Who do you think you are?
Who do you think you are?
This is not just something individuals need to think about. What about the businesses we work for, lead and ultimately want to attract and retain talent to be part of. Is business focusing enough on who they are, who they want to be and what the journey looks like for those who are driving success?
I read an interesting article yesterday which talked about the emergence of 3 new business models business could fall into or drive towards being:
1. The Weightless Business – The definition of modern working? Embracing the gig economy, moving away from physical assets such as building/ equipment and focusing on R&D and intellectual property.
2. The Superstar Business – Personally I just LOVE this name – How positive and empowering does this sound?! Or does it to you? Companies that believe the ‘winner takes it all’ and everyone else is left in their wake. They are embracing technology and global networks to scale.
3. The Purposeful Business – Reportedly this is the company 90% of millennial’s want to work for. Companies that measure themselves by more than just profit, embrace a collation to lead decision making with input from employees and customers alike. Working to a wider value set than revenue.
Which company do you work for? Which company are you? Which company do you want to be? Which company do you want to work for? Are you doing anything about it if you are not where you want to be or the business you want to be?
Don’t pick the easy answer and say a mix of all 3!
So, who do you think you are?
Link to the article that got me thinking: