Who are "They"?
Dominic Sedrani
Government ID verified real human not using AI to write anything. Very diverse career from hands-on to top management in digital and organisational changes since Y2K. Firestarter and Keymaker
It's always the same ones you know.
Aliens , demons, chinese , americans, russians, christians, muslims, jews, mouthbreathers, yuppies, genders, narsiccists, criminals, thiefs, AI's and humans, ...
I havent got a clue who you think they are. And it's a word we use a lot without anyone realizing you're not talking about the same thing.
But actually you are...
Are you trying to figure out who is doing what?
It's simple.
It's always the master of time who wins.
When a game of chess is reduced to a game of Go... you are no longer playing it.
Positive and negative.
Your mind is complex , the total sum of interactions between individuals in a society is complex , a government is complex.
Your life is complex.
Once the average of all the pieces is negative... all their interactions are negative , and the results of what they do together is negative.
Wether they understand the game they are in or not.
It's not about understanding which game you are in. It's about what you are playing. And who.
If you always play others... the game will play you.
If you always play WITH others... you will play the game.
And if you wonder why it's always your access to books that needs to be either simply burned... or that you can only reach them through lenses , screens, videos , immersions and drugs... or basically... just a whole lot of negative interactions so you literally don't want to hear another word in your mind again...
Then your mind turns into a pawn.
Positive or negative.
If you never take time , you will never have time. And time will take you.
Who is telling you what time it is , and how much of it you have left?
At some point , you simply forget there was ever a time to choose.
But you like it... because they just said GO! and that escape... is straight into their wallet. Straight into their fire.
Who are "they" ?
The average of your interactions with those around you. Has it been positive? Or negative?
Whatever you choose... "They" will do that to you.
There is no "they" ... there is only what you do , think, and the consequences of it. This isn't a "universal truth" ... just pure logic. It's your opinion remember? the only thing you actually have control over... but "they" tell you that "they" should teach you an opinion?
(And then you literally , loose your mind, you loose your space , and you loose time. )
Being positive makes time. Being negative takes time.
This applies to your personal behaviour and the game with other individuals.
This applies to all organisations that those humans work together in. Your business , your community , your government , your world.
just... make... time.
Problem solved.