Who Do You Listen To?
Phoebe Fournier
Educator | Wellness Mentor | Life Mastery Consultant | Professional Speaker | Success Coach | Work-Life-Balance Educator
In today's world there are many voices with varied opinions and potential guidance, whether it's in your workplace, podcasts, posts, main stream media reports, trusted friends or even in our family. It can sometimes be confusing, would you agree?
In every area of your life, there is one consideration in selecting who you listen to in making decisions regarding your goals and aspirations, whether it is in your vocation, your health, your relationships or in your time and money freedom. The question to ask yourself is, "Has this person been where I am currently and are they now where I want to be or who I desire to be?"
Think about it! If you are struggling in a relationship, who will you listen to? Someone who has had a similar struggle and they now have a deep, loving relationship like you would love to have. If you are feeling stuck in your vocation, who do you listen to? The person who has been in a similar place in their career (they know how it feels) and are now where you would love to be! It sounds so simple and as wonderful as it is to find a mentor like that, there is one caveat.
You are a spiritual being having a human experience. You are more powerful than any condition, situation, or circumstance. I fervently believe that the answers you and I are seeking are within us and within our reach. Connecting to that power is The Ultimate Guide. You are the highest authority for you and listening to your intuition or as Gandhi and others called it "the still small voice." and acting on the guidance you receive will move you in the direction of your dream.
In the next issue, we will explore ways you can connect with the power within you. I would love to hear from any of you who have experienced a TUG, a thought or feeling when you listened for guidance. Please comment below.