The biggest problem with all this situation is that a country consider their own property something that has been inherited fro their ancestors and claim it by issuing pride and Nationalism,
But is a country or part of it really yours when that proportion of it is inhabited by approx 80% by people that don’t consider themselves part of your culture or want to retain their ancestors culture and language ?….
Our planet during history has fought battles to claim either willing or willing in most cases invaded the land, imposed their culture by force.
The land doesn’t belong to anybody, it is use temporally by people who share customs , languages and traditions and with this multiculturalism feel comfortable sharing this together.
When a land is occupied by a proportion of people from different cultures, traditions and languages it is the duty of such country to adapt their own culture allowing the other to feel comfortable within permitting to speak other languages as well as your own and maintaining their culture and customs.
When a country finds itself as is the case of many worldwide and the most classical case of India you don’t prohibit but amalgamate all these cultures in one country permit, foment and allow diversity making everyone feel at home.
What would happen if India started prohibiting its own citizen to speak their ,coal language or stop listening to their local music or discriminate one region against the other in terms o f jobs, salary or movement.
Looking at the biggest democracy on Earth no surprise to see India be the country of meditation and Gurus but also the country in which everyone feel at home.
We have a lot of examples worldwide but in order to bring this close to Europe let’s look at Switzerland with their 3 Cantons, the German, the French and the Italian living all together, speaking three languages and different cultures, customs and traditions. Wouldn’t we all like to be the Swiss, one of the richest country n the word with one of the highest standard of living, neutral and able to stay together as a country by a Voluntary Confederate State.
What you all think would happen if one Canton would prohibit the other to speak their own language ? or impose a criteria whereby one Canton would have a preference over the other? Probably the consequence would be the breaking of such confederations and maybe a war.
Lets look at another country that it’s not a confederate state but a country with 24 regions with five Regions that have a special Status including a different language. This is Italys where Regions like Sardinia , Sicily, Friuli, Trentino and Valle D’ Aosta speak other languages because of their location to nearby countries French (Valle d’Aosta), Slovenian/German (Trieste/Trentino)Friuli (German) Sicilian, Sardinia speaks its own language but does not stop a little place called Alghero to speak Catalan nor in the Campania Region nobody stops a little Area with majority of Albanians to stop using their language and keep their traditions.with special status and use their own language.
During the Fascist period with Mussolini all other languages where prohibited but that was Nationalist Fascism not Democracy.
Let’s look at Spain the land of 17 Communities and four official languages , Basque ,Catalan, Galician and Castilian Spanish.
There are a lot of Nationalists in these special Autonomous regions and the Region of Catalonia has been asking for independence for a long time. The Basque Country has a very special status inclusion in taxation, with their own police force language and Government. During the period of Democratic State Spain never thought to deprive any of these Autonomous regions of their own language and keep their own traditions and festivities or culture. Deprive a smaller part of your country only because you have the biggest share it’s discrimination .
During the Franco Dictatorship this occurred but it was not a democracy not anybody pretended Spain to be one it was Fascism that it is the cancer of any society.
Nationalism and extreme right claim to One Land, One State, One Language is Fascist and racist, xenophobic, must be prohibited to prosper as it is the Cancer that instills violence of one culture over another. Following the order of supremacy from one culture only and denying the right of its own citizens whose land belong to them as much as to you is National Socialism, a faithful disciple of Fascist ideals promoted by a Tyrant like Mussolini.
2 年Thank you for the interesting article. The issue is that SILOS has been created together with borders instead of harmony and cooperation. I do believe WASTELESS WORLD will eliminate many if not all