Who is DARPA? DRAPA stands for The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, it is a development agency withing the United States Department of Defense, DARPA is responsible for emerging technologies that are used by the U.S. military. The DARPA program was created on February 7, 1958, under President Dwight D. Eisenhower. The program was a collaboration of academic, industry, and governments partners, to facilitate research and development programs within technologies, science, and beyond theoretical frontiers, to make it become a reality for the immediate U.S. military requirements.

As DARPA and the U.S. Government was concern about the Cold War threat, officials within the U.S. needed a communications network for academic, industry, and governmental partners to communicate in real time, for research and development, to help facilitate the progress of innovative technologies for national defense and national security.

As DARPA/ U.S. and Europe began to work in collaboration to find ways of developing a networks or networks for reliable communications with the use of computers, and network servers as information hubs, the internet emerged in the early 1970’s. The only ones that had access to these new highway networks of information were the United States Government, universities, research science facilities, medial research facilities, Computer manufacturing companies, other various industries, one of them being the aerospace companies, and the military industrial complex in the U.S.

The internet highway was not known to the general public until the early 1990s, by 2020, approximately 4.6 billion people were using and conducting research, business, education, and all types of business. Of the eight billion people on Earth, 4.6 billion are using the internet, which is more than half of the world’s population. People in the world own more than 4.88 billion mobile phone users worldwide, which is 62.07% of the cell phone owners. A bit fact, that the current cell phone has more computing power than the Apollo spacecraft, and the cell phones had more computing power at the fingertips of cell phone owners, than Johnson NASA Mission Control in the 1960s!

Just imagine when the new super computers, known as quantum computing devices, will process information much faster, coupled with Artificial Intelligence (AI) will be capable of in the future. Personal business of people emailing around the world, and the new social media platforms emerged as the new way to communicate beside telephone land lines and cellular telephone services, even the new phase of working remote started to emerge on the internet.

The internet is no longer just governmental servers, the system has grown where there are tens of thousands or more servers, and everything is connected to what is now the World Wide Web (WWW). Do not let the World Wide Web (WWW) deceive you, yes, all the servers in operation today are connected, and again are not connected.

The WWW has five layers of the internet as follows: First layer is responsible in transmitting a single bit of 0 0r 1 over the network. The second layer is responsible for transmitting data between two hosts that have been linked with each other. An example is computer A and computer B. Third layer is responsible for routing data, to determine which pathway is best for data will travel. Fourth layer is the route of an end-to-end travel layers, and is responsible for internet communications from the source, and all the way to the ultimate destination, the computer receiving the data at the end.

This is where the multiplexing of multiple services, and servers, such as email servers on the World Wide Web. The Fifth layer is the application layer that provides the service to the users’ application to the web service, such as steaming movies, emails, network games, Voice over IP (VoIP) like Skype, Microsoft Teams, and many others, and so on. In short, we need layers of the internet for the vast number of computers, such as servers, desktops, laptops, tablets, and cell phones that can connect and operate on the World Wide Web.

The first DARPA networks of academic, industry, and governmental partners were the ones who laid the groundwork for the first network of the internet, that later flourished into the global network of the World Wide Web. DARPA was the agency that gave the birth of the internet to the world!






https://www.msn.com/ en-us/news/technology/what-is-darpa-the-rich-history-of-the-pentagon-s-secretive-tech-agency/ar-AA1eweFj?ocid=msedgntp&pc=U531&cvid=c9a38b23b8f34478904a0721f95eb416&ei=14


https://www.ibm.com/ topics/quantum-computing


https://www.bing.com/ search?pglt=41&q=how+many+people+own+cellphones+in+the+world&cvid=727774fd06354125be305d0c6f5d61e9&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIGCAEQABhAMgYIAhAAGEAyBggDEAAYQDIGCAQQABhAMgYIBRAAGEAyBggGEAAYQDIGCAcQABhAMgYICBAAGEDSAQkxMzY3MWowajGoAgiwAgE&FORM=ANNTA1&PC=WSEDDB


https://www.popularmechanics.com/ https://www.popularmechanics.com/










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