Who do you choose?
How do we, at Full Circle Home, select who will be able to send their love to their moms, wives or other quiet heroes at home. Which troops are more deserving? Who needs to connect with their loved ones more? Why? What are the parameters? Age? New to deployments? Deployed multiple times? Children at home or newly married? An illness at home? Who… who deserves it more?
The thing of it is, it has nothing to do with any of that. And all of that. It simply comes down to who reaches out to us first, and then follows through on how it has to roll out. We would choose them all if we were able.
This holiday, we are committed to a unit of Marines plus a few smaller reserve units, a total of 1,000 troops. In a series of events, we opened Christmas up to an additional unit of 500, and had to rescind our offer. To me, this is almost unforgivable. I follow through on my commitments. Period. Find a way, make a way, but your word is what allows you to stand tall.
My name is Rebecca and my husband is currently deployed. Four days
before he had to leave to go overseas we found out we were going to
be having our first child together. When I opened up the package I
started to cry. I received the 12 days of Christmas package and
seeing a handwritten note from him just melted my heart. This holiday
season has been a bit of a struggle for me. This is our first
Christmas away from each other and all of our family are about 16
hours away. The package I received has been such a blessing. This
holiday season has been rough but receiving this has just reminded me
that people out there care. My husband and I are so grateful for all
that you do. I want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart.
I know a lot of time and effort went into the packages you sent out.
Words cannot describe how i feel. You have made our Christmas. Thank
you again for all you guys do.
Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year.
So here is me, finding a way, making a way.
I asked the chaplain to tell me about his unit. I wanted people to understand who are our troops. They could be your son or mine, daughters and spouses, parents and siblings. They are loved by someone we work with, or bank with, or who serves our family at a restaurant. And we usually don’t know who these quiet heroes are.
If we can raise $8,000, Full Circle Home can make this happen for soldiers of the Screaming Eagles, the 101st Airborne. Full Circle Home can help them send their handwritten love note and a beautiful box of gifts to their mom, wive or other special person. It might be a slightly abbreviated version, but it will be wonderful and lovely. I give my word. (To send the full 12 Days of Christmas would be almost 1/3 of our annual budget. But I've seen miracles like that come together before. Our first year, I had hoped to send 12 gifts sets and we were able to sent 150. I believe in possibilities!)
I’ll let Chaplain Aspinwall tell you about his troops, and why THEY deserve to be supported by Full Circle Home’s holiday program.
As the Task Force Eagle Assault Chaplain, I am proud to introduce the heroic men and women who make up our “unit.” We're not just deployed, but making a difference in the war with an important mission. When I think of the incredibly hard-workers troops we have, the lives they have saved, the enemies they have destroyed, and the missions they are accomplishing regularly, I am proud to serve them as chaplain.
We are the Screaming Eagles of the legendary 101st Airborne Division who have a “Rendezvous with Destiny.” We are Army Aviation: Apaches providing close air support for ground forces and devastating lethality to the enemies of freedom and justice; Blackhawks moving forces and supplies throughout Afghanistan for air assault operations, advisement missions, and Special Forces insertions; Medevac Blackhawks saving lives and evacuating the wounded to safety, surgery, and care; and Chinooks transporting large scale troop movements and equipment to destroy the Taliban and ISIS terrorists who still shout their threats against the United States. We are also the wrench-turning maintainers, working 12 hour shifts, 24 hours a day to keep these birds and the “Wings of Destiny” in the air. We have elements from 7 different battalions. While most of us are from the 101st, we also have elements from 4ID out of Fort Carson and 25ID out of Hawaii.
Our location is considered “an austere environment,” without a PX, MWR, USO or other amenities that are common at more established locations. We take combat showers due to water shortages and endure frequent rocket attacks. But our morale is high; our mission is clear; and our resolve is unwavering to support and defend the constitution of the United States against all enemies.
As chaplain, I can report the highest source of stress on our troops is concern for their families back home. The ability and opportunity bless our loved ones for Christmas would be a huge morale boost. If there’s anyway to make this happen, it would truly be appreciated.Very Respectfully,
Chaplain Klay Aspinwall TF Eagle Assault Camp Dahlke, Afghanistan
There are so many important causes that need our support. But without our volunteer military and all that they are willing to sacrifice to safeguard our country, many of those causes would simply be a luxury. How do you show your appreciation for our troops, and why? Are you relieved that your son or daughter chose a career that didn't put them in harms way? Or maybe someone you know DID choose that path, and you get it. Or maybe you simply understand that it's the right thing to do.
I invite you to join our community of supporters and show your gratitude! If you would like more of a hands-on team building experience, message me and I can tell you more. Please let the 101st Airborne, the Screaming Eagles know that we have their six.
I'll find a way or make a way. I'm keeping my word.