I have Googled myself, and this is what I found on Google—Amazon. Com https//wwwamazon.com David LG Wilson: books, biography, last update. Follow David LG Wilson and explore their biography (I am one person, not many.) from Amazon, com's David LG Wilson Author Page: A page I have not been able to access since LULU.com, my publisher, locked me out. My books are A World Without Black People and Random Thoughts. Today is July 31, 2023, and my books for which LULU.com has not paid me a cent are on sale on Thrift Books, Books Amillion, Good Reads, Bookshop org., AbeBooks, https//wwwabebooks—com, world, and Biblio.es.
Yes, David LG Wilson, the author of A World Without Black People and Random Thoughts, whose image is on the back of both books, was born in Grenada and is a US citizen. I thought that no one knew anything about me. Only to discover that my name is all over the globe, making money for a company, LULU.com. With $23,000,000 in revenue. Whenever I think about LULU's dishonesty, it irks me because the dollars from my books would have made life much easier. For me, the American Dream has been a nightmare. I never knew that the Capitalist way was such a cutthroat.
LULU.com dared to advertise their publishing company (the same one that refused to pay me) among the articles I wrote. What a slap in the face! However, as long there is breath in my body and I can find words to express my disgust, no power on earth can stop me from saying how dishonest LULU had been to me. As long as I live, if the proper restitution is not made, there will be occasional complaints of LULU's dishonorable behavior. I have been an investigator, and I want Lulu to know I can use that skill to locate every bookstore where Random Thoughts ISBN9781304354464 and A World Without Black People ISBN9781304209351 are sold worldwide.
Knowing LULU.Com's dishonesty and dishonorable behavior may cause the company to lose much more than LULU has stolen from me. I do not want to bore the people who read my writings, but it would be unfair to my sense of justice not to complain. As a young man I was taught that honesty is the best policy; unfortunately, in a fraudulent economic situation, that approach is not profitable. Therefore LULU.com, the company that has published my books, has chosen the latter. They have chosen to be morally bankrupt and financially secure by defrauding the little guy.
Having been an investigator, I do not take accusing anyone lightly. That is the reason I have taken the time to show the evidence. Anyone can use the evidence I provide and find out the truth. LULU.com has hurt me, and according to the BBB, the company has hurt others the same way. Why are they still operating as a publishing company? Are there laws to shut down such companies? My anger won't be assuaged. I will, from time to time, write to remind LULU.com of the ongoing theft of my intellectual property.
David LG Wilson