize Success
Define what you want. Don’t use abstract terms like success, wealth or expensive things when it comes to defining your dream. If you want to live in a certain house, put a picture of it in your office. If you want to drive a certain car, give it a make, model and color. Write a check to yourself with the figure you want to make this year. Look at it everyday.
Michael Phelps used to do visualize his race everyday. Every stroke, the wake behind his body, diving in, ripping his cap off at the end. He did it so many times that when race-day challenges arose (like his goggle failure), he could push through, relying on his visualization techniques, and ultimately winning a world record because of them.
Make Success A Habit
When you notice what is working for you, make those actions habitual. If you have habits that interfere with your success, remove them. The Power of Habit, by Charles Duhigg, can help you identify little habits that may interfere with your big picture.
Climb Out Of Your Comfort Zone
“Rich people see opportunities. Poor people see obstacles. Rich people see potential growth. Poor people see potential loss. Rich people focus on the rewards. Poor focus on the risks.” –from Secrets of The Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker
Many see real estate and private money as risky. Therefore, they don’t reap the benefits of investing. When you are starting out, you need to make sure you have the education and background to avoid basic mistakes. Real estate is not rocket science, but it can be an art. Instead of looking at all the problems, you need to see the opportunities.
Can you afford to not make an extra $50k-$500k this year?
There is more opportunity right now to build wealth in real estate than in the past 75-years. Do some soul searching, articulate your promises and goals and educate yourself for the ride ahead. Enter the game with confidence, know-how and gumption. If you put in the time and appropriate effort, you will see success.