Who do you want to be : Ram or Shyam?
Preeti Zende
Founder : Owner of Apana Dhan Financial Services, SEBI Registered Investment Advisor and Fee-only Financial Planner
Today let me share with you one story. You may find the insight from it. This is an old story. Many years ago, there was a village on the bank of a river. There is another village on the other bank of the river. At that time no one had to move from one village to another. Everyone was satisfied with whatever they got in their village. Somehow people's days were passing, but 2 young men from the village often think what was going on in the village on the other side. They have a curiosity in their mind. They want to explore that place some or the other day.
There was no rain in the village for 2 consecutive years. Food shortages began to increase. Men began to worry about their families. It was raining in another village. The fields were thriving. Hoping to find work there, these two young men decided to go to another village and check whether they can get any work. Ram and Shyam made a small wooden raft and decided to go on this with a rover. The riverbed was deep and it would take a long time to reach the other bank. They could swim but they had never travelled like that before. He had no means of security. Still, they decided to travel with courage. The next day, they took some food with them and set off on a raft. The water was calm but after a while, the strong wind started blowing and the raft started shaking. Shyam started telling Ram to go back. Ram said, "Oh, don't move, just sit tight on the raft." Shyam tried but he got scared as the wind started blowing harder. He asked Ram to bring the raft back to shore. Ram tried hard to explain but Shyam was not in the mood to listen. Ram brought him back to the shore. Shyam landed.
Ram said, "I am going. I have to reach the other shore. You come by another raft. When the wind stops, when everything is calm, get the raft in the river." Ram went ahead and slowly he disappeared. Shyam waited for the wind to stop. The wind slowed down. Shyam had a chance to move on but he was waiting for the wind to subside more. Then the wind calmed down even more. This was a great opportunity because the wind was blowing in the right direction. Shyam wanted to go in the same direction. But Shyam began to fear this low-speed wind too. Now the day came in the middle. The sun was overhead. The wind was very slow. This was the last chance for Shyam. Still, he kept thinking. Will the wind be less, will it blow harder again? if I start now, it would be dark in the middle, Ram went ahead, how can I go alone? if something happens to me then? Many questions, many thoughts. Some more time passed.
Now the wind stopped completely. With great courage, Shyam pushed the raft in the river. But now the wind was not blowing so he had to blow the raft harder. He began to whimper loudly. Slowly the darkness started spreading all around.. Suddenly the wind picked up again and now the wind started blowing in the opposite direction. Shyam was in the same situation again, but now Ram is not with him, No daylight.
Shyam had a BIG question in mind. What to do in the middle of the river?
You tell me what Shyam should do now? You decide, who do you want to be?
Shyam or Ram.
There has been a lot of wind blowing from March to today, a strong wind has come, it created havoc, the wind speed has decreased, the wind has stopped and started blowing the way you want.
Tomorrow wind may start blowing again, if your raft is in the water it may start shaking again. But if you hold the raft tight at that time, and you keep moving in the direction you want to go. you can reach another village when the wind stops.
There is no better/best time to invest in the stock market. It depends on your need, your financial goals, and your risk-taking ability. If you know how the share market behaves, how volatile it can be in short term, and if you can relate your risk-taking ability with the variation in equity you can go ahead anytime. But NEVER TRY TO TIME THE MARKET.