Restoring the faith, which was once delivered to the Saints and Equipping the 21st-Century Church
A must-read!
A young man in a supermarket decided to exchange the tags for the expensive clothes with those of cheap clothes and vice versa. So, people who came there weren't conscious that they were buying costly things cheap and cheap things expensive. Ponder!
Isn't that what the world system has done! The world's values are upside down. Valuable things are mostly devalued, and things of less value overrated. As a result, we are unconsciously paying much for cheap items and less for expensive things.
It is a situation that cuts across every aspect of life. For instance, when people are desperate, they turned to God, but how much do they value Him in their daily life?
How much do believers esteem their faith and the kingdom of God? Most times, it is but a mouth commitment with little or zero actual dedication.
Ask yourself, isn't it true that things that have to do with eternal life and God's kingdom agenda are treated disrespectfully? It seems we have to always plead with people for their salvation, investment in their development and others.
Some Christians' contribution to most retail shops has added one or more shops within a few years, but you can't see any meaningful and visible expression of their commitment to the things of eternal value.
When you spent $7000.00 and more for a vacation in an Island resort managed by people who don't care about God and would happily pay to watch Christians humiliated for their faith (you aren't brainwashed), but you are brainwashed for giving an offering of $200. 00 and a total annual kingdom contribution of $700.00 or less.
We are financing the world's system by patronizing it with all of our hearts and souls, but we groan and mourn because of a bit of commitment expected of us for the Lord's battle.
Who did this to us?
??The world system??
We have allowed the world to shape our values instead of the church shaping the world's values and culture with the kingdom of God. The things we should make as a priority are at the bottom of our scale of preference.
Aren't we keeping China afloat even though a nation that persecutes the saints with impunity? We are empowering God-haters but depleting the kingdom where we prefer to survive as parasites.
Sadly, most people will only realize how brainwashed they were by the world's system only when they close their eyes here and wakes in the world beyond.
May that not be your portion. May God give us eyes that see! We are at war, and it is outright stupidity to empower our killers. The wise will understand! May the Lord help us.
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